search for: amimation

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "amimation".

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2006 Jun 25
urgent help with effects.
...ion: Can you please tell me why when I tell it to show ONE of the divs, it shows them ALL?! I just want a simple nav where when you click the button, it hides the current ‘tab’ and shows the one one requested. But i would like to make it not play the show amimation if you click the same button twice. Any help would be great. Thanks. --louis
2006 Mar 10
boolean select problem
I want to use select form elements to choose between boolean options. How can I have it default to true and still display the persisted value (either true or false) when editing an existing object? I guess booleans default to false by default so its not obvious how to recognize when it''s a real ''false'' that the user set or default false because the value was null.
2013 May 20
Empty file in maildirs
I am cleaning up some old users, and found that in every maildir folder there is an empty file called maildirfolder, created at the time the original dovecot was installed. Is this empty file necessary for dovecot, or is it left there in an upgrade proces and can it be removed? Dovecot 2.1.7, on Debian wheezy. -- Roel Wagenaar, Linux-User #469851 with the Linux Counter;
2013 Nov 20
Welcome to the "asterisk-users" mailing list
asterisk-users-request at wrote: > Welcome to the asterisk-users at mailing list! Before posting to > the Asterisk users list, please be sure your question hasn't already been > answered in the list archive or in the Asterisk wiki at > For more information see Also, if you > want to search the lists for a