Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "aplot".
Did you mean:
1999 Jun 03
IE5 html help search failure (PR#205)
...the web interface just fine
(despite the pessimistic warning on the terminal; is that still
necessary?), I can do apparaently anything in the help system, except
If I'm on the top search page page
(E:\programs\R\rw0641\doc\html\search\SearchEngine.html) and click on
any topic, say 'aplot', I go to 'address'
javascript:searchInIndex%20('%20aplot') and Explorer says 'Done', but
nothing happens. Click on 'Go back' and I get 'No matches for aplot have
been found'.
I've tried several others, and also typing easy terms such as 'plot...
2011 Nov 09
Define S4 methods for 'plot'
...class 'A' and a class 'B'. I want to define a function plot for
signature c(A,missing) and another method plot for signature c(A,B). My code
is the following :
In /package/R/ directory:
--- main.R ---
Aplot <- function(x,paramTraj=3){. . . .}
ABplot <- function(x,y,paramTraj=5){. . . .}
In the root directory /packag...
2002 Feb 28
R help search engine
...alled packages which makes it even more useful.
I just ran into the following problem. I was looking at the rug command -
the one that adds a rug to a plot. Then, out of curiosity, I went to the
keywords by topic section of help and tried to locate rug there. I
expected it to be in the graphics/aplot but instead I found it in hplot. I
know this sounds like nitpicking, but the description of the rug is
entitled "Add a Rug to a Plot" and the description of, say, arrows is
entitled "Add Arrows to a Plot", but the latter is in aplot and the former
in hplot.
I found the actual...
2008 Aug 08
gridBase and new.page() / grid.newpage()
Hello all,
I'm trying to write a function using the gridBase package. I'd like
to push several base subplots to a larger plot constructed with grid.
However, I'm having trouble getting consistent results when running
the function when the plotting window (quartz) is closed, when it is
left open and the plot function is repeated to the same window, and
when the output is saved to a
2008 Nov 06
how to make a multiple plot
Sorry I have a bad English.
I'm a student. now, I'm studying Nelson-Siegel Extended, a term structure model.
I can analyze - estimate parameters and make aplot - manually, from data bond in a day.
I can analyze bond data in a month, like make multiple plot for different bont date and make a multiple plot to compare parameters in different date.
I think I have seen examples like mine in but I can't.
Do you know where I can find an example of what I...
2011 Sep 05
ggplot2-grid/viewport and PNG
Dear All,
The following code save my graphs as pdf:
pdf("j:/mix.pdf", width = 18, height = 16)
pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(3,1)))
vplayout <- function(x, y)
viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
print(Aplot, vp = vplayout(1, 1))
print(Bplot, vp = vplayout(2, 1))
print(Cplot, vp = vplayout(3, 1))
How can I save it in PNG and maintain the same graph structure?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/ggplot2-grid-viewport-and-PNG-tp3790866p3790866.html
2005 Oct 11
Manual page example of plot.window needs fixing
@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
ry <- range(y <- -loc[,2])
plot(x, y, type="n", asp=1, xlab="", ylab="")
abline(h = pretty(rx, 10), v = pretty(ry, 10), col = "lightgray")
-text(x, y, names(eurodist), cex=0.8)
+text(x, y, labels(eurodist), cex=0.8)
with reference to Prof. Ripley's message of 5 May:
Roger Bivand
Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School of
Economics and Business Administration, Helleveien 30, N-5045 Bergen,
Norway. voice: +47 55...
2014 Nov 05
Agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo
...rmal 0, sigma (si la serie est? centrada en 0) y la sumaba directamente
Te remito un ejemplo trivial para ver si he entendido realmente la pregunta
t = 1:50y1 <- cos(t)mu = mean(y1)
#Serie c?clica centrada en 0y1 = y1-mua <- 0.3*rnorm(20)
#Serie con ruido normal de intensidad 0.3y2 <- y1 + aplot (y1, type="l", col = "blue")plot (y2, type="l", col = "blue")
Un saludo
> Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 07:45:22 -0500
> From: caaperezan en gmail.com
> To: r-help-es en r-project.org
> Subject: [R-es] Agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo
> Es pos...
2014 Nov 05
Agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo
Es posible agregar ruido a una serie de tiempo
Tengo series de tiempo que tienen un comportamiento funcional, quisiera
agregar ruido para que parezcan señales mas reales. Normalmente las series
de tiempo se suavizan a traves de filtros, es posible hacer el proceso
inverso con algun paquete de R
Gracias por la atención
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2010 Aug 20
which one give clear picture-pdf, jpg or tiff?
I need some opinion. I would like to use graph that I generate from R code and
save it into word document. Which format is better? pdf, jpeg or tiff?
Thank you.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
1999 Sep 20
image legend
Dear R users,
Does anyone have a function for putting a legend on an image
plot? I couldn't locate an R equivalent of image.legend....has
anyone written such a thing?
kind regards
J. Andy Royle, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Office of Migratory
Bird Management; 11510 American Holly Drive , Laurel, MD
2001 Aug 27
colorbar legend for image()
are there any plans to add a colorbar legend to image()?
Or such a possibility already implemented which I just haven't
discovered yet. Anyway, I will be willing to spent some time on the
implementation if there isn't anyone working on that already.
r-devel mailing list -- Read
2010 Dec 30
pdf() Export Problem: Circles Interpreted as Fonts from ggplot2 Graphics
Good Evening:
I am putting together a large report with plots created in R, V 2.12.0. Most of
the plots are created using ggplot2 V0.8.9. I use R's pdf() command to export
the plot to a pdf file. I am exporting the plots and attempting to edit the
title text in?Inkscape?primarily because ggplot2 does not support superscript or
subscript formatting in the title text. For the report I am
2010 Aug 24
mlm for within subject design
...[R] which one give clear picture-pdf, jpg or tiff?
I use savePlot() with type="emf" (remember to include the right file
extension - although savePlot will use the type as default extension, it
will only do so if there are no '.'s in the filename, so filenames like
'../plots/aplot' won't get the extension automatically. Really should
have made that check an extension check!).
.emf format is a native format for windows vector graphics on a windows
system, so Word imports .emf files directly.
I would not use the older .wmf format, though; scaling seems to have
gone b...