Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "alebo".
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2013 Feb 11
Windows 7 against Samba+LDAP does not work with some passwords
switch message SMBclose (pid 9649) conn 0x7ff244f5d710
[2013/02/11 18:05:37.894826, 3] smbd/reply.c:4848(reply_close)
close fd=-1 fnum=4640 (numopen=1)
--- 8< ---
Tento email a ak?ko?vek pr?lohy k nemu prilo?en? m??u obsahova? d?vern? alebo v?hradn? formul?cie alebo inform?cie, ktor? s? chr?nen? pr?vnym poriadkom. Je ur?en? v?hradne pre vyu?ite osobou alebo subjektom ktor?m bol adresovan?. Ak nie ste po?adovan?m pr?jemcom, alebo ste tento email dostali chybne, ozn?mte to pros?m okam?ite odosielate?ovi a tento email vyma?te. Ak?ko?vek...
2002 Jun 11
401 Bad Authorization
...h-syslog \
--with-utmp \
--with-sambabook=/usr/share/swat/using_samba \
Can you help me?
Thanks Peter.
Tato sprava a vsetky pripojene subory su doverne
a urcene vyhradne osobam alebo organizaciam, ktorym
boli adresovane. Ak ste dostali tento e-mail omylom,
prosim, upovedomte PRVU KOMUNALNU BANKU a.s.(postmaster@pkb.sk).
This email and any files transmitted are confidential
and intended solely for the use of the individual
or entity to which they are addressed.
If you have rece...