search for: aqueles

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 57 matches for "aqueles".

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2008 Jul 01
plot window
Hi list, I want to know how can i creat a plot window with this configuration: _______________________________ | | | PLOT 1 | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | | | | PLOT 2 | PLOT 3 | | | | | | |
2009 Mar 06
Hi, I know the function LETTERS, but, now I have some letters to convert it in numbers, like A=1,B=2, etc... Is any function to do that? Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins Marino Centro de Avalia??o Funda??o CESGRANRIO Rua Santa Alexandrina, 1011 - 2? andar Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 20261-903 R (21) 2103-9600 R.:236 ( (21) 8777-7907 ( leandro at "Aquele que suporta o peso da
2008 Jul 17
Colours in R
Hi list, I will help an person that will use some graphics of R in internet. But this pearson want to specify the colours. This person want me to create an pallete of colours like that: Name of color - Code - Colour White - 0xFFFFFF - color white (like an box with this color) I know that is possible with R, but i don't know how. Thanks for the advance. Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins
2008 Jul 02
exporting ftable
How can I export an ftable object in the same format that appears in R command window? For testing that i was using this example that is in help of this function. ## Start with a contingency table. ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3) ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2, col.vars = "Survived") ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 2:1, col.vars = "Survived") ## Start with a data frame. x <-
2009 Feb 03
color and fontfamily in lattice
Hi, I am having some problems using bwplot(lattice) in my data. I want change some parameters: 1) Fontfamily to serif 2) The size of the font 3) Put it in a bold face 4) Change de color of the lines How can I do that?! Now, I am using this to plot my boxplot. dados <- data.frame(varsep=as.factor(rep(1:2,10)),i=runif(20))
2008 Jun 26
Read sas7bdat
Hi, I was reading e-mail about one doubt that you were when you read files .sas7bdat in R. Now, I am with the same problem. But I don?t know how can i do that. I have download de Sas Viewer and i am using this sintax in r: > read.ssd("X:\\users\\Anresc07","que0411.sas7bdat") SAS failed. SAS program at C:\DOCUME~1\leandro\CONFIG~1\Temp\RtmpXR1Tid\ The log
2012 Feb 15
extraer datos de un dataframe a partir de un factor
Hola eRReros, Necesito extraer datos de un dataframe según uno de los factores. La cosa sería algo así: df.nuevo <- iris[iris$Species=="setosa"|iris$Species=="virginica",] Que me crea un df nuevo solo con las filas en que Species es setosa o virginica. El problema es que mi factor de interés tiene 22 niveles y a veces he de seleccionar 13, 10, 8 niveles o números así.
2016 Mar 31
Bootstrap de días seguidos
Buenas a todos, Lo primero agradecer todas las respuesta sque tuve en el tema de Bootstrap dataframe, que por estar de baja no he podido agradecer. De aquel tema salió una sugerencia que me parece muy interesante y que a dia de hoy no soy capaz de hacer de una manera optima. Lo que quiero hacer es coger un dia al azar de todo el periodo, y a partuir de ese dia, coger por ejemplo los 20 dias
2013 Feb 17
Terapia para Bebés: Aprenda a ajudá-los
...seus pequenos corpos crescem.» Esta Formação em Terapia para Bebés consiste em 6 módulos de quatro dias, distribuídos ao longo de um período de 3 anos. Irá iniciar-se pela primeira vez em Portugal no Outono de 2013 e terminará na Primavera de 2016. Esta formação é especialmente destinada a todos aqueles que trabalham com bebés (terapeutas de bebés, profissionais de terapia sacro-craniana, psicólogos infantis, pediatras, parteiras e especialistas em cuidados aos bebé) e quaisquer psicoterapeutas que têm experiência em trabalhar com adultos, particularmente em técnicas catárticas, e que gostariam de...
2016 Dec 28
Error with samba update in debian.
The proxy already is into domain "wbinfo -u" returns all users from the AD, the kinit command with -t /etc/squid/PROXY.keytab is working great, but the NTLM phase into the squid log is the same ERROR: Negotiate Authentication validating user. Result: {result=BH, notes={message: NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL * NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }} are in recent versions some changes about the NTLM or NT
2017 Jan 05
About DNS Updates
Hello, i have samba 4 as AC-DC mode with Bind as DLZ, all work well but, in my server i have 2 NICs, one of them is only to work into a servers network and don't want to be into dns. I remove all the internal ip reference from DNS, but samba always create them again. So how i can tell to samba that ignore that interface and not put it's ip into DNS??
2018 Aug 22
Re: libvirt and virt-manager - Unable to complete install: 'internal error: unsupported input bus usb'
...e, then finish the install. That should make things work > > - Cole > -- *Eduardo Lúcio* LightBase Consultoria em Software Público *+55-61-3347-1949 - <> - Brasil-DF* *Software livre! Abrace essa idéia!* *"Aqueles que negam liberdade aos outros não a merecem para si mesmos."* *Abraham Lincoln*
2016 Dec 28
Error with samba update in debian.
And i forgot to mention.   This is what i have for my squid.   auth_param negotiate program /usr/lib/squid/negotiate_wrapper_auth \     --kerberos /usr/lib/squid/negotiate_kerberos_auth -s HTTP/proxy.internal.domain.tld at REALM \     --ntlm /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --helper-protocol=gss-spnego --domain=NTDOMAIN   See the ntlm line. =>  --helper-protocol=gss-spnego     Greetz,  
2009 Jun 25
Problems with help
Hi, I was trying to read some help of functions and in all functions I try to see is giving me this error: > ?write.table Erro em print.help_files_with_topic("C:/ARQUIV~1/R/R-29~1.0/library/utils/chm/write.table") : CHM file could not be displayed Anybody knows what is happening? Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins Marino Centro de Avalia??o Funda??o CESGRANRIO Rua Santa Alexandrina,
2010 Jan 04
ggplot2 = bar size
Hi, i am newbie into ggplot and i thow that i have to learn a lot about this package. I am doing this function to draw an graphic: library(ggplot2) posx <- theme_text(angle=45,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12) posy <- theme_text(angle=0,hjust=1,face='bold',size=12) y1 <- c(1,4,6,1,8,10,6,1,5,4) x <-
2009 May 12
SAS PROC SORT nodupkey
Hi,   I have the following data and I would like to delete douple names, it is almost similar to SAS PROC SORT nodupkey! Is there any function in R does this?   x1 <- rnorm(11,5,1) x2 <- runif(11,0,1) nam <-paste("A", c(1:4,4,5:9,9), sep=".") mydata <- data.frame(x1,x2) crownames(mydata) <- nam   Many thanks in advance, Amor [[alternative HTML version
2016 Dec 28
Error with samba update in debian.
I comment the idmap line and "systemctl restart samba-ad-dc" but the squid not authenticate, same error... --------------------------------------- Al tanto Ing. Luis Felipe Domínguez Vega Administrador de la Red de Desoft Matanzas GNU/Linux Kernel Developer - rtlwifi kernel module "No es grande aquel que nunca falla, es grande el que nunca se da por vencido… " -----
2013 Jun 13
fecha primera versión de R
Muy interesante. Gracias Carlos. Estaba indagando en los orígenes, más que nada como referencia en un documento, pero dan ganas de probar la R 0.49. Creo que la primera que instalé fue R 1.2.0, en un curso que dieron en la universidad allá por el 2000. ¿y vosotros? Saludos El 13/06/13 15:12, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió: > Hola, ¿qué tal? > > Richard A. Becker tiene un
2009 Mar 12
Removing rows
Hi All, > act_2 Date Dtime Hour Min Second Rep 51 2006-02-22 14:52:18 14 52 18 useractivity_act 52 2006-02-22 14:52:18 14 52 18 4 55 2006-02-22 14:52:49 14 52 49 4 57 2006-02-22 14:52:51 14 52 51 4 58 2006-02-22 14:52:52 14 52 52 3 60 2006-02-22 14:54:42 14 54
2010 Jan 20
R help for read.table()
I've a table containing two columns seperated by space, as shown below. S:C 2.011085038928 S:A 21.496800549900762 S:J 0.183181039138149 P:E 9.641984304606304 I'm reading this table inside a loop but unable to access the first column as file[i,1]. file <- read.table("data.txt",header=FALSE) for ( i in 1:nrow(file)) {  cat(file[i,1],":")  pvalue <-