search for: allow_blank

Displaying 17 results from an estimated 17 matches for "allow_blank".

2013 Apr 03
validates uniqueness scope allow_blank/allow_nil -> validation error
I have this in a model: class GenreBadge < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :game, counter_cache: :genre_badges_count, touch: true belongs_to :genre validates :game_id, uniqueness: {scope: :genre_id}, allow_blank: true end When I get one existing genre badge genre_badge = game.genre_badges.first genre_badge.game_id = nil! It creates an validation exception: "ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: Game has already been taken" I already have have specified that I want t...
2011 Jun 19
validates_numercality_of with allow_nil.
In the model I have: validates :square_meters_public_land, :barrier_meters, :numericality => { :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 }, :allow_nil => true but if, in the field, on create, I don''t insert a value I have the error "field is not a number". -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2010 Jun 15
Allow blank on should validate_uniqueness_of
Hello, Using shoulda, any ideas how to allow blank when having this test: should validate_uniqueness_of(:email) Thanks. -- J. Pablo Fernández <> ( -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to
2007 Dec 27
validates_file_format_of only when is there an image
i have a model with this: file_column :image validates_file_format_of :image, :in => ["gif", "png", "jpg"] If inthe form the user not insert the image i receive an error. If i remove: validates_file_format_of :image, :in => ["gif", "png", "jpg"] it works. Is possible do the validation only when user insert the image in form? i
2010 Feb 10
validation problems
Hi, there. I have two validations in the model: validates_numericality_of :value, :only_integer=>true, :allow_blank=>true validates_size_of :value, :is=>9, :message=>"must be 5-digit number", :if=>{|u| u.value.is_a?(Numeric)} They work as expected except when the :value is character/string like "a" "abc", the second validation will also output error message &quo...
2007 Mar 29
validates_length_of not working with :if ?
Hello, I''m trying to cut down the errors if the guy already getting the empty nickname, so he doesn''t get anything about the nickname is short. validates_presence_of :nickname This below is not working ? validates_length_of :nickname, :within => 4..40, :if => { |user| user.nickname.length > 1 } nor this one below? validates_length_of :nickname, :within
2007 Nov 20
:allow_nil validation vs. blank?
...returns params to the controller, empty fields appear to be returned as blank, not nil. so what''s the point of an :allow_nil=>true setting on a validation? it fails because blank is not the same as nil. i would expect either returned empty fields to be nil, or :allow_nil to really be :allow_blank. otherwise i have to do a search through params every time i do a create/update to convert blank to nil. totally unrailslike. someone straighten me out please... thx - mike --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr...
2008 Nov 17
super global dummy method for gettext + rails 2.2
Hi, since rails 2.2 doesn''t work with gettext anymore I decided to use a gettext dummy method until the gettext team relases a working version for rails 2.2. My application doesn''t need any i18n support right now and this way i figured it would be very easy to integrate gettext later. Just setup the plugin and go. So I need a method called _ which is available in alle models,
2013 Jun 23
Contact form - NoMethodError (undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass)
...Servicemail include ActiveModel::Validations include ActiveModel::Conversion extend ActiveModel::Naming attr_accessor :name, :email, :subject, :body, :szolg validates :name, :email, :subject, :body, :presence => true validates :email, :format => { :with => %r{.+@.+\..+} }, :allow_blank => true def initialize(attributes = {}) attributes.each do |name, value| send("#{name}=", value) end end def persisted? false end end This is the controller: class ScontactController < ApplicationController def new @message =
2011 Dec 13
Validates presence
Hi everyone, I just need a quick help :) What is the best way to write some code in :presence option? I have a Question model and one of the fields is question_type: - example question - static question Each question has alternatives, and each of them has scores What I want is to validate the presence of :score, but when its only on the static question. I dont want to validate the presence
2011 Apr 21
Rails 3 Foreign Domain routing - cannot get this to work!
...ource :project end end root :to => "home#index" [/code] in my model I have: [code] # app/models/project.rb before_validation :cache_domain validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain, :cached_domain validates_uniqueness_of :cname_alias, :allow_blank => true validates_presence_of :subdomain, :cached_domain validates_exclusion_of :subdomain, :in => %w(admin blog), :message => "is taken" def cache_domain self.cached_domain = if self.cname_alias.blank...
2010 Aug 18
error_messages_for doesn't work
I''m having a problem, ''cause I wrote the following line in my model "Hi": [code] validates_numericality_of :phone, :only_integer => true, :allow_blank => false, :message => "must be a number" [/code] And in my "new" view, I put: [code] <%= error_messages_for :oi, :header_message => "Erro ao cadastrar usuário." , :message => "Cheque o(s) seguinte(s) campo(...
2009 Jul 06
authlogic and updateing a user without changing password
...what have you. In my admin section I''d like to change only the state of users. The problem is that when I submit the form, I get the following error: Password can''t be blank How to tell authlogic to not care about this error? Is it possible to provide te à-la restful_auth option :allow_blank => true ? Regards -- Posted via
2012 Jul 19
New Gem: validation_hints
...ed in the user interface, for instance for displaying a tooltip or other context-sensitive help. It''s very crude yet but it works for the basic (built-in) validations (Rails 3.2.3). It does not work with Custom Validators yet and also doesn''t take in account some options like :allow_blank. I welcome improvemets and other reactions, and hope similar functionality will be added to AM/AR. Cheers ace suares -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA...
2010 Aug 18
paper clip plugin validation fails
...ender } end here is the model validation validates_attachment_content_type :picture, :content_type=>[''image/jpeg'', ''image/png'', ''image/gif''], :message => :missing_content_type or validates_format_of :picture,:allow_blank=>true, :with => %r{\.(gif|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp)$}i,:message => "Invalid file extension for teaser image. Please upload files with the following extensions only : .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp" can anyone help me to sort out this issue.please help me Thanks In advance -- Post...
2009 Dec 31
Single Validation Error... best practices?
So a lot of Rails apps (mine included) have multiple validations on a single attribute. For example: on the password field, validating that it is (a) not blank, (b) matches the confirmation, (c) is at least X characters long, and (d) contains at least 1 alpha and at least 1 numeric character. The problem is: if that field is blank, the default errors shows all four. That''s a little
2007 Jul 24
Problem with validates_length_of an integer
Hello guys, I''m trying to validate the input of an integer from a form, here is a bit of code: This is the definition of the offending column in the migration: t.column :position, :integer, :default => 0, :limit => 3, :null => false And here is how I try to validate it inside de model: validates_length_of :position, :within => 1..3 And this is the exception I get when I