Displaying 20 results from an estimated 92 matches for "altitud".
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2018 Jul 12
loop para repetir valores de un vector
Hola a todos!
Estoy intentando crear un vector (alt) a partir de la repetición de valores
provenientes de otro vector (altitud).
A cada valor de altitud lo quiero repetir 1247 veces, y de ahi continuar
con el siguiente valor de altitud.
Probé varias cosas, pero esto me pareció lo más coherente:
alt=numeric (44*1247) #lo e...
2023 Jan 31
How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
Hi everyone,
I have a vector with atmospheric measurements (x-axis) that is
obtained/calculated at different altitudes (y-axis). The altitude is
uniformly distributed every 7 meters.
For example my dataframe is:
df <- dataframe(
*altitude* = c(1005, 1012, 1019, 1026, 1033, 1040, 1047, 1054, 1061, 1068),
*atm_values* = c(1.41, 1.40, 1.39, 1.38, 1.37, 1.37, 1.38, 1.36, 1.33, 1.31)
2023 Jan 31
[EXT] How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
Try something like
with(df, predict(smooth.spline(x = altitude, y = atm_values), deriv = 1))
Andrew Robinson
Chief Executive Officer, CEBRA and Professor of Biosecurity,
School/s of BioSciences and Mathematics & Statistics
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia
Tel: (+61) 0403 138 955
Email: apro at unimelb.edu.au
Website: https:...
1999 Dec 06
Factor labeling in a tree.plot
...the node - labels) is labeled in a plot with
letters a,b,c... instead of the numerical levels. when I run
It gives me the correct labels (the problem concerns 'landuse':
[1] "root" "landuse:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"
[3] "altitude<2883.5" "landuse:1,4,6"
[5] "altitude<1909.5" "altitude>1909.5"
[7] "landuse:2,3,5,7,8,9,10" "altitude>2883.5"
[9] "landuse:1,2,3,5,6,10" "altitude<3526.5"
[11] &quo...
2023 Jan 31
How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
...sday, January 31, 2023 10:16 AM
> To: r-help mailing list <r-help at r-project.org>
> Subject: [R] How to calculate the derivatives at each data point?
> Hi everyone,
> I have a vector with atmospheric measurements (x-axis) that is
> obtained/calculated at different altitudes (y-axis). The altitude is
> distributed every 7 meters.
> For example my dataframe is:
> df <- dataframe(
> *altitude* = c(1005, 1012, 1019, 1026, 1033, 1040, 1047, 1054, 1061,
> *atm_values* = c(1.41, 1.40, 1.39, 1.38, 1.37, 1.37, 1.38, 1.36, 1.33,
2006 Jul 08
which model (GLMs)is the best?
Dear friends,
I used R to analyze my data with the models of generalized linear models,
and found three models were relatively good, but i can't decide which is the
best,how should i do ?
glm(formula = snail ~ grass + gheight + humidity + altitude + soiltem +
airtem + grass:altitude, *family = Gamma(link = inverse*),
data = model, na.action = na.exclude, control = list(epsilon = 1e-04,
maxit = 50, trace = T))
(Dispersion parameter for Gamma family taken to be 0.2644025)
Null deviance: 63.635 on 161 degrees of freedom
2006 Jul 04
who can explain the difference between the R and SAS on the results of GLM
Dear friends,
I used R and SAS to analyze my data through generalized linear model, and
there is some difference between them.
Results from R:
glm(formula = snail ~ grass + gheight + humidity + altitude + soiltemr +
airtemr, family = Gamma)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.23873 -0.41123 -0.08703 0.24339 1.21435
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.024e-02 1.655e-02 1.223 0.22320
2008 Sep 05
how to draw the legend about color from 3d picture
I have drawed a picture with persp, it's 3d map with different color,
indicate different altitude. In gnuplot, the corresponding command
'splot' will generate a picture beside to indicate the relationship
between color and altitude. But in R, how to draw it? I have read the
manual of legend, but they are all about how to draw a legend with
colored text, not a continuous varing color wi...
2006 May 03
Nested model and variance partitioning
...n the help I am
still confused.
I sampled bugs in different habitats within sites which were within rivers
themselves within different regions.
The habitat correspond to different substrata (not systematically present in all
sites). For rivers and sites, I have environemental variables (e.g. altitude
and slope of the site, drainage area and geology of the river) and I have only
2 regions. Note that sometimes I have only one site per river.
I would like to know the part of each spatial scale in the species richness
I looked into the nlme package but I did not found how to proceed....
2010 Mar 23
Extension to Skeleton for multi-track media
...in which their BOS pages are
given. This is nothing semantic, but only a convenience so we can
ascertain that different Web browsers will address the same track by
the same index number through JavaScript.
Finally there are two rendering related fields that we propose
introducing: Display-hint and Altitude (their names could of course
still be changed). Each of these are specified as features of the
given track, but relate to the other tracks for rendering. Altitude
specified the display ordering (as z-index in HTML/CSS), and
Display-hints right now has proposals for picture-in-picture display
2010 Oct 12
Extracting data subset for plot
Dear list,
I want to make a plot based on the following information, using the command
variable A for x axis : temperature (range: -20 degrees to 40 degree)
variable B for y axis : altitude (range: 50 m to 2500 m )
The data below 0 degree of X variable wants to be erased tentatively.
Please kindly advise the command to extract the data ranging from 0 degree
to 40 degrees.
Thank you.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 15
Idetntifying nearest topographic contours to data points
Hi there,
I have two data sets, one of locations at different elevations (x,y,z) and
the other of points that make up topographic contours (also x,y,z). I have
where 'data2' are my measurement coordinates (x, y) and 'topocon' are my
topographic contours (x,y). While this gives me an output
2005 Aug 18
axTicks and window resizing
Dear listers,
I have written a function to facilitate the drawing of altitude profiles
with x (distance), y (altitude) and a z parameter (altitude magnification).
op <- par()$mai
plot(x,y*z, type="l",asp=1,las=1,xlab="",ylab="",yaxt="n",...)
2008 Oct 10
Problems and bugs in vgam()
binomial models.
1. When fitting smoothed parameters (e.g. s(X, df=2)) changing the
degrees-of-freedom has no effect on the level of smoothing (e.g. number
of knots for the spline). This appears to be the case even for the
example on the vgam help page.
fit2 = vgam(agaaus ~ s(altitude, df=2), binomialff, hunua)
> coef(fit2)
(Intercept) s(altitude, df = 2)
-1.1661259280 0.0003932463
fit10 = vgam(agaaus ~ s(altitude, df=10), binomialff, hunua)
> coef(fit10)
(Intercept) s(altitude, df = 10)
-1.1661259280 0.0003932463
2010 Feb 08
Color intervals in image.plot function
The script below is my current coding in order to produce a contour plot of temperature across altitude and time. In my case,?time,altitude and temperature?are represented by x, y and z variables.
Brazilan.Pallete <- colorRampPalette(c("blue","green","yellow","red"))
image.plot(x, y, z, col = Brazilan.Pallete...
2012 Nov 05
Logistic Regression with Offset value
Dear R friends.
I´m trying to fit a Logistic Regression using glm( family='binomial').
Here is the model:
offset=(log(1/off)), data=mydata, family='binomial')*
mydata has 76820 observations.
The response variable f_ocur) is a 0-1.
This data is a SAMPLE of a bigger dataset, so the idea of setting the
offset is to account that the data used here represents a...
2006 Mar 14
Ordered logistic regression in R vs in SAS
I tried the following ordered logistic regression in R:
mod1 <- polr(altitude~sp + wind_dir + wind_speed + hr, data=altioot)
But when I asked The summary of my regression I got the folloing error message:
> summary (mod1)
Re-fitting to get Hessian
Error in optim(start, fmin, gmin, method = "BFGS", hessian = Hess, ...) :
the initial value of 'vm...
2017 Jun 09
Exercise in R
Hi i need some help with this exercise:
FIles: https://mega.nz/#!JxMFGIwC!qA85SBIBRVagCzYfmLwSvGuNK_qXqCXrakPxXryCpGg
# Shapefile "INCOME" contains dummy information about revenue
# Common Abbreviations in the "INCOME" variable and the centroid altitude
#dell common in the variable "ALT"
# 1
#map of the variable "INCOME", choosing an appropriate color scale (save the map in pdf)
#map of the variable "ALT", choosing a color palette from green to white, passing for brown (save the map in pdf)
# 3
2005 Sep 15
Coefficients from LM
Hi everyone,
Can anyone tell me if its possibility to extract the coefficients from the
lm() command?
For instance, imagine that we have the following data set (the number of
observations for each company is actually larger than the one showed...):
Company Y X1 X2
1 y_1 x1_1 x2_1
1 y_2 x1_2 x2_2
1 y_3 x1_3 x2_3
2 y_4 x1_4 x2_4
2 y_5 x1_5 x2_5
2 y_6 x1_6 x2_6
n y_n x1_n x2_n
2012 Nov 14
Jackknife in Logistic Regression
...split the data in let’s say 5 random subsets
and then obtaining the 7 estimated parameters by dropping one subset at a
time from the dataset. Then I can estimate uncertainty of the parameters.
I understand the procedure but I´m unable to do it in R.
This is the model that I´m
data=mydata, family='binomial')*
Does anyone have an idea of how can I make this possible?
I´d really appreciate if someone could help me with this.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. More information can be added if needed.
Best regards....