search for: argnew

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2010 Jul 13
A problem about the package "lme4" in R-2.11.1
Dear all R-users, When I install the package "lme4" in R-2.11.1, and use it to run the simulation on the Linux system, it appears the following problem. Attaching package: 'lme4' The following object(s) are masked from 'package:stats':     AIC Error in names(argNew)[1] <- names(formals(new))[[1]] :   replacement has length zero Calls: initial ... lmerFactorList -> lapply -> FUN -> as -> asMethod -> fac2sparse Execution halted However, when I use this package in R-2.11.0, it can work to run the simulation as I do in R-2.11.1. How could...