Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "arret".
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2012 Mar 22
calling java from R and using java time series double precision array
I haven't had time to try using R for over a year, but have a colleage who
wants to.
We work with time series and our current version of our calendar-time
subroutines in
java converts both directions between linear time and calendar.
We have used calendar time since year 1965 starting out then with Fortran.
Calendar time can be CnYrMoDa | CnYrMoDaHr | CnYrMoDaHrMn | CnYrMoDaHrMnSc
2013 Apr 18
problem with a script via upssched-cmd
on a onbatt event, I want to sent a email, shutdown a windows server and shutdown an ubuntu server
When I run my script manually, all is ok but via upssched-cmd
it return "exec_cmd returned 255"
here is the script
# send mail to admin
echo "ECO" | mail -s "ARRET SERVEURS NON PRIORITAIRES" moi at domaine.fr
net rpc shutdown -f -I ip_windows -U login%passwd
ssh login at ip_ubuntu sudo shutdown -h now
If I run only this cde
net rpc shutdown -f -I ip_windows -U login%passwd
it's ok
if I run only this cde
ssh login at ip_ubuntu sudo /sbin/shutdown -...
2013 Apr 18
Nut-upsuser Digest, Vol 94, Issue 18
on a onbatt event, I want to sent a email, shutdown a windows server and shutdown an ubuntu server When I run my script manually, all is ok but via upssched-cmd it return "exec_cmd returned 255"
here is the script
# send mail to admin
echo "ECO" | mail -s "ARRET SERVEURS NON PRIORITAIRES" moi at domaine.fr net rpc shutdown -f -I ip_windows -U login%passwd ssh login at ip_ubuntu sudo shutdown -h now
If I run only this cde
net rpc shutdown -f -I ip_windows -U login%passwd it's ok
if I run only this cde
ssh login at ip_ubuntu sudo /sbin/shutdown -h...
2001 Nov 05
Problem to transfer Splus functions
...lt;- attr(y, "std")
names(sigm) <- nam[[2]] # ..si reduc=T..alors
if(reduc) x <- y
#------------------------------controle prealable: impression des
contributions (si contav=T)
if(contav) {
conta(x, d, wt)
tex <- c("On continue ?", "Arret")
ski <- menu(tex)
y <- wt * x
v <- t(x) %*% y # Calcul de la matrice a diagonaliser
d12 <- sqrt(d)
v <- d12 * v
v <- t(d12 * t(v))
res <- eigen(v, symmetric = T)
# Recherche des elements propres de v
2012 Oct 26
NUT 2.6.3, openSUSE 12.2 : UPS unit not switched off
...1:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Signal 10: User requested FSD
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsd[3074]: Client upsmaster at set FSD on UPS [Eaton-66781]
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown
Oct 25 16:11:51 maria upsmon[3078]: Auto logout and shutdown proceeding +++ Arret automatique en cours
Oct 25 16:11:56 maria systemd-shutdow[3573]: Creating /run/nologin, blocking further logins...
Oct 25 16:11:56 maria rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.10.0" x-pid="669"
2004 Aug 06
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation, d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et financier
Meilleurs Vœux pour 2002 : année de mémoire, de mobilisation,
d'action, de justice et de sérénité - Appel au soutien moral et
M. Habib HAIBI,
7, Aguesseau St.
69007 LYON - France
Tél. 00 33 4 72 73 19 08 - Fax 00 33 4 78 61 39 27
Email : haibi@free.fr
Je suis qualifié pour exprimer mes voeux pour le Nouvel An à
tous les survivants