search for: articles

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11374 matches for "articles".

2007 Jul 19
Merb::Controller#url Usage
I have a question about the usage of Merb::Controller#url. When I have nested resources, requesting the new action works differently than I expected. I was wondering what the intended usage is. For example: Say I have r.resources :articles do |article| article.resources :article_attachments end irb(main):002:0> show_routes [:articles, "/articles"] [:article_attachments, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments"] [:article_attachment, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments/:id"] [:edit_ar...
2006 Jan 30
Howto change @article.article.headline to @article.headline ?
I have to actions: def index @articles = Article.find(:all, :conditions => "un_published != ''1''", :order => "created_on desc") end and def group id = params[:id] @articles = ArticleGroup.find(:all, :include => [:group, :article], :condi...
2007 Dec 03
Need help mocking this out
Let''s say you''re using the restful_authentication plugin. You have a model called articles. On the index action of the articlescontroller you simply want to spec out that it''ll scope the results to the ownership of the current_user. It should NOT include any articles other than the articles that user owns. How would you properly spec this out? Thanks for the help! -----------...
2006 Apr 27
NoMethodError - why?
Getting this error when hitting update. NoMethodError in Article#update You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.update_attributes Source code. def create @article =[:article]) @article.user = @session[''user''] if
2006 Jul 07
link_to: link is missing id
...table, where the unique id is not ''id'' I have a Model class like the following: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "ARTICLE_ID" end however, using a link_to like the following (modified scaffolding), the link has no id value: <% for article in @articles %> <tr> <% for column in Article.content_columns %> <td><%=h article.send( %></td> <% end %> <td><%= link_to ''Show'', :action => ''show_article'', :id => article %></td> &lt...
2010 Mar 27
Shorter Rails 3 routes
Hi, I have a small blog application, and I would like to shorten its routes. Here they are: Blog::Application.routes.draw do resources :categories do resources :articles do resources :comments end end A rake routes command produce the following lines: GET /categories/:category_id/articles/:article_id/comments(.:format) {:controller=>"comments", :action=>"index"} category_article_comments POST /...
2006 Mar 26
A unit test that should pass
Hi, I wonder why this unit test fails. The model : class Article < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "publish_articles" belongs_to :category validates_presence_of :title, :excerpt #snip end The test : def test_validate @article.title = nil @article.excerpt = nil assert ! assert_equal 2, !@article.errors.count end !@article.errors.count returns ''false'' ins...
2010 Aug 05
how to ? Rails 3 ActiveRecord eager loading and AREL
...els, article has many comments comment belongs to article Comment has a scope defined like this (app/models/comment.rb) : ---------------------------------------------- def recent where ["published_at >= ?", 2.days.ago] end ---------------------------------------------- In the ArticlesController (app/controllers/comments_controller.rb) : ---------------------------------------------- def index @articles = Article.includes(:comments) end ---------------------------------------------- In the view (haml) (app/views/articles/index.html.haml): ---------------------------------...
2006 Apr 20
acts_as_taggable patch 3866 needs some testing
DHH''s acts_as_taggable is now much more usable with this patch. This patch adds scoped finders, documentation, and tests: # Get tags for all articles in a blog @blog.articles.tags # Get tags for articles in a blog published in the last year @blog.articles.tags :conditions => [''published_at > ?'', 1.year.ago] # Get related tags from article tags in a blog @blog.articles.find_related_tags [''code'', '...
2007 Jul 18
Mocking Rails association collections
Rails model association collections allow you to do nifty things like: article.comments.find(:all, :conditions => {:created_at >}) Has anyone found a good way to mock this up? I''m currently doing this: @comment1 = mock_model(Comment) comments = mock(Array) comments.stub!(:find).and_return([@comment1]) @article = mock_model(Article)
2008 Feb 25
I'd like to contribute to the wiki
Hi! I've written an article on setting up cryptroot on CentOS: I'd like to create links to it from a few places in the wiki. For example: * Create a 'security' heading and link to either my article or a page on the wiki that links to my article * Lin...
2006 Jan 02
In the Agile Rails book, on page 232 (PDF, 4th edition) there is an example of (within ActiveRecord) marking an article as read by a user at the present time. Short example code (from the book) here: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :articles def read_article(article) articles.push_with_attributes(article, :read_at => end # ... end However, it seems this piece of code would only work the first time you read a specific article. It appears to always create a new join table post, and not to just update if t...
2006 Jan 06
Getting model class by string
Hello, I have an interessting problem, I''m not sure how to solve :-) I have the name of a model in a variable like this: My model is called Article My var contains "Article" Now - How do I get the model class, so I can call Article.find, etc ... ? Greetings, Gitte Wange
2006 Feb 23
Saving a collection field with <<
I have habtm relationship between articles and contributors. Everything''s working fine, except when I create a new article Rails doesn''t seem to save the contributors that belong to it into articles_contributors. This is the controller (that I pilfered from typo): def new @article =[:article])...
2006 Jan 02
Selecting conditionally from HABTM
Hello, I was wondering whether there is a nice Rubyesque way of selecting from a pair of HABTM models where one of them is inherited from another object. Here is the situation: I have a ''posts'' table from which ''replies'' and ''articles'' are inherited. Articles have_and_belong_to_many categories, but neither posts nor replies do (it just does not seem to be very useful). I want to have a page which shows (paginatedly) the articles in a selected category. So given a category, I would like to return an array of all of the a...
2006 Feb 21
Select articles from group with id ''1'' and id ''2''
I have to tables: "articles" and "groups". Between I have article_groups as a jointable. Now I want to select every article who is a member of group with id ''1'' and id ''2''. Whats best way to get that? Extract from schemas: CREATE TABLE articles ( id int auto_increment, ing...
2006 May 18
Newbie:problem when using validates*
Hi, I have performed the cookbook tutorial. Before tailoring the views and controllers, when I put in the model recipe.rb: validates_uniqueness_of :title validates_length_of :title, :within => 1...20 And I tried to introduce some new recipe without the above conditions I got the message: --------------------------------------------------- New recipe 1 error prohibited this category from
2006 Dec 11
auth_generator 2.0.1 undefined method `login_required' for ... ArticlesController
I am a relative RubNub and attempting to implement auth_generator v.2.0.1. I am getting an "undefined method `login_required'' for #<ArticlesController:0xb732c0b4>" error when I attempt... http://localhost:3000/articles/new Help would be appreciated. My app/controllers/application.rb reads... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ require ''auth_system'' class ApplicationCont...
2006 Apr 21
polymorphic,has_many through can not work?
Josh Susser tells in his blog that the opposite direction of polymorphic will get into trouble together with has_many through. This is the url: I do that according to Josh Susser''s procedure: class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :tag belongs_to :taggable, :polymorphic => true belongs_to :article, :class_name => "Article", :foreign_key =>...
2006 Oct 02
Adding dependant objects to an Index?
...the life cycle of the Article. In other words if I remove the article I want to remove all the pages that went along with that article. How would I do that? Another question I have is I would like to search the elements of the article like author, title, etc, and search the contents of those Articles within one search field. Can I place all of this data inside a single index? Or do I have to use the multi_search method? Thanks Charlie -- Posted via