search for: ajaxie

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 35 matches for "ajaxie".

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2007 Sep 15
ANN: [Yet Another ] AJAXy Petstore
Hi all, It''s obvious (isn''t it?) that the world needed another Petstore.If it''s not, then let''s just say that for some esoteric reasons (to do with training and the JRuby project), some people in ThoughtWorks decided to create one, anyway. With rounded corners, gradient fills, autocompletion search, yellow fade effect and sundry Web 2.0 features... but no tag
2009 Oct 05
ajaxy select boxes and existing records
I''ve just made my first form using select boxes that update each other via observe_field. It works really well for the creation of record and it''s making the form a whole lot nicer to use. The problem is editing records, the first select box is not part of the model but is used to populate the second select, which is a required attribute of the model. When the edit form is
2005 Aug 24
Developers Wanted
Hi, I recently won the Railsday contest and the response has been overwhelming. I''m currently looking for: 1) Rails programmers with at least A FEW COMPLETE Rails applications under their belt 2) Front-end XHTML/CSS developers who are comfortable working with Rails and all the Ajaxy goodness to help me finish up several of my current projects and stick around for the next
2006 Jul 24
Customize list.rhtml to display only certain db columns
Hi, Very new to RoR; have been a flash developer for four years or so. I have an urgent question -- in the list.rhtml file, I only want to display certain columns instead of dumping out all the columns in the database. Could someone shed some light this topic? Thanks!!! Sam -- Posted via
2006 Mar 08
New ajaxy CMS on Rails: adminpages
hey, i''ve created a basic content management system using rails and scriptaculous. I posted a first version last week, but I heavily extended it since then. Features: Pages are arranged in a sortable tree (sortable by drag and drop) Pages have "nice" URLS (no /index?articleid=97361496 or something) Cacheing on page basis every page has a layout with a number of columns page
2008 Apr 12
Sequence of multiple background process submissions
I have a question on how multiple b/g processes that are kicked off get handled in terms of sequence/schedule. On my site, a user enters an RSS feed to be processed and since this takes about 5-10 secs, I pass the process off to a background job and meanwhile do some Ajaxy spinners and tap-dancing until the job completes and then redirect_to the appropriate page. This works great. I also need to
2006 May 29
IFRAME based RJS - responds_to_parent
** File uploads with AJAX mojo ** Respond with RJS to your parent window with a form action targeted to a hidden IFRAME. Handles all the painful situations like scoping your JavaScript to your parent window generating the script block for execution and clearing the IFRAME after execution so the back button doesn''t re-execute the action. `plugin install
2006 Aug 04
Newbie Question: fom_tag_remote return HTML
Hi Everyone, I am still only 1 week old on Rails and I am trying to implement an AJAXy "Add comment" sheet. On the post for a new comment, I want to use form_tag_remote. I would like to use a partial that I want to render for the newly posted comment once the Submit happens. What is the syntax to say, render a partial once the submit happens? Thanks, Vinod
2005 Dec 30
Radiobutton onclick
Hi, I would like to make a simple html which displays the contents of a table from a database. So I put radiobuttons near the titles of the columns to note and do a sorting by that column. But I don''t know how to implement that the clicking on one of the radiobuttons make the sorting. The problem is the view part. How to give a radiobutton to make some action on a click by the helper?
2006 Apr 23
Newbie Ajaxy Question
Hi all, I''ve been trying to figure this out by myself and while I feel I''ve made some progress, I feel kind of stuck. Let me see if I can explain what I''m trying to do. I have a very simple form with a text box and a text area. The text in each of these will eventually make it into a row in a table in my database. For now, the value in the text box represents a
2006 May 05
Stop browser timeout with large file uploads + processing?
Hi Im uploading a file to my rails app, i''s usually a large file, 5-50mb. Once the file has been uploaded it must be parsed and processed, this can take a very long time, 1-20mins. The problem is that most of the time my browser timeouts. Im not really sure how to solve it. One idea is that i have a script run constantly on the server that checks for uploaded files in a
2006 Feb 09
Strategies for updating multiple parts of the page with AJAX
Hi all, I have a layout that''s evolving, but it looks like there will be several divs. I''m trying to keep everything AJAX-y and avoid full page reloads. My problem is, if I have the login box in a div, I''m going to want two other divs to effectively "refresh" themselves to get data from the server now that there is a user logged in. I''m trying to
2006 Feb 24
Help a n00b?
So I''m trying to do that hot new thing with AJAXy forms: Here''s the relevant code in list.rhtml (for the form portion) <tbody> <%= render_collection_of_partials "list_stripes", @foods %> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr id="addFood"><%= form_remote_tag( :html =>
2008 May 22
Autocompleters and Sortables do not function in IE6
I have two issues that I hope someone else has encountered and has a solution for. First: I have several autocompleters on my site, and they function as expected in Firefox, Opera, IE7, but when I use them in IE6, I get no javascript errors for my local autocompleters, and all ajax autocompleters functions are firing as expected and returning the correct search results. The only problem, IE6
2007 Jan 24
Differences between assert_tag and assert_select
Hi all, I can't seem to make assert_select work for the more complex cases for me. Here's a sample: # View <%= link_to_remote 'Add new', :url => new_phone_url, :submit => 'phones_head' %> # Generated code: <a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Request('', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
2006 Mar 07
Star Rating Component?
Hi, I''m looking for a star rating component for RoR, a bit like Votio ( - find the votio heading) or the star rating used on Amazon. I don''t really need the AJAX capabilities, just the ability to bind the results to a hidden drop down, or radio inputs. Multiple raters per page is also an issue. Any recomendations? -- Posted via
2009 Sep 30
Cycle/Partials issue
First off, I''m fairly new to ruby on rails so this may appear simple but I''m just learning the ropes :) So I have a simple blog app where a post has many comments. The ''show'' view for posts renders a partial for each comment the post has. The css class of the containing div element is cycled using cycle(). The partial code is, <% div_for(comment, :class
2010 Sep 12
Rails Commenting, Plugins?
Hello, I''m looking to add comments to records in my app like Books. So a user can view a Book and then comment on it... As a newbie, is this something that I should build from scratch, or are there any popular Commenting Plug-ins, (Ajax implemented) that might be worth utilizing? Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails:
2006 Jul 30
form_remote_tag and rendering partials with <script> tags
Has anyone successfully used a form remote file upload either by using the respond_to_parent plugin or kylemaxwell''s form_remote_tag plugin to render a partial or code with <script> tags in it. This would be very useful for RoR''ers to create new ajaxy elements. If you can, can you post a sample code if you got it working. -- Posted via
2006 Mar 03
re: rjs update_page problems
my apologies for my previous butchery of the english language... i have a list of, for example, meal_names. Basically, I can submit a name and the name I add shows up in the list.I had this working when i created an actual add.rjs template for it. So, feeling good about my self, I attempted to move it all to the controller and use some update_page goodness. Now the ajaxy magic doesn''t