Displaying 20 results from an estimated 56 matches for "antti".
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2004 Jul 09
IRC channel #asterisk on irc.freenode.net
...hat I can not log on to this channel and I haven't found
anything helpful during the past few days either.
1. The irc.freenode.net server gives me "Couldn't look up your hostname"
and "No identd (auth) response" followed with "Closing Link: StiX
(Invalid username [~antti.loh])"
2. Should I register? Where? That's one of the problems. I use mIRC on
WIN2k and I should have the "On connect, always get: Localhost and IP
address" on.
Please, help me, so I don't have to flood Your inboxes, but ask about
basic * things on the channel!
BR, Antti
2006 Apr 18
lambda, uncertainty coefficient (& Somers D)
...package applies Somers' D only to 2x2 and not larger tables. Am I
mistaken, or does there exist somewhere else an implementation of the
Somers' D statistic for the more general RxC tables? This was queried
in 1999, but no response seemed then to be forthcoming.
Thanks and regards,
-Antti Arppe
Antti Arppe - Master of Science (Engineering)
Researcher & doctoral student (Linguistics)
E-mail: antti.arppe at helsinki.fi
WWW: http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/~aarppe
2001 Mar 06
OpenSSH/scp ->> F-Secure SSH server Problems
Is there some know problem between the 'scp' client in OpenSSH 2.5.1p1 and
F-Secure's SSH 2.4.0 server? The client is running on a Linux (2.2.17) box
and server is running on Win2K. When I try to transfer files it asks me for
the password (which I provide) then it hangs. Using 'scp -v' didn't provide
any helpful info; it's as though the problem happened before
2007 May 08
Limit + Conditions = Confusion
...ns => ["origin = ?", "fda"]}).length
=> 1
>> Fooditem.find_by_contents("*quark*", {:limit => 2000000}, {:conditions => ["origin = ?", "fda"]}).length
=> 8
So is limit actually limiting the results before conditions?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Jun 08
Reading in a table with ISO-latin1 encoding in MacOS-X (Intel)
...possibly misunderstood how the 'file' function should be used
in conjunction with 'read.table', or might the problem with
latin1-to-utf conversion be somewhere else?
Appreciating any help on this matter,
Antti Arppe - Master of Science (Engineering)
Researcher & doctoral student (Linguistics)
E-mail: antti.arppe at helsinki.fi
WWW: http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/~aarppe
2008 Jul 17
Replacing custom kernel with another - with same identifier
...pport but as rpm,
not yet installed. Both kernels now have identical identifiers.
What is the safe way to remove the previous installed kernel version
without taking out the uninstalled new version? Is the latter safe in
~/rpmbuild/RPMS if I use 'rpm -e' to remove the former version?
2005 Nov 18
R-News 5/2, Bayesian Model Averaging, a detail
...It seems to me that the figure should be 1 - 0.445 = 0.555, because p!=0.445 is the prob. of Time variable being in the model. The plot in Fig.2 is in line with this, since the height of scaled PDF seems to be 0.445 and the black spike points to 0.555. Have I understood this correctly?
Regards, Antti Pirjetä, PhD student, Helsinki School of Economics. Mail to: pirjeta@hse.fi
Muutoksia sähköpostiosoitteissamme: @hkkk.fi-päätteiset osoitteet ovat muuttuneet muotoon @hse.fi. Opiskelijoiden (nyt @ky.hkkk.fi) osoitteen loppuosaksi muuttuu tammikuussa 2006 @student.hse.fi. Vanhoihin osoi...
2013 Dec 18
Fwd: Bad \usage lines question
...re are differences in terms of space or newlines,
but nothing else).
But when building the package and installing it, everything appears fine
within R, whether using the terminal or GUI versions.
Am I missing something here, or what? Any suggestions or pointers will
be much appreciated.
Thanks, -Antti Arppe
Antti Arppe - Ph.D (General Linguistics), M.Sc. (Engineering)
Assistant Professor of Quantitative Linguistics
Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta
E-mail: arppe at ualberta.ca, antti.arppe at iki.fi
WWW: h...
2007 May 02
Index update - problems
...emote => true for my models
I started my ferret server with this command:
FERRET_USE_LOCAL_INDEX=1 RAILS_ENV=production ruby script/runner ''load
Has anyone else bumped into this kind of behaviour? Any ideas what might
be causing it?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2003 Mar 13
Changing unix group ownership through Samba
...unix group unixgroup1 on the machine Samba is
running on, I want to be able to change it to unixgroup2 from the client.
What is the simplest way to do this? Somehow mapping all unix groups to
Windows-world groups? Do I need winbindd in there somewhere?
Any help is much appreciated!
Best regards,
Helsinki University of Technology
Computing Centre
2003 Jul 18
Joining samba to AD domain with a non-admin user
I need help to resolve this issue.
I saw that Andrew put a patch by Antti to enable users without full admin
access to join samba into an AD domain. I am playing with it and always get
"Insufficient access". Using the same user, I can join a Windows box into
the domain just fine. The user is a member of "domain users", but not
"domain admi...
2012 Nov 20
Coefficient of determination for non-linear equations system (nlsystemfit)
I'm also wondering why separate equations' objects all appear in
together with a command like:
nl.system <- nlsystemfit()
but e.g. the following produces NULL as the value for the individual
objects, e.g. R-squared
eq.1 <- nl.system$eq[1]
2007 Mar 10
H0 and H1 probabilities in Cohen's Effect Size w for X2 test
> pchisq(qchisq(p=.05,df=3,lower.tail=F),ncp=lambda,df=3,lower=F)
[1] 1
Have I missed or misunderstood something here altogether? Should the
alternative H0 probabilities be estimated by e.g. some sort of
fitting? Any pointers, suggestions or assistance would be greatly
-Antti Arppe
Antti Arppe - Master of Science (Engineering)
Researcher & doctoral student (Linguistics)
E-mail: antti.arppe at helsinki.fi
WWW: http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/~aarppe
2006 Sep 14
[PATCH] PermitRootLogin woes
...arate levels, for SIA only
in auth-sia.c, or for any password using auth method in auth-passwd.c.
I'd prefer a fix just for auth-passwd.c, are there any reasons to try out
auth_krb5_password, sshpam_auth_passwd or sys_auth_passwd if variable "ok"
is set to zero already?
Index: auth-passwd.c
RCS file: /openssh/openssh_cvs/auth-passwd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -r1.86 auth-passwd.c
--- auth-passwd.c 5 Aug 2006 02:39:39 -0000 1.86
+++ auth-passwd.c 14 Sep 2006 10:54:12 -0000
@@ -88,7 +88,7...
2002 Nov 25
Kerberos and smbmount
Is full Kerberos support going to be added to smbmount some time in the
near future? I saw some earlier posts which indicated that this should be
a rather trivial task. I guess something goes wrong with the error
handling in my case?
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Helsinki University of Technology
Computing Centre
2004 Jan 24
[PATCH] --links-depth for rsync
...ode behaviour without the new parameter is unchanged, I've used the
previous versions of the patch with rsync 2.5.x for the last year and
might just as well share the patch. Consider merging the patch for the
next release, please reply to me directly for additional feedback or
-------------- next part --------------
Index: flist.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/rsync/flist.c,v
retrieving revision 1.169
diff -u -r1.169 flist.c
--- flist.c 22 Jan 2004 18:39:32 -0000 1.169
+++ flist.c 24 Jan 2004 20:30:08 -0000
@@ -50,...
2008 Jul 13
Suggestions on "I Need the Kernel Source" Wiki pages
...perhaps the text
should emphasize the fact? I foolishly did not "cut-and-paste" the
'rpmbuild' command but wrote it myself.
I realize there is another thread about these Wiki pages currently being
discussed on centos-docs list but I thought it better to start a new
TIA, Antti
2007 Aug 07
Goodman-Kruskal tau
...roximation for H0 according to Margolin & Light 1974, see also Liebetrau 1983
p.tau.RC <- pchisq(U.tau.RC,df=(dat.rows-1)*(dat.cols-1),lower=FALSE);
results <- data.frame(tau.RC, tau.CR, p.tau.RC, p.tau.CR, var.tau.RC, ASE.tau.RC, ASE.tau.CR);
Hope this helps.
Antti Arppe - Master of Science (Engineering)
Researcher & doctoral student (Linguistics)
E-mail: antti.arppe at helsinki.fi
WWW: http://www.ling.helsinki.fi/~aarppe
2005 Feb 07
Re: Severe problem with Icecast2 and streamTranscoder
about its output stream being loaded with listeners at the Icecast server?
> (note: if the Shoutcast setup uses the same bandwith and users, then
> this is not the problem)
Yes, it does. And I've failed to reproduce this bug with Shoutcast so
far. Will keep trying, though.
Antti N?yh? "Ich bin der Zorn Gottes;
http://www.sairwas.org/ wer sonst ist mit mir?"
2005 Feb 09
Re: Severe problem with Icecast2 and streamTranscoder
...rring "Read -3
ret from ov_read" message in the streamTranscoder debug logs (see my
earlier link to the sT bug report). Not that I can make anything out of
It seems that other people are having very similar-sounding problems:
Antti N?yh? "Ich bin der Zorn Gottes;
http://www.sairwas.org/ wer sonst ist mit mir?"