search for: arterial

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "arterial".

2012 Mar 01
Need help using Melt and cast to compute correlation for a cross tabulation
I have a data frame with a number of observed and predicted values by classification as shown below: Count Volume FCLASS 1 55000 60000 Grade Separated 2 43000 39000 Grade Separated 3 26000 26500 Major Arterial 4 19500 20000 Major Arterial ... There are four classes here: Grade Separated, Major Arterial, Minor Arterial, and Collector I am looking to compute the following information FCLASS cor(Count,Volume) Grade Separated 0.999 Major Arterial 0.999 Minor Arterial...
2010 Sep 27
Issues with Legend symbols
Hello forum! I am currently having trouble getting R to recognize one of my pch characters. Here's what I have: legend(120, 40, c("SAL-arterial", "SAL-portal", "GLP-1-arterial", "GLP-1-portal"), bty="n", col=c("black"), pch=19:15:21:22,"white", pt.cex=2:2:2:2, lty=1, lwd=2, text.col="black", cex=1.3) Now, SAL-arterial and SAL-portal should be a black circle...
2010 Jun 13
Break in the y-axis
...L, 0, 30L, 45L, 60L, 80L, 110L,140L,200L, 260L, 320L), Average = c(119.250,118.750,117.500,132.75,151.875,159.75,142.75,160,168,167.125,143),SEM=c(2.211,2.569,2.665,5.435146394,6.208741369,8.363550657,8.51349469,14.30284687,15.93865792,16.76541326,13.796)), .Names = c("Time (min)", "Arterial Plasma Glucose (?g/mL)", "SEM"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("1", "2","3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11")) Ex <- structure(list(Time = c(-20L...
2019 Nov 20
Datos longitudinales
Buenos días, Soy Cristian Rodelo y quería haceros una pregunta. Tengo un conjunto de datos en los que a un grupo de sujetos se les realizaron medidas de tensión arterial a lo largo de 24 horas. En promedio 4 determinaciones horarias. Es decir que cada sujeto se le realizaron 4 determinaciones horarias durante 24 horas. Bien, quiero determinar la trayectoria longitudinal de las mediciones de acuerdo con identificación de grupos que tengan una trayectoria diferente...
2015 Jun 02
information.gain de la libreria FSelector
...nviado el:* ?martes?, ?02? de ?junio? de ?2015 ?10?:?26? ?a.m. > *Para:* R-help-es en <r-help-es en> > > Hola, > estoy intentando calcular la ganancia de información para una serie de > variables (series temporales con distinta longuitud, ej: Presion Arterial, > Frecuencia cardíaca,...) en relación con una variable binaria (0:paciente > no muere; 1:paciente muere). Para ello voy a usar la función > information.gain de la libreria FSelector. > > Sabeis si es posible calcular la ganancia de información para variables que > tienen distint...
2015 Jun 02
information.gain de la libreria FSelector
Hola, estoy intentando calcular la ganancia de información para una serie de variables (series temporales con distinta longuitud, ej: Presion Arterial, Frecuencia cardíaca,...) en relación con una variable binaria (0:paciente no muere; 1:paciente muere). Para ello voy a usar la función information.gain de la libreria FSelector. Sabeis si es posible calcular la ganancia de información para variables que tienen distinta longuitud?? es que en el ej...
2010 Jun 05
Error Bar Issues
...typed in to get my error bars. plotCI(x=Saline [,1],y=Saline [,2], uiw=Saline [,3], liw=uiw, err=y, pch=21,"bg"), cex=1.5, lty=1, type="o", gap=0, sfrac=0.005, xlim=c(-21,340),xaxp=c(-20,320,11), xlab="Time (min)", ylim=c(0,12), yaxp=c(0,12,11), ylab="Arterial Plasma Acetaminophen (?g/mL)", las=1, font.lab=2, add=TRUE) And this is the error message I keep getting Error in plotCI(x = Saline[, 1], y = Saline[, 2], uiw = Saline[, 3], liw = uiw, : object 'uiw' not found In addition: Warning message: In if (err == "y") z <- y el...
2003 Sep 22
Last call: Asterisk BoF in Boston, Tuesday 23rd
Hello - The final schedule for the Asterisk birds-of-a-feather meeting (as an adjunct to the VON conference) in Boston looks like this: Tuesday, September 23rd at 8:15 at VinnyT's of Boston near the Hynes Convention Center. We'll try to get a corner booth in the "downstairs room", and look for the guy wearing the blue button-down shirt with VON logos on the breast pocket
2005 Sep 08
Prediction with multiple zeros in the dependent variable
I have a batch of data in each line of data contains three values, calcium score, age, and sex. I would like to predict calcium scores as a function of age and sex, i.e. calcium=f(age,sex). Unfortunately the calcium scorers have a very "ugly distribution". There are multiple zeros, and multiple values between 300 and 600. There are no values between zero and 300. Needless to say, the
2006 Dec 14
Help With Installation to USB Stick
Recently, I was able to create a workable Centos 4.4 "Live USB" on my 1G Lexar Firefly pendrive using the steps in At the moment, it is doing its job, so I probably won't focus too much more on it. One thing that is annoying, although doesn't cause a problem is that on powerdown and reboot, the cd rom drive ejects - of course, there
2009 Aug 13
dcemri: A package for medical image analysis
...nd feedback is appreciated. Functionality includes: Motion correction and co-registration via "fast template matching" T1 quantification via multiple flip-angle acquistions (inversion recovery coming soon!) Conversion to gadolinium contrast agent concentration Parametric models for the arterial input function (AIF), both literature-based (Tofts-Kermode and Fritz-Hansen) and data-adaptive. Kinetic parameter estimation using a variety of compartmental models (e.g., Kety, extended Kety, etc.) Estimation via nonlinear regression (Levenburg-Marquardt optimization) or Bayesian methods (MCMC)...
2003 Sep 25
LME problem
I am analyzing data on a study of the effects of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) on cognitive function, as measured by a score from an objective test. I have 140 people who receive the CABG surgery and 92 controls, with four measurements of cognitive function over time (at 0, 3, 12 and 36 months). I have fitted a linear mixed model using lme with a random intercept for subject and a random
2006 Sep 22
Propensity score and three treatments
Dear All, I would like to find something ( references, code,..) to implement a comparison of three treatments in an observational study using the 'Propensity Score'. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks! Giovanni -- dr. Giovanni Parrinello Department of Biotecnologies Medical Statistics Unit University of Brescia Viale Europa, 11 25123 Brescia email: parrinel at Phone:
2007 Feb 14
how to report logistic regression results
Dear all, I am comparing logistic regression models to evaluate if one predictor explains additional variance that is not yet explained by another predictor. As far as I understand Baron and Li describe how to do this, but my question is now: how do I report this in an article? Can anyone recommend a particular article that shows a concrete example of how the results from te following simple
2009 Aug 13
dcemri: A package for medical image analysis
...nd feedback is appreciated. Functionality includes: Motion correction and co-registration via "fast template matching" T1 quantification via multiple flip-angle acquistions (inversion recovery coming soon!) Conversion to gadolinium contrast agent concentration Parametric models for the arterial input function (AIF), both literature-based (Tofts-Kermode and Fritz-Hansen) and data-adaptive. Kinetic parameter estimation using a variety of compartmental models (e.g., Kety, extended Kety, etc.) Estimation via nonlinear regression (Levenburg-Marquardt optimization) or Bayesian methods (MCMC)...
1998 Jan 26
DOS style 8.3 filename mangling issues??!
Okay, I've run through all of the tests in the DIAGNOSE, which my 1.9.18p1 SAMBA server (and NT4SP3/W95 clients) pass with flying colours. server box: Linux 2.0.33, gcc, libc 5.4.33, shadow, quota on (usr+grp), and my smb.conf is summarised (by testparm output) below: Problem is this: with respect to programs not long filename-aware/compliant, users cannot "double-click" on
2007 Apr 03
CentOS 4.5 ?
Hello, I've checked the ML, but I don't find anything related to CentOS 4.5 (4U5) (missed it ?) Does the 4.5 will be out these days, or will it be released after the CentOS 5 ? Thanks, Pierre Bourgin
2007 Jan 29
tool to manage a PKI
Hello, this is a little bit off-topic (even if it have to work on CentOS ;-) I'm looking for a tool to manage a small Public Key Infrastructure, with creation/revocation of certificates X.509, export in PKCS#12 format and have the ability to handle CSR (Certificate Signing Request). I've wrote my own script to perform it (openssl command line based): it's a good way to