search for: angegebener

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 41 matches for "angegebener".

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2006 Jan 26
cluster analysis: "error in vector("double", length): given vector size is too big {Fehler in vector("double", length) : angegebene Vektorgröße ist zu groß}
Dear R Specialists, when trying to cluster a data.frame with about 80.000 rows and 25 columns I get the above error message. I tried hclust (using dist), agnes (entering the data.frame directly) and pam (entering the data.frame directly). What I actually do not want to do is generate a random sample from the data. The machine I run R on is a Windows 2000 Server (Pentium 4) with 2 GB of
2006 Nov 28
(PR#9390) when loading library tripack entry point "signal"
This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --27464147-1968795515-1164715405=:5670 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=iso-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT You need to re-install packages when you update R, as it says in the rw-FAQ. Use update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE) to
2008 May 10
wxRuby 1.9.7 released
Hi wxRuby 1.9.7 is now available from rubyforge. This release is mainly to restore one-step gem installation for Windows users, so they can easily benefit from the many enhancements and fixes that were included in 1.9.6. The gem will now install Microsoft''s VC version 8.0 dlls. As usual ''gem install wxruby'' should get you the latest version. For users on Linux and
2009 Jan 23
can't load rJava in R 2.8.1 on Windows XP
Dear community, unfortunately I did not manage load the rJava package receiving the following error-message: > library("rJava") Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : kann shared library 'C:/Programme/R/2.8.1/library/rJava/libs/rJava.dll' nicht laden: LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Error : .onLoad in
2009 Jan 23
can't load rJava in R 2.8.1 on Windows XP
Dear community, unfortunately I did not manage load the rJava package receiving the following error-message: > library("rJava") Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : kann shared library 'C:/Programme/R/2.8.1/library/rJava/libs/rJava.dll' nicht laden: LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. Error : .onLoad in
2001 Oct 04
tcl/tk & Windows2000?
Hello, i have some problems to run tcltk/R on with Win2000. With Win98 i have no problems !? When i do this in R, i get no message-error & tcl/tk is really here ! Sys.putenv("TCL_LIBRARY"="C:/tcl/lib/tcl83") ,but after i use : library(tcltk) ,i get : Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library
2010 Feb 25
mtext with at=NULL
Hello, in the help of mtext I found "at: If ?length(at)==0? (the default), the location will be determined by ?adj?" But if I use mtext( "hello world", at=NULL) there comes the following error message: Fehler in mtext("hallo Welt", side = 3, adj = NA, at = NULL) : 'at' mit L?nge 0 angegeben So the help says it is ok to use at with length(at) == 0 but if
2004 Apr 05
Win2k Clients cant connect to Samba 2.2.8
Hello, I have a "small" Problem. I have a Network with some Samba servers, one of them is behind a firewall. I can not access this Server with Win2k/2k3 Clients. I can access the Server with WinNT Clients and I can access the Server with win2k Clients which are also behind the FW. I can see the Server in the browslist, but if I try to ope the link I get the following Error: Auf
2012 Oct 06
Download limit
...;- new.env() >getSymbols(tickers, src = 'yahoo', from = '1980-01-01', env = data, auto.assign = T) <environment: 0x0b49ba98> Warnmeldungen: 1: In download.file(paste(yahoo.URL, "s=",, "&a=", from.m, : heruntergeladene Länge 261497 != angegebener Länge 200 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Sep 03
The quadprog package
Hi everybody, I'm using Windows XP Prof, R 2.5.1 and a Pentium 4 Processor. Now, I want to solve a quadratic optimization program (Portfolio Selection) with the quadprog package I want to minimize (\omega'%*%\Sigma%*%\omega) Subject to (1) \iota' %*% \omega = 1 (full investment) (2) R'%*%\omega = \mu (predefined expectation value) (3) \omega \ge 0 (no short sales). Where
2009 Nov 25
rattle(): unable to load shared library
Hi I'm trying to install the rattle GUI on winwos 2000, with last version R 2.10. I had a first problem using the rattle package, as it was asking pkg XMl, which is no more in the CRAN repo. I instead simply install in R/libraries the XML pkg from: Maybe I mised something here... So now I was able to run the library(rattle) then,
2003 Aug 27
samba und netzlaufwerke unter winxp
Hallo, Ich habe ebendfalls das Problem, dass ich mich extra anmelden muss bei meinem Linux-Server. Hast Du da eine L?sung gefunden. From: "Marcel Stein" <> Subject: samba und netzlaufwerke unter winxp Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 20:04:56 +0200 Message-ID: <000001c33c0d$76d703f0$0201a8c0@winxp> Ich habe einen samba zu laufen und greife vom client winxp
2010 Nov 12
unexpected behaviour of rbind with dataframe containing POSIXct
Hello list, here is what I stumbled upon: 1> test <- data.frame(time=as.POSIXct((1:2),origin="2000-1-1")) 1> test time 1 2000-01-01 00:00:01 2 2000-01-01 00:00:02 1> rbind(test,b=1:2) Fehler in as.POSIXct.numeric(value) : 'origin' muss angegeben werden When I try to attach an additional row to a dataframe with a row containing dates I get the
2010 Oct 01
Issues loading rtiff 1.4.1 with R 2.6.2 on Windows
Dear R-users, I successfully installed rtiff on by R installation, but when I tried to load it, I got: >local({pkg <- select.list(sort(.packages(all.available = TRUE))) + if(nchar(pkg)) library(pkg, character.only=TRUE)}) Error in dyn.load(file, ...) : unable to load shared library 'C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-26~1.2/library/rtiff/libs/rtiff.dll': LoadLibrary failure: Das angegebene Modul
2018 Sep 22
can't build/run after adding lib to Fibonacci example, even reverting the complete llvm tree does not help
first: thank you for helping out >I might try compiling your source from the VS's Developer Command Prompt: >cmake --build . --target Fibonacci >Does this work? call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" cd llvm-build cmake --build . --config Debug --target Fibonacci building Fibonacci example works BUT
2011 Jun 10
Require of gWidgetsRGtk2 fails: RGtk2.dll can't be found, but it's there
Dear list, I've been trying to get gWidgets/gWidgetsRGtk2 to run every other month for a while, but somehow I simply can't figure out what's going wrong. I tried several distributions of the GTK runtime environment for Windows ( as described in the package's vignette,
2008 Dec 17
using dvi with latex object: directory not correctly set, maybe due to error in shQuote()
Dear friends of R, I want to produce a pdf file with the contents of a matrix. I employ the latex command in combination with dvi, both contained in the Hmisc package. It seems to me that the function does not correctly set the directory. > tbl.loc <- matrix(1:4, nc=2) > latex.obj <- latex(tbl.loc) > dvi(latex.obj) warning: extra args ignored after 'cd' H:\PROJECTS\data
2014 Jul 11
Aktualіѕіегung dеѕ Κоntоѕtatus. Аntwοгt егfοгderlich
Wir haben in Ih??m ???P?l-??nto ungew?hnliche ??t?vit?ten f??tg?stellt. Guten Tag! Zum S?hutz Ihr?? ??ntos kann niemand Geld senden oder Geld ?bbuchen. Au?erdem kann niemand B?n???nten entfernen, Kr?d?t?art?n ?ntfernen, R?ckzahlungen senden, od?? ??nto schlie?en. Hat jemand ohne Ihr Wissen Ih? ???Pal-??nto
1999 Nov 09
Samba server rejects (Win95) request
Hi, I am new to Linux, I am using RedHat version 6.0 and Samba 2.0.5a. I try to set up a Samba Server for a LAN. So far everything (i.e. installation) worked fine, I installed samba from .rpm and nmbd, smbd is started at boot successfully. I can see the Samba server in the Windows95 network environment, but when I doubleclick on it or when I try to smbmount a service from another Linux machine I
2003 Feb 18
ACL changing problem
hi all, i've a litte problem with my samba 2.2.7a running on SuSE 7.3 with a kernel 2.5.59: if i try to change any file acl from my win-client an error occurs "the network name is not longer avaiable" (orig: "Der angegebene Netzwerkname ist nicht mehr verf?gbar.") does someone know whats the problem and how to solve it? thanks NetRacer