search for: activit

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "activit".

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2004 Nov 28
Touching directory with Icecast2
...s already serving ogg stream but our foundation got a new member that did not know about ogg, and he needs time to encode his tracks to ogg, and then we should temporarily relay his mp3 stream, but we want to be dired by SC directory ... How to ? :-) -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours. T?l : 02 38 76 43 65 (France)
2004 Oct 16
moving functions between namespaces
Hi all, I'm a newbie wrt R but that's okay, since I don't do any programming in R. What I do need to do is to administrate the activites of an R programmer, so my questions will be related to adminning R as opposed to statistcal programming. I hope that's okay with y'all. :-) I've been through most of the docs that I could find (the PDFs, StatsRUs, etc.) and I've found the answers to most of my questions, but not...
2005 Mar 09
Streaming live from windows
Sorry, Forgot to say that I am looking for free software On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 16:31:10 +0100, Carsten Henkel <> wrote: > Guten Tag Mohamed Eldesoky, > > Am Mittwoch, 9. M?rz 2005 um 16:19 schrieben Sie: > > ME> I want to do live streaming from the mic from windows machine. > ME> Which applications do you recommend ?? > > sam3
2005 May 31
Complete set of tools for Icecast
Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina wrote: > Ices2 cant encode On the fly to ogg from the line-in. huh? Of course it can. Always has, IIRC. Geoff.
2005 Feb 08
multiple sources, multiple passwords
Hello, Is it possible to have one password per source with Icecast 2.2.x ? How to ? -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France). T?l : 02 34 08 26 04 / 06 33 26 13 14
2004 May 25
conflict between Realtek 8139 (client) and 3c2000T (server) NIC's with Samba? of PC's with Realtek's (I know: they are not hgh quality cards to put it mildly) and would rather not replace them all. I can't think what the cause of the problem is: a NIC that otherwise works fine (surfing, even from the same machine which had the Samba server or any other network activitity) causes problems with Samba. I could understand it if the Samba server had the Realtek NIC, but I never have had any problems with 3com cards. Googling turned up no relevant informatie, so does anybody on this list have an idea? If additional info is needed I can provide it. Thanks, Bart van D...
2003 Jun 05
Boot problem on a P4P800-based computer
...oots up, and then skipping the hardware configuration mode, the kernel boots until it reaches the PLIP secion, where it just waits there for good. The computer doesn't hang as I can press CAPS-LOCK and see it switch lights, but it just sits there without doing anything. There's also no disk activitity that I can see. What I did to try and solve the problem is this: 1) downloaded 4.7 floppies, then tryed to boot from them. Same scenario. 2) disabled nearly everything in the BIOS (serial, parallel, LAN, audio and even USB), but still same problem. 3) tried to boot into CLI mode, then disabled...
2013 Apr 05
How to perform a grouped shapiro wilk test on dataframe
Hello, I was wandering if it is possible to perform on a dataframe called 'all' a shapiro wilk normality test for COUNTS by variable Group ACTIVITY? Could it be done using plyer? I saw an eg that applies to an array but not to a dataframe: lapply(split(dataset1$Height,dataset1$Group),shapiro.test) Any thoughts would be much appreciated. My dataframe is in shape: dat ACTIVIT COUNTS 1/1/13 XXXX 43 .. .. 1/31/13 XXXX 60 1/...
2013 Apr 03
Can package plyr also calculate the mode?
I am trying to replicate the SAS proc univariate in R. I got most of the stats I needed for a by grouping in a data frame using: all1 <- ddply(all,"ACT_NAME", summarise, mean=mean(COUNTS), sd=sd(COUNTS), q25=quantile(COUNTS,.25),median=quantile(COUNTS,.50), q75=quantile(COUNTS,.75), q90=quantile(COUNTS,.90), q95=quantile(COUNTS,.95), q99=quantile(COUNTS,.99) )
2015 Jun 16
News about a BarCamp about VoIP open source, RPi2, XiVO, webRTC
Dear asterisk users, We would like to announce 2 VoIP activites organised by XiVO. For those who've never heard about the project: XiVO is a free/open source telephone system under the GPLv3 that has been based on asterisk since 2005. More info on our website: [3]. We have an IRC channel, #xivo on freenode and a forum [0]. Feedback and cont...
2016 Oct 17
CentOS 7/GNOME 3 customise top panel
...n Fri, 2016-10-14 at 18:20 +0100, Tris Hoar wrote: > On 14/10/2016 15:45, Toralf Lund wrote: <snip> > > Ok, I think I understand now. Does this not work? > <snip> This extension will add your favourites from 'Activites' onto the top panel and can be installed in CentOS as it is in the main repo. sudo yum install gnome-shell-extension-panel-favorites This maybe something for the original author to try and see if it fits their needs. Unsure about custom launchers with this extension. Regards Phil -- Bl...
2004 Oct 01
CPU load
...utes, but the computer stays OK, though cpu load is 99%. So, does oggenc more "heat" the CPU than any other application ? I'm running an AMD XP 2200+ under Debian Testing. lmsemsors are not available (no time to recompile the kernel) -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours. T?l : 02 38 76 43 65 (France)
2004 Oct 15
[IceS] No crossfade Yet ?
Hello ... A long time ago, I've asked here if there was A possibility to have some crossfade with IceS2 ... I dont know, may be now it is available ? Would you know an automatical way to get crossfade ? -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours. T?l : 02 38 76 43 65 (France)
2005 Feb 08
relaying streams
...on is "alive". Notice we only relay, we wont host the audio/video files, so that you should have a working server somewhere. We'll use Icecast (possibly Icecast-kh for the theora relaying?). Just contact me, for requests and comments. -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France). T?l : 02 34 08 26 04 / 06 33 26 13 14
2005 Mar 05
freebsd port
I know that icecast is already ported to freebsd but how can I get the ported source before it's actually compiled or whatever?
2005 May 18
problem to exclude
...release-1-5/src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes.sp.ok 16962 100% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 NetBSD-release-1-5/src/games/fortune/datfiles/fortunes2 [...] - - - - - - - - - So: it does not obey. Did I give the wrong orders? Thank you for help. -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France). T?l : 02 34 08 26 04 / 06 33 26 13 14
2005 Mar 20
VCD tracks to theora
...t VCD tracks to theora. I'd rather a command line tool. What would you suggest me? I already found I can do that with mplayer, by ripping to yuv and wav, then using the encoder_example to compress to theora, but would there be another better way? -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours (France). T?l : 02 34 08 26 04 / 06 33 26 13 14
2013 Jan 12
trouble with accentuated characters in \title tag in Rd file
...ile of the documentation. I can put non-ASCII characters in the other tags (description, details...). I well verified that I put in the DESCRIPTION file the line : Encoding: latin1 in the Rd file the line : \encoding{latin1} and when I have a line in the Rd file as : \title{Calcul de l'anti-r?activit?} there is NA in the pdf file as a result. If I write \title{Calcul de l'anti-reactivite}, there is the good text in the pdf file. ------------------------------------------------------------ > version() ------------------------------------------------------------ platform i386-w6...
2005 Mar 17
Thoggen 0.3 'Leopard' released
Hi, Thoggen 0.3 has just been released. Get it from: ? In addition to the source tarball there is also a .deb package for debian sid available. ------------------------ ?What is Thoggen? ------------------------ Thoggen is a DVD backup utility ('DVD ripper') for Linux, based on Gtk+ and GStreamer. It creates ogg/theora video files and features an
2004 Nov 08
servers available _now_ . Xiph products. I saw that page but it's a bit old now, may be things have changed :-) Well, I'm looking for a server that can stream Theora ... :-) Have a nice day ! -- ASPO Infog?rance Unofficial FAQ fcolc LUG sur Orl?ans et alentours. T?l : 02 38 76 43 65 (France)