Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "addpk".
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2006 Jan 02
RODBC help
Dear Prof. Ripley et al.,
I have a data frame with some variable names that contain the underscore
character ('_'). It seems that RODBC is not converting them to a suitable
variable name for MySQL.
> sqlSave(channel, zz, addPK = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)
Query: CREATE TABLE zz (rownames varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, NAME
varchar(255), ID varchar(255), GROUP varchar(255), OAC_RT double, OUC_RT
double, OAT_RT double, OUT_RT double, OFN double, OFP double, OFP_RT double,
TAC_RT double, TUC_RT double, TAT_RT double, TUT_RT double,...
2010 Feb 24
problem with sqlSave()
..., "se", "df"), row.names =
c(NA, -15L), class = "data.frame")
> xlsFile <- odbcConnectExcel("output.xls", readOnly=F) ##the file
is created here, it didn't exist before here
> sqlSave(xlsFile, test, tablename="test1", rownames=F, addPK=T, append=T)
Error in sqlSave(xlsFile, test, tablename = "test1", rownames = F, addPK
= T, :
HYS21 -1508 [Microsoft][Pilote ODBC Excel] Le champ 'Group' existe
d?j? dans la table 'test1'.
[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'CREATE TABLE [test1] ("Group&...
2004 Nov 25
Problem with ODBC access to SQL database
...mple code works just fine when I use MS Access as ODBC server.
----------- offending code and output -------------------
> library(RODBC);
> channel <- odbcConnect("opus");
> data(USArrests) # R < 2.0.0 only
> sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK=TRUE)
Error in sqlColumns(channel, tablename) : USArrests : table not found on
Check case parameter in odbcConnect
> sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK=TRUE)
Error in sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK = TRUE) :
2010 Feb 23
RODBC to import/export xls files
...so it would be
great if I could just import the 1st sheet into the dataframe.
- to export I do this (from Tal Galili's solution earlier today):
xlsFile <- odbcConnectExcel("file", readOnly=F)
save2excel <- function(x, t.name) sqlSave(xlsFile, x, tablename=t.name,
rownames=F, addPK=T)
It also works great, but how can I append lines? This function allows me
to append new sheets in the file, but I would also like to append new
lines of data onto one of the sheets. How can I do that?
- The last problem:
I would like to export a dataframe, but I get this error m...
2006 Jun 09
sqlSave() and rownames=TRUE makes my Rgui crash
...FALSE, append=T)
### With rownames = T and safer=F, it works, but I loose the
autoincrementing PK in MySQL
chan <- odbcConnect("MySQL51", uid="root", pwd="momie") #default
sqlSave(chan, dframe, tablename="example", rownames = T,
Any idea?
I'm on win2K, MySQL version 5.0.21-community-nt
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os ming...
2009 Oct 16
RODBC sqlSave does not append the records to a DB2 table
...r testing purposes, I have a very simple one-row, three-column
data.frame (se2) I want to insert into a DB2 table.
> sqlSave(channel, se2, tablename = "STORAGE.TEST_APPEND2", append = TRUE,
+ rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE,
+ verbose = TRUE,
+ safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE,
+ fast = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL)
"MACRO_RT" ) VALUES ( 's_ej_mach_config_vz', 'jones2', 5 )
I don't get any error message, but when I check the table...
2008 May 07
RODBC sqlSave with multiple schema in DB2
where it was suggested to set schema prior to sqlSave. This does not work.
Below is the error as well as traceback():
Error in dimnames(x) <- dn :
length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to array extent
> traceback()
3: `colnames<-`(`*tmp*`, value = c("COC_ID", "ACCOUNT_ID", "COMPETENCY",
"SERVICE_LINE", &qu...
2010 Feb 24
problem with looping on sqlSave()
numsig = 0L, pc = NA), .Names = c("m", "crit", "numsig",
> xlsFile <- odbcConnectExcel("file.xls", readOnly=F)
> for (i in 1:4){
sqlSave(xlsFile, as.data.frame(test[[i]]), tablename="test", rownames=F,
addPK=T, append=T)
Error in odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, coldata[m, ], test = test,
: missing columns in 'data'
> odbcCloseAll()
I've tried different combination and the 1st element is always exported
but the next ones never. Elements 2 and 3 have the same number of
2011 Feb 26
Problem with RODBC sqlSave
...ion using RODBC 1.3-2 on Win
7 and R 2.12.0. But I'm getting the following error message when I try to
save a data frame into the debase as shown below.
bbdb <- odbcConnect("bbdb")
odbcGetInfo(bbdb) # returns ok
sqlSave(bbdb, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK=TRUE) # example from the
RODBC manual
Error in sqlSave(bbdb, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK = TRUE) :
[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect 'CREATE TABLE "USArrests" ("state"
varchar(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "Murder" double, "Assault&qu...
2012 Feb 06
sqsSave() test using Test.R script returning error suggesting no values upon "insert"
...s advertised.
#Then we get here. I have the USArrests data and checked it but tried to save as it produced an error.
sqlSave(channel, USArrests,"test.USArrests",rownames = "state", addPK = TRUE)
"Error in odbcUpdate(channel, query, mydata, coldata[m, ], test = test, :
no parameters, so nothing to update"
The database table exists and upon edit of the table fields, all table info created correctly.
Attempted again adding "verbose=TRUE":
> sqlSave(channe...
2010 Nov 25
path = getwd()
dbName = "data.mdb"
pathdbname = paste(path,"/",dbName,sep="")
accesChannel = odbcConnectAccess(pathdbname, uid = "", pwd = "")
sqlSave(accesChannel, USArrests, rownames = "state", addPK=TRUE)
sqlFetch(accesChannel , "USArrests", rownames = "state") # get the lot
foo <- cbind(state=row.names(USArrests), USArrests)[1:3, c(1,3)]
foo[1:3,2] <- 9999
sqlUpdate(accesChannel , foo, "USArrests")
The sqlSave and sqlFetch command seem to work fine.
2009 May 29
RODBC sqlSave with DB2
But when I try to append records (from data.frame newdta) to the same DB2
table. I get an error:
sqlSave(channel, newdta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append = TRUE,
+ rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE,
+ verbose = FALSE, oldstyle = FALSE,,
+ safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE, typeInfo, varTypes,
+ fast = TRUE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL)
Error in sqlSave(channel, dta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append =
object 'storage.testappend_slt' not found
I've tried variations on the table name including dropping the schema,
2008 Feb 15
Error RODBC: Random termination of R
...of R-2.6.2 when using RODBC-1.2_3 and a remote
PostgreSQL-8.2.6 database, unixodbc-2.2.11-16,
odbc-postgresql-1:08.01.0200-2.1 on Ubuntu Linux 7.10.
The exact messages can be seen below. It seems that there is some memory
corruption going on. But it seems random to me and can neither be related to
addPK=T/F or fast=T/F. It happens for all possible combinations. Besides I do
not really understand what these messages mean.
Any idea to what it might be related exactly?
Thanks in advance,
Ulrich Leopold
Session details:
R version 2.6.2 (2008-02-08)
2009 Jun 09
RODBC sqlSave does not append the records
....8.1 on Windows XP OS.
recs is a one-row, eighteen-column data.frame I want to insert into a DB2
sqlSave(channel, recs, tablename = "testappend_slt", append = TRUE,
+ rownames = FALSE, colnames = FALSE,
+ verbose = TRUE, oldstyle = FALSE,
+ safer = TRUE, addPK = FALSE,
+ fast = FALSE, test = FALSE, nastring = NULL)
Query: INSERT INTO "testappend_slt" ( "RECORDNO", "HEADERID", "SITE",
2017 Jul 13
consulta por varTypes de sqlSave en RODBC
> dat <- data.frame(cosa, cantidad)
> colnames(dat) <- c("A", "B")
> sqlSave(cn, dat, tablename = "cosa",
> rownames=FALSE,
> colnames=TRUE,
> append=TRUE,
> addPK=TRUE,
> fast=TRUE)
> # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36202414/r-download-image-using-rvest
> # https://www.r-bloggers.com/parameterized-sql-queries/
> # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RODBCext/
> vignettes/Parameterized_SQL_queries....
2017 Jul 12
consulta por varTypes de sqlSave en RODBC
Buen dia compañerxs de R, les traigo una pregunta bastante especifica.
En el trabajo me estan requiriendo el uso de SQL, asi q estoy aprendiendo a
usarlo desde R, con el paquete RODBC.
Mi problema puntual es que al crear una tabla en el servidor SQL a partir
de un data frame en R (usando la funcion sqlSave) no puedo definir el tipo
de variables que quiero usar en el data frame.
Segun entiendo
2011 May 10
Series temporales
#Cambiamos los rownames del df modelo para que nos sirvan de clave
primaria de la tabla
rownames(modelo) <- paste(modelo$Tipologia, modelo$Provincia,
#Subimos el df modelo a la tabla FE_MODELO del servidor SQL
sqlSave(channel,modelo,tablename ="FE_MODELOS", addPK =TRUE, append = TRUE
#Cambiamos los rownames del df predicciones para que nos sirvan de clave
primaria de la tabla
rownames(predicciones) <- paste(predicciones$Tipologia,
predicciones$Provincia, predicciones$AnoModelo,
#Subimos el df modelo a la tabla FE_PRED...
2017 Jul 13
consulta por varTypes de sqlSave en RODBC
> dat <- data.frame(cosa, cantidad)
> colnames(dat) <- c("A", "B")
> sqlSave(cn, dat, tablename = "cosa",
> rownames=FALSE,
> colnames=TRUE,
> append=TRUE,
> addPK=TRUE,
> fast=TRUE)
> # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36202414/r-download-image-using-rvest
> # https://www.r-bloggers.com/parameterized-sql-queries/
> # https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RODBCext/
> vignettes/Parameterized_SQL_queries....
2007 Feb 21
Examples on how to READ/WRITE to database using R-Project
We are working on a project on forecast modeling and would like to know if
there are any examples on how to READ/WRITE to a database (e.g. PostgreSQL)
using R-Project. I do have a sample R Script which takes input as files from
a directory and writes back output files to a directory. I would like to
convert this script to read from a database and write back the output to a