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2002 Sep 05
Requset regarding packet marking.
Hello Sir, I want some help from you. I have my configuration like this. I have three machines. PC1,PC2,PC3. hub hub PC1--------------------PC2-----------------------PC3 eth0 eth0,eth1 eth0 I want to work my configuration like diffserv. I am generating traffic from PC3 and sending it to PC1 via PC2(as a router)and from
2001 Oct 03
Policy based routing form SRC Mac address.
Hi, Thanks to all in advance, In recent I need policy based routing on my Linux2.4.3 box. requirement is like to give access of Internet to some computers while this facility is not available to rest people (That is based on MAC address only). My existin routing in "table main" is... dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev eth1 proto
2006 Jan 18
Download and upload independency
Hello everyone: As it is known, when you limit uplink bandwidth it usually gets downlink bandwidth to a lower value. I just want to know what is the optimal configuration for eth1 and imq0 according to some variables of tc(HTB), txqueuelen, mtu, etc. to make these packet flows less independent on an ethernet based network. Thank you in advance. -Diego
2003 May 30
[Bug 95] New: inverse limit match doesn't work
...#iptables -A INPUT -m limit --limit 1/sec -j DROP Both result in: #iptables --list -n Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination DROP all -- limit: avg 1/sec burst 5 But in the iptables Tutorial 1.1.19 by Oskar Andreasson (http://iptables- there is written: "The limit match may also be inverted by adding a ! flag in front of the limit match. It would then be expressed as -m ! limit. This means that all packets will be matched after they have brok...
2004 Feb 16
RE: samba problem
Hi Alexander, The kind of firewall i have uses the basic iptables which came with the installation CDs of linux-SuSE. I installed SuSE 8.1 which has a firewall that has to be activated. But now, u know, i can't find the file containing the iptables so as to adjust the rules. When i try "iptables -L" in console mode i can see all the rules. I think i need to add some new rules
2001 Nov 19
hallo samba i have samba installed on a linux SuSE e-mail server II. i need to know witch port i have to open in my firewall to be able to connect the samba share via NT's explore my samba share om linux03 is [home] = /home/users and a connect from my NT4.0 workstation explore with \\linux03\home where is a firewall between my linux03 server with samba and my NT4.0 workstation. Med venlig