Displaying 20 results from an estimated 149 matches for "airquality".
2009 May 26
Problem accessing "row number" from subset on a dataframe
I would like to use the "row number" information returned from performing a subset command on a dataframe.
For example, I would like to automatically delete some rows from a dataframe if they match a criteria. Here is my example below.
subset(airquality, airquality$Month == 6)
Now how do I delete the row numbers returned automatically?
I know I can type
However, I would like to check the row information and then use it to delete the stuff out of the dataframe.
2009 Aug 04
Stacked plots with common x-axis and different y-axis
Is there a place that shows how to create two plots that are stacked on top of each other where they share a common x-axis scale, but have differnt y-axis scale?
Say have the following data: airquality
Stack plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Wind) on top of plot(airquality$Day, airquality$Temp).
I am interested in stacking the two on top of each other with no seam, or plotting the two lines with two different y-axis scales on the same plot.
Thanks for any feedback and insights.
2008 Dec 23
Using transform to add a date column to a dataframe
I would like to add a column to the airquality dataset that contains the date
1950-01-01 in each row. This method does not appear to work:
> attach(airquality)
> data1 <- transform(airquality,Date=as.Date("1950-01-01"))
Error in data.frame(list(Ozone = c(41L, 36L, 12L, 18L, NA, 28L, 23L, 19L, :
arguments imply differing...
2006 Feb 05
a generic 'attach'?
Is there any reason why 'attach' is not generic in R?
I notice that it is in another system, for example, and I can see some
applications if it were so in R.
Bill Venables.
Bill Venables,
CMIS, CSIRO Laboratories,
PO Box 120, Cleveland, Qld. 4163
2007 Apr 01
Non-unique column names in data frames
...brought to my attention that R permits non-unique column
names in data frames -- e.g., via assignment to names() or colnames(). This
behaviour is consistent with the help files (as I discovered), but it's not
consistent with the behaviour of rownames() and row.names(). For example,
row.names(airquality) <- rep("a", nrow(airquality))
generates an error, but
names(airquality) <- rep("a", ncol(airquality))
or even
names(airquality) <- rep("", ncol(airquality))
do not.
I figure that there must be some rationale for this difference, but I can't
2012 Feb 23
Sexpr not getting expanded in Sweave
An Sweave file, 'test.Rnw':
\title{Sweave minimal}
We try Sweave:
x <- airquality[1, 1]
I try Sexpr: \Sexpr{x}
We plot:
<<2, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE >>=
boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)
I check the sessionInfo:
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.1 (2011-12-22)
Platform: x...
2013 Jul 23
cbind error with check.names
Here is an example where?cbind?fails with an error when?check.names=TRUE?is set.
airQualityBind =cbind(airquality,airquality,check.names =TRUE)
?I understand that?cbind?is a call to?data.frame?and the following works:
airQualityBind =data.frame(airquality,airquality,check.names =TRUE)
but I would like to understand why?cbind?throws an error.
I asked this question on SO here...
2005 Jul 01
Simple indexing conundrum
...ntinuous response variables, but duplicates of some factor
combinations. The duplicates contain bad data, so I would like to
eliminate the duplicates. I would like to retain the entire rows
identified by the maximum value of one particular continuous response
For instance,
> str(airquality)
`data.frame': 153 obs. of 6 variables:
$ Ozone : int 41 36 12 18 NA 28 23 19 8 NA ...
$ Solar.R: int 190 118 149 313 NA NA 299 99 19 194 ...
$ Wind : num 7.4 8 12.6 11.5 14.3 14.9 8.6 13.8 20.1 8.6 ...
$ Temp : int 67 72 74 62 56 66 65 59 61 69 ...
2002 Sep 05
rcorr in Hmisc
Dear list,
I get the following message when I use rcorr in library "Hmisc"
> rcorr(lskPox0t30, type=c("spearman"))
Error in "[<-.data.frame"(*tmp*, is.na(x), value = 1e+30) :
matrix subscripts not allowed in replacement
I do not understand
1999 Aug 24
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits)
Dear R list,
members of my course have encountered the following error message:
> slm <- lm(price ~ engsize, autoframe)
Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "FUN" was not found
[more context is given in the fuller listing below].
Once the error is encountered it seems to persist; for example early in one
> summary(blin.fit)
lm(formula = Response
2007 Sep 16
Identifying objects from a data set
Given the following data for a data set called airquality. To identify the nature of the objects from the data set airquality example "Ozone" would it be best to use the command is. like is.character(airquality$Ozone) ....... I tried attributes(airquality$Ozone) but it came up null. Would there be a better way to identify these objects.
2008 May 05
Column renaming
Dear all,
Is there a less cumbersome way to rename a column by name (as opposed
to index) than --
names( X)[ names[ X] == "bob"]<-"sue"
A semi-related question: how does one get the index of a column by
name, something along the lines of col.index( X, "sue") ?
Chip Barnaby
Chip Barnaby
2008 Mar 24
Newbie help with Sweave
\title{Sweave Example 1}
\author{Friedrich Leisch}
In this example we embed parts of the examples from the
\texttt{kruskal.test} help page into a \LaTeX{} document:
> data(airquality)
> library(ctest)
> kruskal.test(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
data: Ozone by Month
Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 29.2666, df = 4, p-value = 6.901e-06
which shows that the location parameter of the Ozo...
1998 Feb 16
R-beta: Various R Questions and Comments
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2017 Jun 26
Odd behaviour in within.list() when deleting 2+ variables
...so we will have them now.
I've hade an idea that seems to work and even simplify the
code.... will get back to the issue later in the evening.
> The crux of the matter seems to be that both the following
> constructions work for data frames
>> aq <- head(airquality)
>> names(aq)
> [1] "Ozone" "Solar.R" "Wind" "Temp" "Month" "Day"
>> aq[c("Wind","Temp")] <- NULL
>> aq
> Ozone Solar.R Month Day
> 1 41 190...
2004 Sep 19
Nnet: Returning the response
...llo list.
Maybe this is a simple question but I can't find the answer anywhere.
With lm I use the parameter y=TRUE to have the response returned in $y. Of course, namely because of NA's in the data frame, this might not include all the values in the original column. For example:
> data(airquality)
> length(airquality$Day)
[1] 153
> my.lm <- lm(Day~.,data=airquality,y=TRUE)
> length(my.lm$y)
[1] 111
When using nnet, is there a way to have the response returned in a similar way?
Thanks in advance,
Rui Dantas
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2017 Jun 26
Odd behaviour in within.list() when deleting 2+ variables
The behaviour of within() with list input changes if you delete 2 or more variables, compared to deleting one:
l <- list(x=1, y=2, z=3)
#[1] 1
#[1] 2
within(l, {
#[1] 1
When 2 or more variables are deleted, the list entries are instead set to NULL. Is this intended?
2017 Dec 19
lm considers removed predictors when finding complete cases
Dear R-devel list,
I realized that removing a predictor in lm through the "-"'s operator in
formula() does not affect the complete cases that are considered. A minimal
example is:
summary(lm(Wind ~ ., data = airquality))
# 42 observations deleted due to missingness
summary(lm(Wind ~ . - Ozone, data = airquality))
# still 42 observations deleted due to missingness, even if only 7 are
# missing for the response and the rest of the predictors
summary(lm(Wind ~ ., data = subset(airquality, select = -Ozone)))
# 7 ob...
2010 Nov 11
Troubleshooting sweave
\title{Sweave Example 1}
\author{Friedrich Leisch}
In this example we embed parts of the examples from the
\texttt{kruskal.test} help page into a \LaTeX{} document:
kruskal.test(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)
which shows that the location parameter of the Ozone
distribution varies significantly from month to month. Finally we
include a boxplot of the data:
boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = a...
2010 Jan 24
How to define degree=1 in mgcv
Hi, all
I have a question on mgcv and ns. Now I want to compare the results from
glm, gam and ns. Take a simple model y~x for example.
glm1 = glm(y~x, data=data1)
gam1 = gam(y~s(x), data=data1)
ns1 = glm(y~ns(x),data=data1)
In order to confirm the result from glm1 is consistent to those from gam1
and ns1, I want to define degree=1 in mgcv and ns. I am wondering if there
is somebody can give me