search for: arm946e

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "arm946e".

2014 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] Newbee question: LLVM backend regression tests for thumb1 targets on simulator possible?
> > $ qemu-arm -cpu ? > > Available CPUs: > > arm926 arm946 arm1026 arm1136 arm1136-r2 arm1176 arm11mpcore > > cortex-m3 > > cortex-a8 > > cortex-a8-r2 cortex-a9 cortex-a15 ti925t pxa250 sa1100 sa1110 > pxa255 pxa260 > > pxa261 pxa262 pxa270 pxa270-a0 pxa270-a1 pxa270-b0 pxa270-b1 xa270- > c0 > > pxa270-c5 any > > >
2014 Dec 16
[LLVMdev] Newbee question: LLVM backend regression tests for thumb1 targets on simulator possible?
On 12/16/14 3:53 AM, Kristof Beyls wrote: > I've been wondering too about how to get better ARM v6m compile-and-execute > testing going. > > As you say Jon, the non-execution-based regression tests are surprisingly > good at catching issues; but they're no full substitute for executing the > code produced by the backend for a reasonably-sized test suite. > > If
2010 Nov 12
[LLVMdev] Build Attributes Proposal SB: // 5 is CPU_name in ARM ABI, 14 is ABI_PCS_R9_use @llvm.arm.attributes = appending global [2 x %llvm.attribute] [%llvm.attribute { i32 5, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @.str1, i32 0, i32 0) }, %llvm.attribute { i32 14, i8* null }], align 4 @.str1 = private constant [10 x i8] c"ARM946E-S\00" Documentation: It'd be good to have a list of all options, generic or otherwise. The attributes enum could have a few lines explaining the options, but the accepted values is more difficult to find in the code, so a documentation (not LangRef) would be good, especially for the gen...