search for: add_mime_type

Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "add_mime_type".

2007 Sep 19
Ticket #190 (friendlier way to add / register a mime type)
Following up on #190 [1], I''ve just added a simple patch that allows the manipulation of the TYPES hash from within the Merb module. Use like: Merb.add_mime_type(:png,%w[image/png]) Merb.remove_mime_type(:png) It specifically disallows the removal of the :all MimeType, since content negotiation relies on it. I''m not super wonderful at API design, so comments and suggestions, are of course welcome. If everyone likes it as-is, just shout and...
2007 Sep 22
skeleton and configs
Hi people, just thought I''d mumble out my thoughts on merb''s apps directory structure and config concepts and see what other people are feeling... the app dir: mvc/application is layed out as expected....maybe without the mailer by default (another discussion) the config dir: I really think that it''s confusing to have such a mixture of ways to configure some
2007 Mar 16
how to send mp3 inline?
hey all, I''m trying to do a: send_file @file, :type => ''audio/mp3'', :disposition => ''inline'' ,:stream=>true I tried with all browsers and it always asks me to download the file or open it with a player. Is there a way to make it open in the embeded player (QT,Windows media player,Mplayer etc)? Only with konqueror if I open in new tab then I