search for: alias_method

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 114 matches for "alias_method".

2006 Mar 12
alias_method interferes ApplicationHelper
Hello, I''m using Ruby 1.8.4 (darwinport), rails-1.0.0 (gem) , Powerbook / Mac OS X 10.4.5 , Webrick. How come Rails always raises NoMethodError for my helper (must_fill and rp or number_to_currency_rp) in application_helper.rb ? I doubt that alias_method is the culprit, but if i give # comment then there will be no errors at all ... :/ what am i doing wrong? is it a bug or stupid me? Thx ------------------ This is my helper: ------------------ module ApplicationHelper alias_method :rp, :number_to_currency_rp # Rp 1.907.000,00 instead of $1,90...
2008 Jan 18
NameError when using alias_method -- but method exists?
Hello Rubyists, I am a bit stumped here. I want to extend the ''load_file'' method in the YAML module. Following along with the PickAxe example of making old methods do new things, I try this in irb: >> module YAML >> alias_method :orig_load_f, :load_file >> def load_file(*args) >> contents = orig_load_f(*args) >> contents.symbolize_keys.each_value {|v| v.symbolize_keys } >> end >> end But after that last ''end'', irb explodes, saying: NameError: undefined method `l...
2006 Mar 12
a better way to alias methods
Hi is there a better way to accomplish this task? class PortfolioController < ProjectController layout ''portfolio'' def boing redirect_to :action=>:index end alias_method :new , :boing alias_method :destroy , :boing alias_method :edit , :boing alias_method :update , :boing end My portfolio controller implements view only control of the project controller therefore I want to prevent the user from poking around for sensitive methods inside the pro...
2007 Feb 26
undefined method ... from `alias_method'
0 wicked var/www % ./script/console Loading development environment. >> r = Recipe.find :first NameError: undefined method `recipe_type='' for class `Recipe'' from ./script/../config/../config/../app/models/recipe.rb: 101:in `alias_method'' In recipes_controller: alias_method :orig_recipe_type=, :recipe_type= def recipe_type=(t) if t.nil? self.orig_recipe_type = guess_recipe_type self.recipe_type_is_guess = true else self.orig_recipe_type = t self.recipe_type_is_guess = false end end recipe_type is a...
2009 Sep 23
Overriding AR read/write_attribute - Overridden write_attribute Is Never Called
Could someone explain this? #config/initializers/ar_attributes.rb module ActiveRecord module AttributeMethods alias_method :ar_read_attribute, :read_attribute def read_attribute(attr_name) p "read_override" ar_read_attribute(attr_name) end alias_method :ar_write_attribute, :write_attribute def write_attribute(attr_name, value) raise ''You made it!'&...
2005 Nov 02
I''m running into the need (on at least one project now) to implement end-user-customizable "metadata" or properties on model objects. The standard example would be a Person class that had first_name, last_name, etc. but would need to be extended real-time (through the web admin interface) with properties such as phone_number : varchar (30). I''ve done some basic
2008 May 21
Problem with alias_method in a plugin
...l, so instance method also works. I''ve set breakpoints on both methods (meta_tag and foo) - calling model_instance.meta_tag doesn''t trigger debugger and triggers debugger. So the redefined meta_tag method is not called at all. If I copy all this code (has_one, alias_method and redefine meta_tag) directly into the model it works fine. Any ideas? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to rubyonrails-talk-/JYP...
2008 Jan 28
Scheduling same worker/method at different times with different args
I need to run the same worker''s method twice per day with different arguments. Unfortunately, only the second entry in the schedule is firing. I created an experimental worker to verify this: Worker: class ExperimentWorker < BackgrounDRb::MetaWorker set_worker_name :experiment_worker def create(args = nil) # this method is called, when worker is loaded for the first time
2006 Jan 11
stack level too deep problem
...overload the link_to function, (to disable link_to if the user has no access right) this is my code, it work the first time I run the application, the second time I refresh the page I always get "stack level too deep error" module UsersHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper alias_method :link_to_original, :link_to def permission? true end def link_to(name, options = {}, html_options = nil,*parameters_for_method_reference) if permission? link_to_original( name, options,html_options,*parameters_for_method_reference ) end end end the error message ho...
2006 Aug 16
AR: column methods?; false t.column "color", :string end If a dog''s tail indicates its own color, I want to use it. Otherwise, the tail''s color is the same as the dog''s color: class Dog < AR::Base has_one :tail end class Tail < AR::Base belongs_to :dog alias_method :tail_color, :color def color return tail_color if tail_color != nil return dog.tail_color end end The trouble is that the ''color'' method doesn''t exist yet: $ ./script/console Loading development environment. >> x = NameError: undefined metho...
2006 Jun 01
more questions: human_name
One more question: Is there some way to set the human_name of a column? e.g.: human_name for column address1 shouldn''t be Address1 but "Address, line 1". If not, should I make a hash with my custom names? Best regards, -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yannick Majoros Informaticien UCL/INMA-MEMA
2006 Feb 01
Explanation of "alias_method"
Hi! I''m trying to extend ActiveRecord''s find method (Rails 1.0, Ruby 1.8.2), but I recognize a strange behaviour of the "alias_method" call. I wrote a very simple script to explain my problem: ------------------------------------------------------ module ActiveRecordExtension def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do class << self p "Alias...
2005 Sep 17
Reloading and redefining methods: infinite recursion
When I redefine a method like this class Klass alias_method :method_without_addition, :method def method_with_addition ... method_without_addition ... end alias_method :method, :method_with_addition end I get into trouble in the development environment. As these definitions are executed again for each request, the second time around met...
2006 Aug 14
ActionMailer in an infinite loop? Looks like framework bug.
...) end end The first line of this method is inherited_without_helper, but when I searched for this method I found that it was an alias for the same method. Here is where I found that problem: Line 15: helpers.rb: ActionMailer 1.2.5 --------------------------------------- class << self alias_method :inherited_without_helper, :inherited alias_method :inherited, :inherited_with_helper end Notice it''s defining inherited_without_helper to be inherited_with_helper so a call to inherited_without_helper is the same as calling inherited_with_helper! Hence the infinite loop. So I star...
2005 Aug 09
Adding created_by and updated_by trouble
Hi everyone. This is a real noob question that I''m hoping someone out there can help me with. I have followed the tutorial How to Ad created_by and updated_b<>y and it works ok for retrieving the data. I''m using the Login_Generator. I cannot get it to work on create or update. I think
2006 Jul 27
Introspecting validates_presence_of
Hello people, I''d like to detect whether an attribute of a model has vaildates_presence_of applied to it so I can automatically apply a mandatory (*) to the doesn''t look easy...any ideas? Cheers, -- Dan Webb
2007 Sep 05
Caveman Questions
Hello! I''m just a caveman with some caveman questions. I''ve been parsing Rspec for quite a while, and I''m writing my first series of specs. My initial impressions are "Verbose, but understandable. Helpful and intuitive, but so much to digest." I want to congratulate the folks who are dedicating a chunk of their lives to writing this, and ask 2 caveman
2005 Feb 08
test_process.rb => LoadError
Line 4 and following of test_process.rb reads: if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) # Temporary hack for getting functional tests in Rails running under 1.8.2 class Object #:nodoc: alias_method :require_without_load_path_reloading, :require def require(file_name) begin require_without_load_path_reloading(file_name) rescue Object => e ADDITIONAL_LOAD_PATHS.reverse.each { |dir| $:.unshift(dir) if } require_without_load_path_rel...
2007 Nov 17
Down with Lambda!!
Rspec is all about using natural language to define behavior. In this context, I feel that lambda is sorely out of place. I was chatting on #irc and a pal of mine (wycats) proposed an interesting alternative: alias_method :doing, :lambda so instead of something like lambda {post :create, {:title => nil}}.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) we get doing {post :create, {:title => nil}}.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) Now it reads like a sentence..much cleaner and less abstract to...
2006 May 18
attempt to override the ''tag'' method
...elpers::TagHelper to do some generalized error handling similar to the way scaffolding puts a red border around fields that fail validation. I''ve created a file lib/rails_patches/tag_helper.rb which contains the following. module ActionView module Helpers module TagHelper alias_method :orig_tag, :tag def tag(name, options = nil, open = false) breakpoint orig_tag(name, options, open) end end end end I then have a view with the following <h1>New post</h1> <%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %>...