Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "addcondhands".
2009 Apr 14
top level condition handlers
...ndler I set up
I tried modifying withCallingHandlers like this:
topLevelCallingHandlers <- function(...) {
handlers <- list(...)
classes <- names(handlers)
if (length(classes) != length(handlers))
stop("bad handler specification")
.Internal(.addCondHands(classes, handlers, .GlobalEnv, .GlobalEnv,
invisible( NULL )
> withCallingHandlers
function (expr, ...)
handlers <- list(...)
classes <- names(handlers)
parentenv <- parent.frame()
if (length(classes) != length(handlers))
stop("bad handler s...
2018 Nov 23
[tryExcept] New try Function
...ith <<-,
but I prefer to reduce it's usage unless completely necessary.
I guess that the attachment was missed in the moderation. Here it is the
tryExcept <- function (expr,
except = {})
doTryExcept <- function(expr, parentenv) {
.Internal(.addCondHands("error", list(NULL), parentenv,
environment(), FALSE))
parentenv <- parent.frame()
doTryExcept(return(expr), parentenv)
As you can see, the tryExcept function uses a simplified version of the
tryCatch architecture, but...
2005 Oct 10
Catching warning and error output
...o make them look normal.
Also: Can I be sure, that all warnings (i.e. even from C-code) are signalled
as conditions? I'm afraid I do not fully understand the internal going-ons,
If all else fails, I'll have to use this, but I'm not very happy with this.
3b) Use ".Internal (.addCondHands (...))" once to set up persistent handlers:
This worked fine, when testing it in the R-console. However, in my GUI, calls
are actually handled using R_tryEval (..., R_GlobalEnv, ...). It seems the
condition handlers do not carry over between two successive calls of
R_tryEval. So effectively...
2018 Nov 22
[tryExcept] New try Function
Hi everyone,
When dealing with errors, sometimes I want to run a bunch of code when an error occurs.
For now I usually use a structure such as:
res <- tryCatch(expr, error = function(cond) cond) # or try(expr)
if (inherits(res, ?error?)) # or inherits(res, ?try-error?)
# a bunch of code
I though it would be useful to have a function that does this naturally, so I came up with the attached