search for: article_id

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 38 matches for "article_id".

2007 Jul 19
Merb::Controller#url Usage
...rks differently than I expected. I was wondering what the intended usage is. For example: Say I have r.resources :articles do |article| article.resources :article_attachments end irb(main):002:0> show_routes [:articles, "/articles"] [:article_attachments, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments"] [:article_attachment, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments/:id"] [:edit_article_attachment, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments/:id/edit"] [:new_article_attachment, "/articles/:article_id/article_attachments/new"] [:custom_new_ar...
2006 Jul 07
link_to: link is missing id
I''m using a legacy table, where the unique id is not ''id'' I have a Model class like the following: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key "ARTICLE_ID" end however, using a link_to like the following (modified scaffolding), the link has no id value: <% for article in @articles %> <tr> <% for column in Article.content_columns %> <td><%=h article.send( %></td> <% end %> <...
2010 Mar 27
Shorter Rails 3 routes
...I would like to shorten its routes. Here they are: Blog::Application.routes.draw do resources :categories do resources :articles do resources :comments end end A rake routes command produce the following lines: GET /categories/:category_id/articles/:article_id/comments(.:format) {:controller=>"comments", :action=>"index"} category_article_comments POST /categories/:category_id/articles/:article_id/comments(.:format) {:controller=>"comments", :action=>"create"} new_category_article_comment GET /cate...
2011 Dec 16
I am using rails 3. I have problem in out put so please tell me my mistake routes ------- entermatch ''/view_article/:user_id/:article_id'' => ''articles#view_article'', :as => :view_article resources :users do resources :articles do resources :comments end end article controller ------------------ def view_article @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @article =
2006 Feb 21
Select articles from group with id ''1'' and id ''2''
...ement, name varchar(16) NOT NULL, description varchar(32) NOT NULL, constraint fk_items_users foreign key (user_id) references users(id), primary key (id) ); CREATE TABLE article_groups ( id int auto_increment, expires_date datetime, suspend datetime, group_id int NOT NULL, # FOREIGN KEY, article_id int NOT NULL, # FOREIGN KEY constraint fk_items_groups foreign key (group_id) references groups(id), constraint fk_items_articles foreign key (article_id) references article(id), primary key (id) ); - Henrik
2008 Jan 11
Date range queries return zero results
...command to load the db: index << {:title => row[7].to_i, :date => Date.strptime(row[3], ''%Y-%m-%d''), :page_id => row[5].to_i, :page => row[6].to_i, :content_type => row[1].to_i, :article_id => row[4].to_i, :label => row[2], :label_sort => row[8], :content => row[0] } Notice "Date.strptime(row[3], ''%Y-%m-%d'')"... When I query (ex. +label:barbara) I get results in the form: {:label=...
2009 Nov 12
Please help me ------ Mapping an item to article
...menuitem) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %> <p> <%= f.label :title %><br /> <%= f.text_field :title %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :alias %><br /> <%= f.text_field :alias %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :article_id %><br /> <%= f.text_field :article_id %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :published %><br /> <%= f.check_box :published %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :link %><br /> <%= f.text_field :link %> </p> <p...
2006 Jan 09
Problem with habtm and resulting SQL insert
...< ActiveRecord::Base has_and_belongs_to_many :readers, :class_name => "User", :join_table => "read_articles" ... end When I do a a = User.find(1) b = Article.find(12) a.read_articles << b The SQL looks like: INSERT INTO read_articles (`updated_at`, `id`, `article_id`, `user_id`, `created_at`) VALUES (''2005-12-10 23:26:56'', 12, 12, 1, ''2005-12-05 03:44:01'') The problem is that the `id` field will be set with the article_id. The `id` should be set by the database. The SQL definition of read_articles looks like this: mysq...
2009 Jul 17
attachment_fu :partition => lamda {}
Hi - I am trying to dynamically create my partition folders via attachment_fu. I have read about a hack that allows you to do this on the attachment model: :partition => lambda {|a| a.article_id} Which passes the model''s object into the lambda and uses the ''article_id'' attribute as its directory name. However, this isn''t work for me. I think the lambda is simply evaluating as ''true'' and causing attachment_fu to simply do conventional...
2008 Dec 31
resource api docs not working for me
Hi, ruby 1.8.4, rails 2.2.2, mongrel 1.5.1, win xp I read in the docs that this : map.resources :articles do |article| article.resources :comments end should result in this lot: article_comments_url(@article) article_comment_url(@article, @comment) article_comments_url(:article_id => @article) article_comment_url(:article_id => @article, :id => @comment) So when I did my own idea of the above : map.resource :people,:singular=>:person do |person| person.resources :invitations; end I was surprised to find no method such as person_invitations (with or without...
2008 Jul 16
params for link_to_remote
Hello :-), i want to use ''link_to_remote'' to create a simple form on the website. The form is a simple editor to post a comment to an article. I need to know the article_id in the new view/controller. With ''render'' everything works fine, but ''link_to_remote'' doesnt work with :params :- ( here is my code of the article view: <div id="editor"> </div> <%= link_to_remote("new comment", :update...
2010 Feb 16
Strange routing(?) Issue
...PUT / comments/:id(.:format) {:action=>"update", :controller=>"comments"} DELETE / comments/:id(.:format) {:action=>"destroy", :controller=>"comments"} article_comments GET /articles/:article_id/ comments(.:format) {:action=>"index", :controller=>"comments"} POST /articles/:article_id/ comments(.:format) {:action=>"create", :controller=>"comments"} new_article_comment GET /articles/:a...
2009 Sep 19
..." view, I get "ActionController::MethodNotAllowed - only get, put, and delete requests are allowed". This should flow through the "update" action, which is a put method, and when I used rake routes on the command line it looks like it is routed correctly PUT /articles/:article_id/ sources/:id(.:format) {:controller => "sources", :action => "update"} My edit view contains the following code: <% form_for :source, @source, :url => {:action => "update"} do |f| %> ....form fields.... <%= f.submit "Update" %> &...
2001 Apr 05
New type of copy-protected audio CDs are coming...;From the article: "The record business wants to lock down songs on a new breed of CDs. Is this the end of rip, mix and burn? We visit the labels' laboratories to learn more about what 'stickiness' means to music." Read the full article here: Oh, and CDparanoia is mentioned in the article :-) Greetings, Aleksandar --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing on...
2006 Jul 22
Community request - can someone show me REST?
I mentioned this in another thread, but I''ve got a formal request now. After reading tons of stuff about REST, I don''t really get it. I need to see an example. I''d like someone to write up an example blog app with these requirements - RESTful using the simply_restful plugin (or edge rails) - allows posting of comments to articles - has categories for posts No need
2006 Apr 01
ActiveRecord callbacks not called wrong somewhere in my unit test because there''s a model I can''t have any callback executed on. In my unit test I do @image = @image.set_uploaded_file({:file => uploaded_file("pic1.jpg","image/jpeg","article-picture.jpg"), :article_id =>, :title => ''Titre test'' }) breakpoint assert When breakpointing, and trying manually I get a "true" as a result. So I presume everything went fine. The model is : class Image < ActiveRecord::Base belo...
2006 Jan 31
retrieving attributes of searchresults
...upid question and that the answer is obvious i dont seem to be able to find it. regards m ------------>8------------------------------------------------------- ## vital parts of indexer ################################ my $doc = Search::Xapian::Document->new(); $doc->set_data($data->{article_id}); _add_attr($doc, { # pass fields with multifield values as arrayref 'XAID' => $data->{article_id}, 'XTITLE' => $title, # arrayref 'XDATE' => $data->{publicationdate}, 'XTYPE' => $data->{articletype}, '...
2010 Jun 20
ActiveRecord and ARel: correlated subqueries?
...SQL with ARel, if only I could see how. Let''s take Article with multiple Versions as an example. With ARel alone, I can find articles with their latest versions like this articles = Article.arel_table versions = Article.arel_table articles.join(versions).on(articles[:id].eq(versions[:article_id])). where(versions[:revision].eq( versions.project(versions[:revision].maximum). where(versions[:article_id].eq(articles[:id])))) That doesn''t help me much in the context of ActiveRecord. There, I''d like to define things like this class Article < ActiveRecord::Ba...
2006 Jan 04
Need some implementation ideas :-)
Hi, I have good this cool challenge from my boss on developing a very simple cms-like system to publish articles within. The caveat is that he wants to have multi-lingual content. At first I thought RoR would be perfect for the assignment but right now I''m not so sure. My first attempt involved creating a table for each model/languagde like this: articles_en articles_dk articles_de
2006 Mar 27
Tests not tiding up after themselves?
...40) not null, primary key (id) ); create table articles ( id int not null auto_increment, headline_id int not null, description text, constraint fk_article_headline foreign key (headline_id) references headlines(id), primary key (id) ); create table changes ( id int not null auto_increment, article_id int not null, summary text not null, diff text, constraint fk_change_article foreign key (article_id) references articles(id), primary key (id) ); ---- The Headline class declares a "has_one" relationship to the Article class. And the Article class declares a "has_many" rel...