search for: allele_a

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "allele_a".

Did you mean: allele_f
2007 Nov 18
how to sort a data.frame by ascending some columns
Dear list, I have a data frame (238304 rows and 6 columns). I want the data frame sorted by two columns in ascending order. I am showing the first 5 rows of the data frame >[1:5,1:6] USER_CLONE_ID CHROMOSOME Expr1002 KB_POSITION Allele_A WELL_ID 1 SNP_A-1855402 17 41419603 41419603 C rs17572851 2 SNP_A-4249904 17 41420045 41420045 A rs17572893 3 SNP_A-2174835 18 41407760 41407760 C rs17651213 4 SNP_A-1880271 18 41173993 41173993 A rs17563827 5 SNP_A-2313232 17 41169023 41169023 C rs17563787 Especially, I want the data frame sorte...