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2020 Oct 27
CentOS 6.10, Epel 4.4.xx kernel, certmonger issue.
...subjectively, to run much faster than the 2.6.32.xx kernel and, I suspect, will be more compatible with this hardware. Boots and runs non-graphical (runlevel 2) just fine. Problem is when I go to run level five it hangs on certmonger when running the 4.4 kernels. Googled and so form a LONG time agao (10 years maybe?) there had been an issue of hanging at certmonger that was fixed but I never found how it was fixed. Anyone have a cluebat for the clueless how I can get this combination to run? TIA, Bill
2008 Aug 27
R 2.7.2 kernlab issues
Hello, After upgrading to 2.7.2 this morning via the cran repository, I get the following error when calling R via the command line: Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : unable to load shared library '/home/jstumpf/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.7/kernlab/libs/': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Fatal error: unable to
2007 Aug 29
R CMD check recursive copy of tests/
>From NEWS of R v2.6.0 devel: o R CMD check now does a recursive copy on the 'tests' directory. However, R CMD check does not run *.R scripts in such subdirectories (as I thought/hoped for), only those directly under tests/, This may or may not be intentional. If true, maybe the above should be clarified as: o R CMD check now does a recursive copy on the 'tests' directory
2007 Oct 19
First Time T1 Questions
Hi all, i have been using asterisk for a few years but i am about to do my first t1 setup. After terrible quality issues between two business locations, we have decided to purchase a point to point t1 from the local phone co. The internet is too crappy, too much lag, queing and jitter. Most calls were dropped. I was about to order two cisco routers with csu cards and remembered our wonderful
2007 Dec 28
MOre on buring ISOs
So right now I have installed k3b on this notebook. I am using my Storix DVD/CDRW usb drive. I can read cds with it. Cannot burn CDs. First k3b suggests slowing down (from 8x to 4x). Then use TAO. Then it gave up. So I try cdrecord directly. -checkdrive finds some interesting things. Got to close the drive manually; cdrecord says it can't. then try a cdrecord -v dev=dev/scd0 sample.iso