Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "affxparser".
2006 Apr 20
R CMD check: non source files in src on (2.3.0 RC (2006-04-19 r37860))
...file names for src files.
In fact, they are not source files, but I do not see any reason why they
cannot be there, or why I need to be warned of their presence.
Potentially I could be informed of their presence, but that is another
Now, I only get this warning when I do:
R CMD build affxparser
R CMD check -l ~/R-packages/ affxparser_1.3.3.tar.gz
If I do:
R CMD check -l ~/R-packages affxparser
I do not get the warning. Is this inconsistent, or is there rationale
behind this? I think the warning is inappropriate, or at the least a
little restrictive. It seems as if I should be able to...
2012 Mar 06
R 2.15.0 alpha: R CMD check --as-cran / tools:::..check_package_CRAN_incoming() crash
For what it's worth, with
R --no-init-file CMD check --as-cran ${pkg}_${version}.tar.gz
on R version 2.15.0 alpha (2012-03-03 r58572) on Windows I just
managed to generate a crash:
Checking package affxparser...
* using log directory 'X:/affxparser,BioC-devel/R2.15.0/affxparser.Rcheck'
* using R version 2.15.0 alpha (2012-03-03 r58572)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'affxparser/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is package '...
2008 Oct 25
Dynamic linking to binary code from other packages??
Dear R-devel,
I am writing a package that needs some C++ functions from an external
SDK (Affymetrix fusion). The same functions are already compiled into
another package (affxparser).
Can I dynamically link to the compiled code in affxparser, rather than
re-compiling these separately into my package?
Not a lot of experience on this subject!
2007 Aug 28
R CMD check: Error in function (env) : could not find function "finalize"
...unction (env) : could not find function "finalize"
Error in function (env) : could not find function "finalize"
Error in function (env) : could not find function "finalize"
The error occurs in R CMD check but also when start a fresh R session
and run, in this case, affxparser.Rcheck/affxparser-Ex.R. It always
occur on the same line.
When I debug(sample), all values passed to the internal function looks
fine. I've replaced it with runif() and vector("double", nbrOfCells)
and manged to get the error there too. So, it seems like there are
some memory issu...
2008 Feb 21
Suggestion: isLoaded() to test if a package is loaded (without loading it)
for 'affxparser' (Bioconductor), we needed a function to test if a
certain package was loaded or not, but we did not want to load it if
it wasn't, which is why we couldn't use require(). We came up with
the following solution:
isPackageLoaded <- function(package, version=NULL, ...) {
s <-...
2009 Oct 27
help.start() only recognizes forward slashes in R_LIBS_USER which is not the default case
...should open
'' yourself
with displaying:
Packages in C:\Users\JohnDoe\R\win-library\2.10
C:\Users\JohnDoe/R/win-library/2.10/abind/DESCRIPTION -- Title is missing --
C:\Users\JohnDoe/R/win-library/2.10/affxparser/DESCRIPTION -- Title is
missing --
C:\Users\JohnDoe/R/win-library/2.10/affy/DESCRIPTION -- Title is missing --
where the abind link is
and similarly for affxparser and so on.
This third case ma...
2007 Dec 10
00LOCK error with site-library
I have identical R.profiles and R_HOME directories set up on both my
local machine and a remote linux cluster. To keep my libraries and R
install separate, I use a site-library on both machines.
The first line of my .Rprofile is:
'.libPaths(new= "~/R_HOME/site-library") #tell R where site-library is'
Until R-2.6.0 this was working fine on both machines, but since I have
2010 Nov 10
installed.packages Error: subscript out of bounds
Today we've seen the following problem with the R-2.12 that we use
for our Windows builds:
> installed.packages()
Error: subscript out of bounds
After some investigation we discovered that the cause of this failure
was that 1 of the 890 packages currently installed on the machine
(Windows Server 2003 R2) had its DESCRIPTION file empty:
2009 Jan 27
Problem with RMA using limma, oligo and pdInfoBuilder packages
...''openVignette()''. To cite Bioconductor, see
''citation("Biobase")'' and for packages ''citation(pkgname)''.
> library(pdInfoBuilder)
Loading required package: RSQLite
Loading required package: DBI
Loading required package: affxparser
Loading required package: oligo
Loading required package: splines
Loading required package: preprocessCore
Loading required package: AnnotationDbi
Loading required package: oligoClasses
oligo Package - Series 1.5.x
> setwd("D:/Anne-Marie/Doctorat/puces ADN macrophages/puces rat/Annie...
2007 Oct 30
trouble installing building packages from source using R 2.6.0 on Ubuntu Gutsy AMD64
I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu Gutsy and, for the first time, am
using a 64-bit installation. After failing miserably to install R from
source, not a problem for me in the past with a 32-bit install, I went
the route of using the Debian Etch build. This went smoothly, but I am
unable to update my numerous R and BioConductor packages, getting
non-zero exit status errors on each package. Is