search for: aptupd

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "aptupd".

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2007 Dec 06
order, managing one file and refreshonly
...Another question about apt: after changing sources.list I need to execute apt-get update. I do that this way: file { "/etc/apt/sources.list": source => "puppet://$server/apt/apt-sources-list", mode => 0644, owner => root, group => root, notify => Exec["AptUpdate"], } exec { "AptUpdate": command => "apt-get update", refreshonly => true } And it''s working, but... I need this refreshment before any other packages will be installed. How to do that, without adding "before" statement to all pacakges def...
2010 Aug 31
Puppet + APT, I am lost...
Hi, For the past week, I have been trying to figure out the best way to do package management with Puppet on an Ubuntu system. I have studied many solutons I found on the web, but none of them seem to do exactly what I want. Among other things, I have tried everything that is discussed here: but