search for: anandhglinux

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "anandhglinux".

2004 Dec 29
Samba share problem
I had setup a Samba 3.0 PDC on Fedora 2. I have 2 shares like given below. The 2 shares are working fine, allowing only the users of the corresponding group to access the respective shares. ================================ [ab] comment = Lotus Group Folder path = /home/ab valid users = @a browseable = yes readonly = no [cd] comment = Creative Group
2005 Jan 14
Samba & ICMP allow problem
I am running a Redhat FC2 server, which runs postfix for mail, Squid for proxy and samba as Domain Controller and file server. I installed shorewall-2.1.11-1. In the shorewall rules /etc/shorewall/rules I added the following for samba ACCEPT LAN $FW: tcp 139,445 ACCEPT LAN $FW: udp 137:139 ACCEPT LAN $FW: udp 445