search for: alonetone

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "alonetone".

2008 May 15
facebooker, respond_to and firefox 3 beta5/pre
Hi there, I have a controller that responds to fbml and html, with html at the top. In all browsers, this works as expected - When I''m hitting the controller from my normal app, I get html. When I hit it inside facebook, I get fbml. However, with Firefox 3 hitting the normal app, I''m getting fbml for some odd reason. Am I crazy? Sudara
2008 Jan 31
Using facebooker AND Haml/Sass
For anyone using both and encountering trouble with stylesheets (specifically, the paths being incorrect in production mode)... Removing facebooker solves the issue. But I bet you don''t want to do that, eh? So, simply setting ActionController::Base.asset_host = '''' also works like butter. I''m not 100% clear on why asset_host has anything to do with
2008 Jan 25
More on routing, relative_root and facebooker
Hey there! I would like the discussion to continue on how facebooker handles routes, as it appears that there is an unsolved issue. Mike, I read your recent reply involving setting facebook''s callback_path to the root of the rails app, and adding a route to catch all calls to the app root where canvas => true. I just want to point out this is counterintuitive to some folks and