search for: activesupports

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1665 matches for "activesupports".

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2011 Jul 22
ActiveSupport not including i18n?
Went to use ActiveSupport in a gem today and got an error on account of not having i18n installed. Either bundler should be installing i18n along with activesupport or docs need to be updated. quick repro: bundle exec irb require ''active_support/all'' detailed steps and error: 1) add to Gemfile require
2011 Jul 22
ActiveSupport not including i18n?
Went to use ActiveSupport in a gem today and got an error on account of not having i18n installed. Either bundler should be installing i18n along with activesupport or docs need to be updated. quick repro: bundle exec irb require ''active_support/all'' detailed steps and error: 1) add to Gemfile require
2005 Jul 07
NameError Exception
Ruby/Rails n00b here so go easy on me... I''ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what is wrong here. I''ve checked all my models for the appropriate belongs_to, has_many, etc. I''ve checked to make sure I''m using singular and plurals in the right spot. I''ve checked my syntax around all my "within"''s and nothing seems to fix
2008 Jan 16
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 8649 failed
The build failed. CHANGES ------- Revision 8649 committed by gbuesing on 2008-01-16 20:07:10 Introducing DateTime #utc, #utc? and #utc_offset, for duck-typing compatibility with Time. Closes #10002 M /trunk/activesupport/CHANGELOG M /trunk/activesupport/lib/active_support/core_ext/date_time/calculations.rb M /trunk/activesupport/test/core_ext/date_time_ext_test.rb TEST FAILURES AND
2005 Apr 06
NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set>
I can''t figure out why I''m getting the following error. There''s nothing wrong in my communities_controller file. And the helper for communties exists. Any ideas? Thanks, Joe NameError in <controller not set>#<action not set> uninitialized constant CommunitiesHelper app/controllers/communities_controller.rb:1 script/server:48 Show framework trace
2007 Dec 28
Converting to Rails 2.0.2
I''m moving an older project to Rails 2.0.2 and ran into a roadblock on the version matching. Here''s script/console session: >> Spec::VERSION::REV => "1785" >> Spec::Rails::VERSION::REV NoMethodError: undefined method `run='' for Test::Unit:Module from /Users/sxross/rails/tastie_work/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/ lib/spec/rails.rb:16 from
2010 Aug 26
Today: constant JSON::Parser not defined
(Using the latest 3-0-stable and rvm, and ruby-1.9.2-p0) Yesterday everything worked, my own changes are very minor and in the application only. Did anything change that could have caused this problem? Unfortunately simply going back in rails alone to the original "RC2" git-tag did not immediately help, so it may be some other problem (on my own system only, even if I''m
2005 Dec 21
Table called applications - causes stack overflow?
Having worked through Four Days on Rails and the book Agile Web Development with Rails I decided it was time to start a live project. I have an existing application with MySQL database, so I modified the schema to use Rails standard column names. The main table was named ''applications''. ruby script/generate scaffold Application Admin results a stack overflow
2009 Mar 21
script/console: "no such file to load -- application.rb (MissingSourceFile)"
Here''s what I get when I try to use the console with the current facebooker: First I make a simple app: rails foo -d mysql cd foo script/plugin install git:// Then I go to config/environment.rb and change the rails version to ''2.2.2'' Then I run the console: script/console and I get: [17:56][herdrick:~/rails/foo]$ script/console
2011 Jul 14
rails 3.0.9 ArgumentError (redundant UTF-8 sequence):
Hi guys, I have a simple controller def gmap @intentsearches = Intentsearch.all @intentsearches respond_to do |format| format.html {render :gmap} format.xml {render :xml => @intentsearches } format.json { render :json => @intentsearches } end end and want a json response, but i do get the following error Completed 500 Internal
2009 Feb 21
Help w/ rake db:migrate error
I made a few changes to my migration files, dropped all tables (rake db:drop:all), and when I went to re-create everything (rake db:migrate), I get this: rake db:migrate --trace (in /Users/Eric/Development/Work/Rails/pcod) ** Invoke db:migrate (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment rake aborted! undefined method `random'' for Tidbit(Table doesn''t
2012 Jan 23
Problem loading modules through ActiveSupport on_load
Working with modules to group certain methods. Currently I have this set up and it works: **# app/models/a.rb** class A has_history end **# lib/history.rb** module History module Model def self.included(base) base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_history(options = {}) send :include,
2009 May 11
daemons load activesupport 2.2.2 instead of 2.1.0, causing failure
Hi, I have a couple of daemons that im trying to setup to be run for my app. The environment load is as follows.. ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= "development" require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/../../config/environment") And the error I get is #<LoadError: no such file to load -- active_support> #<Gem::Exception: can''t activate activesupport (=
2014 Feb 17
Need help -FATAL: database "catarse_development" does not exist
Hi i try to run this rake db:migrate How i fix this i get this [root@localhost catarse]# rake db:migrate /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p484/gems/activesupport-4.0.2/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:229:in `block in require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. You no longer need to have jasmine.rake in your project, as it is now automatically
2010 Aug 18
undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass
I''m walking through an example in the "Head First Rails" book, but, instead doing the examples using Rails3.0.0.rc. But, I''m getting this error when browsing for example: http://localhost:3000/advs/1 undefined method `eq'' for nil:NilClass Provided that my advs_controller.rb is as follows: Any ideas why
2010 Jun 17
"LoadError: no such file to load -- openssl", following Rails Guides
[With apologies for cross-posting at] Hi all, I''m following the edge ''getting started'' guide at, running ROR 3. I''m running Ruby 1.9.2 (as instructed by the guide), installed using RVM. I get an error when following "4.3 Setting the Application Home Page".
2010 May 31
no such file to load -- /home/path/to/app/config/environment
I looked at the permissions, it is set to username:group - the same settings which work for another app. Btw, this is running Rails 2.1.something (Its a friends website deployed a while back, just helping him out.) Thanks Full stack msg: no such file to load -- /home/path/to/app/config/environment /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `gem_original_require''
2006 May 26
Rails app fails to start with LoginGenerator
Hi guys I was following this: <a href="">tutorial</a> and everything was perfect until I run the script. I''ve got: <strong>MissingSourceFile</strong><br /> no such file to load -- user.rb <br /> RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. <br /> <pre><code>
2009 Apr 15
hpricot bug?
I get an error in the hpricot-gem on Windows XP sp3. I have tested different versions of it and combined them with different versions of sequel (including the latest of both). The error triggers on the line when I do: require ’hpricot’. The line that causes the error in the hpricot-gem in the file elements.rb (line 395) looks like this: nth = proc { |num,i| self.position == num.to_i } What is
2009 Nov 13
Encoding::UTF_8 missing?
I''ve just done a fresh reinstall of OS X Snow Leopard on my mac, and I''m having all kinds of problems with Rails, but the latest problem has me stumped. Whenever I run rake db:seed to populate my database I hit the following error: ** Invoke db:seed (first_time) ** Invoke environment (first_time) ** Execute environment ** Execute db:seed rake aborted! uninitialized constant