search for: alancfrancis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 31 matches for "alancfrancis".

2006 Feb 10
Lighttpd segfaults on first access
...ersion of lighty... any ideas ? I''ll stick with 1.4.7 for the moment, since it works. If this segfault is a known bug, when was it introduced ? Can I get a more recent version (.8 or .9)? Obviously I''d like to be running as up-to- date a version as possible. A. --
2006 Jan 04
Autocomplete howto?, deal %></li> ><% end %> ></ul> It looks like you''re assigning to a variable @stores, but trying to read from a variable called @dealings. I''m not familiar with autocomplete, but that looks like it might be a prob ? A. --
2006 Jun 06
[OT] O''Reilly Cookbooks
Hi, Has anyone gotten the "roughcuts" of the Ruby and Rails cookbooks? If you have the Pragmattic Rails Cookbook is the O''Reilly worth it? Also can you download PDF''s of their "roughcuts". The website is kind of vague, it just mentions online access (whatever that means). Thanks in advance.
2006 Jul 10
Can migrations set up foreign key references?
I use Oracle and i really want to use migrations, but there seems to be no way to setup foreign key constraints. Is this true? If it is then doesn''t that make migrations useles with Oracle? Thanks Chris -- Posted via
2006 Feb 12
Repost: tutorial and lighttpd .10 crashes
...ter version of lighty... any ideas ? I''ll stick with 1.4.7 for the moment, since it works. If this segfault is a known bug, when was it introduced ? Can I get a more recent version (.8 or .9)? Obviously I''d like to be running as up-to- date a version as possible. A. --
2006 Jan 05
Re: help with link_to_if, I can''t make it work..
...; if there is a comment.web_site. Can someone please help? >> >> <%= link_to_if(comment.web_site.length > 0,, >> comment.web_site {"class" => "comment_by"}) %> > > > -- > Posted via --
2006 Jan 05
has_many - when are child objects created?
I has several model objects that flow down like a tree: Class1 has_many Class2 Class2 has_many Class3 and so on. when are the child records actually created? If I do: c1 = Class1.find(:all) are the child objects (C2s below) created then or not until i do something like: c2s = c1.C2s while iterating through the c1s? If the form, that''s cool, no problem, but If I''ve got
2006 Jan 05
ActiveRecord setting IDs on auto increment fields
Hi All, I''ve tried to do my searches, but can''t find reference to this anywhere - My question is about ActiveRecord inserts and IDs. I have a join table that both the models of the source tables join with "has_and_belongs_to_many". It seems like ActiveRecord is setting the "id" field for the join table- This should be an auto_increment and
2006 Mar 24
Polymorphic associations?
I''ve read the stuff about polymorphic associations here: But I''m not sure what exactly they are and what their advantage is. Are they the same as HABTM, but they''re "two-way"? Joe -- Posted via
2006 Mar 13
apache 1 fastcgi config correct???
I followed this tutorial on the rails wiki about how to get apache with fastcgi working on a vps machine: In the tutorial it said to add this to the httpd.conf file to get fastcgi working. <IfModule mod_fastcgi.c> FastCgiIpcDir /tmp/fcgi_ipc/ AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi </IfModule> However
2006 Jun 27
Reg webrick using instant rails.
Hi guys. I installed instant rails on windows xp home edition sp2.when i start webrick server on cookbook application.I am unable to access cookbook website from http:\\localhost:3000 as port 3000 is its defauls port .Please let me know whats wrong been happening.When i tried samething on xp pro it worked. please reply ASAP regards, Chris -- Posted via
2006 Feb 11
Re: Ruby/Rails T-Shirts/graphics > 1. Ruby/Rails T-Shirts/graphics? (Joe) > Hey, I was just wondering - are there any Ruby and/or Rails t-shirts > available? Or nice, big graphics available to make your own?
2006 Jan 18
Support for foreign keys in Migrations
Is there any work being done to add support for defining foreign keys in ActiveRecord Migrations? If not is it something that people would find useful or do most people here believe in the "Application Database" style over the "Integration Database" style [1] as defined by Fowler? I''d love to see support for foreign keys in Migrations. For selfish reasons
2006 Jun 16
Routing Error - Recognition failed for..
I followed the guide for RailsOnWindows ( and completed all the steps without any problems. But when I try to access my page, I get: Routing Error Recognition failed for "/rails" rails is what I have in my httpd.conf: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName rails DocumentRoot "D:/devapps/Apache
2006 Apr 20
Can someone please explain Lighttpd + Mongrel + Rails.
I know that Mongrel is a web server that hosts rails applications. But i don''t understand what part Lighttpd (or Apache) has in the setup. I know that you can use Mongrel on its own. What does Lighttpd improve on? Thanks, Chris -- Posted via
2006 Apr 02
12 / 16 = 0
Hi, Just thought it was weird that Ruby doesn''t automatically cast ints to floats. Seems so un-rubyish irb(main):006:0> 12/16 => 0 irb(main):007:0> 12.to_f / 16.to_f => 0.75 Jeroen
2006 Mar 31
Model reloading problem
Hi all, I''ve a model class Toto in the model directory. I don''t understand why i have to restarts WebBrick to view changes i make in this class FYI : in the development. rb i desabled class cache with config.cache_classes = false Regards Luciano -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Jun 06
Troubleshooting "Lost connection to MySQL server.."
Hello all, Though I''ve read all I could about the "Lost connection to MySQL server during query: SHOW FIELDS FROM ...", I''m still unable to use RoR. I''m on Linux Mandriva 2006 / MySQL-4.1.12 / ruby-1.8.2 - The userid/password have access to the database and the table (it''s the root user on MySQL) - I''m on a nonstandard socket/port, but
2006 May 23
Where''s Ruby? Too many Ruby interpreters on OS X.
I seem to have two versions of Ruby on my PowerBook. I have been learning RoR and walked through the online scripted install of Ruby and Rails several weeks ago before I really understood what was going on. If I open Terminal and type: ruby -v I get back: ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.5.0] So that looks fine, but I don''t know where my Ruby interpreter is located. I
2006 Jul 12
Props to Mongrel/Zed
Hi All, After upgrading to 1.1 + on a production VPS which was using a combination of Apache 1.33 + SCGI serving up Rails 1.0 app across multiple domains I ran into some major instability problems which I could not pin down (although some very suspicious POSTs were showing up in the log files that can''t have been good). As an experiment I went with the new way of thinking Mongrel and it