search for: apache's

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7348 matches for "apache's".

2013 Feb 05
"Header is huge" in fts-solr
...======================================================== And Solr log, at the same time: ========================================================== 2013-02-01 18:03:53.342:INFO::Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog 2013-02-01 18:03:53.425:INFO::jetty-6.1-SNAPSHOT 01.02.2013 18:03:53 org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader locateSolrHome INFO: JNDI not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx) 01.02.2013 18:03:53 org.apache.solr.core.SolrResourceLoader locateSolrHome INFO: solr home defaulted to 'solr/' (could not find system property or JNDI) 01.02.2013 18:03:53
2009 Jun 03
Centos 5.3 -> Apache - Under Attack ? Oh hell....
Guys, apache cpus usage is hitting 100% sometimes ( to such an extent that its very noticeable) on a box with just 8 users or so. i m getting this when i run 'top'. The worrying thing is seeing the work 'atack' under command PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND...
2015 Mar 05
Dovecot Full Text Search results in SolrException: undefined field text [SERIOUS]
...w do I find the root of this problem with Dovecot. There is a problem with the body search text field. It always fails(with no result), other searches work(ie. search date, subject etc, ) The field-text I believe is missing. Please help. Desperate here! 2/25/2015, 11:32:30 PM ERROR SolrCore org.apache.solr.common. SolrException: undefined field text org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: undefined field text at org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema.getDynamicFieldType( at org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema$SolrQueryAnalyzer.getWrappedAnalyzer( at org.apach...
2015 Feb 13
Dovecot FTS Sor Error
Hi, I have been trying to get fts solr to work for a while. Keep getting the error below(was wondering if this was schema related?) root at mail:/var/log# doveadm index -u user at inbox doveadm(thai at Error: fts_solr: Indexing failed: Server Error Below is from the apache solr output log:- Appreciate if someone can confirm the cause of this error. Thanks Kevin 2/13/2015, 11:30:53 PM ERROR SolrCore org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Exception writing document id 1/3765be2ea8594f54780e00003555fc1a/useri at to the index; possible analysis error. org.ap...
2017 Jul 07
Web server files ownership?
Hi, I have a series of websites hosted on two CentOS 7 servers, using Apache virtual hosts. One of these servers is a "sandbox" machine, to test things and to fiddle around. On the sandbox server, I have a few dummy websites I'm hosting. # ls /var/www/html/ default phpinfo slackbox-mail slackbox-site unixbox-mail unixbox-site Since Apache is running as...
2007 Nov 09
variables in templates
Here''s the problem I''m trying to solve. I use apache, for lots of things, some of those things are configured from a performance standpoint differently. In less vague terms I need to be able to change the MaxClients setting to different things based on the different purposes apache serves. (say proxy vs. app) Under previous CMS/templating engines...
2011 Mar 15
apache service start problem
hello list!! I have developed a custom apache module for my company that setups up our own particular config of httpd and php in order to run our sites.. However, there is one wrinkle. It take two puppet runs to start the httpd service with this module and we''d like to get that down to one run! The reason seems to be that we have ou...
2006 Feb 21
Apache patching questions
Hi I'm using CentOS 3, and it's fully patched using yum. Apache reports version 2.0.46 (CentOS) A colleague ran a copy of Nikto, a scripted vuln. finder, against my server, and reported the following problems. The only one I've tested is the directory traversal, and it seems to be an issue. Will the upstream vendor patch these issues in Apache 2.0.46, or n...
2008 Aug 19
samba 3.0.28a & mac osx 10.5.4
...lder in 1703 --> test_reinstall > > then copied a file to the new folder: About_Stacks.pdf > > The permissions on the server for the folder are: > > 1703 # pwd > /home/DOMAIN/00033394/public_html/1703 > humboldt 1703 # ls -la > total 116 > drwxr-s--x 10 00033394 apache 4096 Aug 15 15:18 . > drwxr-s--x 18 00033394 apache 4096 Aug 14 15:04 .. > -rwxr-s--x 1 00033394 apache 6148 Aug 14 14:55 .DS_Store > -rwxr-s--x 1 00033394 apache 11152 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703.html > drwxr-s--x 2 00033394 apache 4096 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703_files > -rwxr-s--x 1...
2008 Aug 26
How can I pass the following Oracle 10g variables to my apache? ORACLE_BASE=/u01/oracle ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/10g ORACLE_SID=king LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32 PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AR8MSWIN1256; export NLS_LANG NLS_DATE_FORMAT=dd-mm-yyyy ; export NLS_DATE_FORMAT export ORACLE_BASE ORA...
2015 Mar 05
Dovecot Full Text Search: HTTP 500 : Unknown fieldType 'text_general' specified on field text. [SERIOUS]
...ERROR 500 Problem accessing /solr/. Reason: {msg=SolrCore 'collection1' is not available due to init failure: Could not load conf for core collection1: Unknown fieldType 'text_general' specified on field text. Schema file is /opt/solr/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml,trace=org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: SolrCore 'collection1' is not available due to init failure: Could not load conf for core collection1: Unknown fieldType 'text_general' specified on field text. Schema file is /opt/solr/solr/collection1/conf/schema.xml at org.apache.solr.core.CoreContainer...
2005 Oct 05
Apache won't start, semaphores exhausted
One of our systems run Apache 2.0.52 (httpd-2.0.52-12.2.ent.centos4 rpm). The kernel we're running is 2.6.9-11.ELsmp. After a few weeks of uptime, Apache refuses to start with the following error in error.log: [crit] (28)No space left on device: mod_jk: could not create jk_log_lock With Apache not running, there'...
2013 Apr 24
puppet apache module dependency cycle
I am trying to use puppetlabs apache module on CentOS to install mod php package. class {''apache::mod::php'': } It returns error "Error: Could not find dependency Package[httpd] for A2mod[php5]". I am using Puppet 3.1 version. Do I need to call class{''apache'': } explicitly to ge...
2006 Aug 10
Mongrel proxied through Apache won''t serve images
I followed the tutorial from Coda Hale[1] on setting up Mongrel/Mongrel_cluster and Apache to move away from my current Apache+FastCGI setup. The mongrels are all working fine, and Apache is proxying all dynamic requests through to the cluster using proxy balance. Strange thing is now, that all my images in public/images aren''t loading at all, if I access them directly I ju...
2009 Mar 30
Problem with Tomcat java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal( at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods( at java.lang.Class.privateGetPublicMethods( at java.lang.Class.getMethods( at org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils.findMethods( at org.apache.tomcat.util.IntrospectionUtils.setProperty( at org.apache.catalina.startup.SetAllPropertiesRule.begin( at org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.startE...
2008 Jan 29
Apache: User and Group
Hi, I'm currently setting up a simple web server. So far, everything (PHP, MySQL) works very well, but I admit I never gave security that much thought. Time to change that habit. First things first. The RHEL Deployment Guide lists Apache's configuration directives alphabetically. Instead of going through them from A to Z, I'll try to start with what seems more important, and then advance step by step. User apache Group apache As far as I understand, I have to chown all my web content accordingly, so that everything be...
2006 Nov 13
Setting up Mongrel and Apache , some direction needed
I have a site that is PHP on Apache / RedHat , but will send requests to a subdomain (running Rails) for database operations. I believe the set up should be to have ROR using Mongrel, and an Apache virtual host passing requests from apache to mongrel. Does this sound correct ? I believe the Virtual Host is set up in Apache. One of my...
2018 Mar 09
Memory Leak with PHP
...t; in all php.ini (there are several PHP versions on the system, selection is made via .htaccess). CenOS 6.9 on a Xeon 8 cores with now 64 GB RAM. This is a snip of a top this morning, just 2 days after the latest reboot: PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 31163 apache 20 0 939m 690m 8876 S 51.5 1.1 102:16.90 php-fpm 29603 apache 20 0 1208m 961m 10m S 33.7 1.5 136:54.95 php-fpm 11858 apache 20 0 1660m 1.4g 9564 R 31.3 2.2 190:41.25 php-fpm 31207 apache 20 0 916m 668m 9636 R 18.1 1.0 101:38.72 php-fpm 31218 apache 20 0 930m 682...
2005 Sep 20
CentOS4 and Apache-DBI
Has anybody gotten Apache-DBI to work under CentOS4? My installed rpms are: httpd-2.0.52-12.1.ent.centos4 (came with CentOS4) mod_perl-1.99_16-4.centos4 (came with CentOS4) perl-Apache-DBI-0.94-1.2.el4.rf (from Dag's site) --this includes Apache::DBI and Apache::AuthDBI In my '/...
2007 May 02
Apache User Isolation/Perchild, or PHP "chroot"?
Has anyone set up any form of apache user isolation on CentOS? I have multiple virtual hosts on my machine, run by users who do not trust eachother. The problem is that any php script run by apache is able to do things like raw file io on other users' .htpasswds, php scripts, hidden directory listings, and so on. Database password...