Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "accoumplished".
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2007 Apr 30
any ideas? automated installation of puppet into solaris 10 zone
...l zone?
> The package should be installed into the non-global zone and puppetd
> within this zone should configure the virtual machine.
> Unfortunately, zonecfg and zoneadm don''t give the feature to add packages
> during initialization of a zone.
> Could this be accoumplished by puppet?
> I''ve tried the types zone and package. But the root-dir of pkgadd (-R) has
> to be set to the root-dir of the nonglobal zone. There is no such
> parameter for the type package.Furthermore, there should be a
> state-dependency between the non-global zone and...
2006 Jun 01
real time search results
I am new to ruby and rails and am unsure how to accomplish the
I''d like to have a page where the user enters a value in a form field
and have results stream into a results div on the page. Additionally, I
want to:
- Not limit the result set
- Allow user to get immediate feedback on what they have entered
- Allow user to change field contents as results are appearing
- Have
2007 Apr 27
automated installation of puppet into solaris 10 zone after insta lling zone with puppet
the new zone from the non-global zone?
The package should be installed into the non-global zone and puppetd within
this zone should configure the virtual machine.
Unfortunately, zonecfg and zoneadm don''t give the feature to add packages
during initialization of a zone.
Could this be accoumplished by puppet?
I''ve tried the types zone and package. But the root-dir of pkgadd (-R) has
to be set to the root-dir of the nonglobal zone. There is no such parameter
for the type package.Furthermore, there should be a state-dependency between
the non-global zone and the instance of ''...
2007 May 02
UPDATE automated installation of puppet into solaris 10 zones
> The package should be installed into the non-global zone and
> puppetd within this zone should configure the virtual machine.
> Unfortunately, zonecfg and zoneadm don''t give the feature to add
> packages during initialization of a zone.
> Could this be accoumplished by puppet?
> I''ve tried the types zone and package. But the root-dir of pkgadd (-
> R) has to be set to the root-dir of the nonglobal zone. There is
> no such parameter for the type package.Furthermore, there should be
> a state-dependency between the non-global zone...