search for: andare

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 69 matches for "andare".

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2013 Mar 04
Choosing nlme or lme4?
Hi List,   I’ m analysing the selectivity of resting site use by forest carnivores through mixed modelling techniques and I wonder which will be the best r package to deal with several aspects simultaneously: -          binomial variable response; -          possible spatial and/or temporal correlation; I have tried nlme (lme function) and lme4 (lmer function) packages, however I realize that the
2008 Jul 01
plot window
Hi list, I want to know how can i creat a plot window with this configuration: _______________________________ | | | PLOT 1 | | | |-----------------------------| | | | | | | | PLOT 2 | PLOT 3 | | | | | | |
2010 Oct 22
covariance matrix
Dear all, I generated a covariance matrix and I would like to generate a 1D plot of the data that auto-correlate. any suggestions? Thanks, Marcelo -- Marcelo Andrade de Lima UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de São Paulo Departamento de Bioquímica Disciplina de Biologia Molecular Rua Três de Maio 100, 4 andar - Vila Clementino, 04044-020 Lab +55 11 55764438 R.1188 Cell +55 11 92725274
2009 Mar 06
Hi, I know the function LETTERS, but, now I have some letters to convert it in numbers, like A=1,B=2, etc... Is any function to do that? Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins Marino Centro de Avalia??o Funda??o CESGRANRIO Rua Santa Alexandrina, 1011 - 2? andar Rio de Janeiro, RJ - CEP: 20261-903 R (21) 2103-9600 R.:236 ( (21) 8777-7907 ( leandro at "Aquele que suporta o peso da
2008 Jul 17
Colours in R
Hi list, I will help an person that will use some graphics of R in internet. But this pearson want to specify the colours. This person want me to create an pallete of colours like that: Name of color - Code - Colour White - 0xFFFFFF - color white (like an box with this color) I know that is possible with R, but i don't know how. Thanks for the advance. Atenciosamente, Leandro Lins
2018 Oct 09
Generar nombres de vectores dentro de una función y asignarles valor
Problema de autodidacta que no sabe cómo se llaman a las cosas, entonces no le sabe preguntar Google: Tengo una función que tiene que generar unos vectores, para después evaluarlos y devolverme el resultado; necesito que genere los nombres de los vectores y asignarles valores. Y No sé ni hacerlo ni decirlo con pocas palabras. a function(describir, segun.variable) { matriz <-
2018 Aug 30
Estimados Hay algo que no sale como se espera, di todos los permisos desde el sistema dentro de las opciones de seguridad, y desde las carpetas como si todos fuesen administradores, pero el error continúa, sin embargo como usuario administrador no tiene inconvenientes, lógicamente no voy a andar todo el día como administrador porque ante un error el desastre que haría. Pensaré, intentaré, de
2017 Jan 09
Leer csv separado por comas y por espacios
Buenas compañeros! Tengo una duda y no se muy bine como resolverlo. Tengo un csv en el que hay variables separadas por comas y otras esparadas por espacios (tabulaciones). Algo así V1 V2 V3,V4 M1 123 2512,2522 M2 117 2852,3521 ................................... Para leerlo he probado poniendo:
2015 Mar 24
Nuevas versiones y compatibilidad
Hola amigos, de nuevo aquí haciendo preguntas, Tengo instalada la versión de R 3.1.2 para Windows veo que está disponible la 3.1.3 Hoy empece a trabajar con la interconexión R con Excel. Quise Instalar el paquete XLConnect y ya tuve alguna pega porque decía que una parte del mismo está escrito en la versión 3.1.3. Aquí, en este mundillo, ya veo que el que no corre vuela porque la 3.1.3 es de
2024 Mar 21
Linux Mint 21.3 client AD joined OK but no usb working
...(and other things) are granted via some local groups, so if you have AD/winbind users, they does not have this group. For this, i use typically 'pam_group' module, with a simple config like: *; *; *; Al0000-2400; plugdev,fuse,scanner,video,audio,cdrom,floppy -- Ognuno vada dove vuole andare, ognuno invecchi come gli pare ma non raccontate a me che cos'e` la LIBERTA`. (F. Guccini)
2010 Nov 04
matlab code into R
Hello, I'm trying to write the following matlab code into R: N = zeros(n-1); for i=2:(n-1) N(1,i) = 1/(pi * (i-1)); end for i=2:(n-2) for j=i:(n-1) N(i,j) = N(i-1,j-1); end; end for i=2:(n-1) end for j=1:i N(i,j) = -N(j,i); end; any suggestions? Thanks can i just add the following line to my calculation N=1/(pi*(i-1) -- Marcelo Andrade de Lima UNIFESP - Universidade Federal
2008 Jul 02
exporting ftable
How can I export an ftable object in the same format that appears in R command window? For testing that i was using this example that is in help of this function. ## Start with a contingency table. ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3) ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2, col.vars = "Survived") ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 2:1, col.vars = "Survived") ## Start with a data frame. x <-
2009 Feb 03
color and fontfamily in lattice
Hi, I am having some problems using bwplot(lattice) in my data. I want change some parameters: 1) Fontfamily to serif 2) The size of the font 3) Put it in a bold face 4) Change de color of the lines How can I do that?! Now, I am using this to plot my boxplot. dados <- data.frame(varsep=as.factor(rep(1:2,10)),i=runif(20))
2005 Mar 09
Illegal filenames produced by rename
Greetings. I have a Windows share mounted via Samba. I recently tried to rename some files; the destination filenames had some high-bit characters. The renaming had some completely unexpected consequences; the new filenames now contain the full pathname (including backslashes), plus other illegal characters (colons). The files can no longer be accessed or modified, either from the remote
1998 Nov 25
How to stop access to a share in the samba server?
Hi I am mouving from PC-NFS to SAMBA and thare are some thinks that I would like to see in SAMBA. In NFS, when I do not want a share to be accessible, I just use the command: unshare /shared/directory This make the /shared/directory imediataly not accessible. Even by some one already using it! I?m using SAMBA 1.9.18p10 in a SUN Solaris 2.5 and i try to change smb.comf to disable one share,
2002 Jun 06
samba with ldap
Hello , Does Samba 2.2 has support for LDAP I want to use LDAP for user authentication instead of smbpasswd Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated Thanks & Regards Kalpit Jain Vice President-Technology Email: Netcore Solutions Pvt Ltd 402, Peninsula Chambers (Morarjee Mills Compound) Ganpat Rao Kadam Marg (Behind Piramal Hospital) Near A-Z Industrial
2008 Jun 26
Read sas7bdat
Hi, I was reading e-mail about one doubt that you were when you read files .sas7bdat in R. Now, I am with the same problem. But I don?t know how can i do that. I have download de Sas Viewer and i am using this sintax in r: > read.ssd("X:\\users\\Anresc07","que0411.sas7bdat") SAS failed. SAS program at C:\DOCUME~1\leandro\CONFIG~1\Temp\RtmpXR1Tid\ The log
2013 Jan 15
temporal and spatial correlation structures in GAMM
Dear R_help list members!   I’m studding forest carnivores and I have data on resting site selection and use!   I’m trying to model the probability that a forest carnivore might have in be located in a tree hollow (1) (the main resting site selected) rather than elsewhere (0) (other resting site types, dens, nests, etc.). The model should be related with several variables such as for instance:  
2023 Mar 02
Realizar anovas, por cada uno de los niveles de uno de los factores del ensayo
...el archivo de datos. Pero no sé dónde hay que colocarlo. Si alguno me puede ayudar. Gracias. Un saludo. Juan Bautista Relloso Barrio Coordinador de Equipos e Infraestructuras | Técnico de Cultivos del Departamento de Producción Vegetal Talde eta Azpiegitura Koordinatzailea | Laborantza teknikaria Landare Ekoizpen Departamentua jbautista en <mailto:jbautista en> | M. 688 62 98 14<> [cid:image001.png en 01D94D44.89C256F0] <> [cid:image002.png en 01D94D44.89C256F0] <h...
2009 Apr 27
Otros grupos donde se use R: ¿podemos contactar con ellos?
Hola, ¿qué tal? Voy a ejercer de portavoz oficioso del "petit comité" que inició esta lista de correo y pedir un favor a los actuales miembros de la lista. Como más de uno ya sabe, crearla, aparte del interés "per se", tenía un objetivo adicional y de mayor alcance: reunir a la comunidad hispanohablante de usuarios de R y, en particular, a la española para intercambiar