Displaying 20 results from an estimated 22 matches for "acast".
Did you mean:
2011 Feb 26
Transform a dataset from long to wide using reshape2
...ot;Item 1" 1
"Subject 1" "Item 2" 0
"Subject 1" "Item 3" 1
"Subject 2" "Item 1" 1
"Subject 2" "Item 2" 1
"Subject 2" "Item 3" 0'), header=TRUE)
acast(dat, Subject~Item)
# Seems fine
=====================My attemp===========================
mydata <- data.frame( x=sample(LETTERS[23:26],100, replace=TRUE),
y=rnorm(100, mean=2), id=sample(letters[1:4], 100, replace=TRUE))
acast(mydata , id ~ x)
# not so fine
2010 Nov 01
transforming a dataset for association analysis RESHAPE2
I get the following message when using the reshape2 package line
> tDat.m<- melt(Dataset)
Using Item, Subject as id variables
> tDatCast<- acast(tDat.m,Subject~Item)
Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
Note Problem Statement-
convert dataframe
Subject Item Score
1 Subject 1 Item 1 1
2 Subject 1 Item 2 0
3 Subject 1 Item 3 1
4 Subject 2 Item 1 1
5 Subject 2 Item 2 1
6 Subject 2 Item 3 0
2017 Jul 03
reshaping the data
Dear all,
I would appreciate please a piece of help regarding the use of acast/dcast
functions in reshape2 package.
Specifically, I'm working with a data frame, that has information about
SAMPLE, GENE, and TYPE of MUTATION (as shown below):
Sample Gene Type
11M BTK SN...
2011 Aug 02
Data frame to matrix - revisited
I've tried to look through all the previous related Threads/posts but can't find a solution to what's probably a simple question.
I have a data frame comprised of three columns e.g.:
I'd like to convert the data to a matrix i.e.:
?a b c d e
a n/a 1 2 1 n/a
b 1 n/a n/a 1 n/a?
c 2 n/a n/a n/a 1
d 1 1 n/a n/a 2
e n/a n/a 1
2011 Oct 18
readRDS and saveRDS
Hi all,
Is there any chance that readRDS and saveRDS might one day become
read.rds and write.rds? That would make them more consistent with the
other reading and writing functions.
Assistant Professor / Dobelman Family Junior Chair
Department of Statistics / Rice University
2012 Jul 24
Simple reshape problem I am completely missing
...us but what?
I have a simple three column data.frame that I would like to reshape to wide preferably using reshape2.
An example from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9617348/reshape-three-column-data-frame-to-matrix looked perfect except I wanted a data frame but it seemed okay. I just changed acast to dcast and it seems fine.
Stackoverflow example:
tmp <- data.frame(x=gl(2,3, labels=letters[24:25]),
y=gl(3,1,6, labels=letters[1:3]),
dd <- dcast(tmp, x~y, value.var="z")
My Example: Does NOT work
md2 <- structure(l...
2010 Oct 01
scoping goes wrong when some functions are used within others.
Links to different reports, all having that same pattern but with
different functions :
2011 Apr 09
Yearly aggregates and matrices
I need to perform calculations on subsets of a data frame:
DF = data.frame(read.table(textConnection(" A B C D E F
1 a 1995 0 4 1
2 a 1997 1 1 3
3 b 1995 3 7 0
4 b 1996 1 2 3
5 b 1997 1 2 3
6 b 1998 6 0 0
7 b 1999 3 7 0
8 c 1997 1 2 3
9 c 1998 1 2 3
10 c 1999 6 0 0
11 d 1999 3 7 0
12 e 1995 1 2 3
13 e 1998 1 2 3
14 e 1999 6
2017 Jul 03
reshaping the data
...: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-project.org] On Behalf Of Bogdan
> Tanasa
> Sent: Monday, July 3, 2017 9:22 AM
> To: r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
> Subject: [R] reshaping the data
> Dear all,
> I would appreciate please a piece of help regarding the use of acast/dcast
> functions in reshape2 package.
> Specifically, I'm working with a data frame, that has information about
> SAMPLE, GENE, and TYPE of MUTATION (as shown below):
> Sample Gene Type
> 22M ATR INDEL...
2011 Aug 08
Reshape2 sytax
Hi Hadley et all,
I am struggling with reshape2 and melt works and melt_check
(filtered151) seems fine
My cast command was acast (filtered151, Time ~ Species ~ Number)
> melt_check (filtered151)
Using time, Species as id variables
[1] "time" "Species"
[1] "Number"
When I execute cast the data matrix is in the correct order but the data
values are not included.
Clearly I a...
2010 Oct 30
transforming a dataset for association analysis
I would like to transform a data frame like
Subject Item Score
Subject 1 Item 1 1
Subject 1 Item 2 0
Subject 1 Item 3 1
Subject 2 Item 1 1
Subject 2 Item 2 1
Subject 2 Item 3 0
*to *
Subject Item1 Item2 Item3 .....Item N
Subject1 1 0 1
Subject2 1 1 0
Apologize for the simple nature of my query but I am stuck.
2010 Sep 10
reshape2: a reboot of the reshape package
...more memory efficient thanks to a much better
underlying algorithm that uses the power and speed of subsetting to the
fullest extent, in most cases only making a single copy of the data.
* cast is replaced by two functions depending on the output type: `dcast`
produces data frames, and `acast` produces matrices/arrays.
* multidimensional margins are now possible: `grand_row` and `grand_col` have
been dropped: now the name of the margin refers to the variable that has
its value set to (all).
* some features have been removed such as the `|` cast operator, and the
ability to...
2011 Jan 04
reshape2 1.1
...more memory efficient thanks to a much better
underlying algorithm that uses the power and speed of subsetting to the
fullest extent, in most cases only making a single copy of the data.
* cast is replaced by two functions depending on the output type: `dcast`
produces data frames, and `acast` produces matrices/arrays.
* multidimensional margins are now possible: `grand_row` and `grand_col` have
been dropped: now the name of the margin refers to the variable that has
its value set to (all).
* some features have been removed such as the `|` cast operator, and the
ability to...
2010 Sep 10
reshape2: a reboot of the reshape package
...more memory efficient thanks to a much better
underlying algorithm that uses the power and speed of subsetting to the
fullest extent, in most cases only making a single copy of the data.
* cast is replaced by two functions depending on the output type: `dcast`
produces data frames, and `acast` produces matrices/arrays.
* multidimensional margins are now possible: `grand_row` and `grand_col` have
been dropped: now the name of the margin refers to the variable that has
its value set to (all).
* some features have been removed such as the `|` cast operator, and the
ability to...
2011 Jan 04
reshape2 1.1
...more memory efficient thanks to a much better
underlying algorithm that uses the power and speed of subsetting to the
fullest extent, in most cases only making a single copy of the data.
* cast is replaced by two functions depending on the output type: `dcast`
produces data frames, and `acast` produces matrices/arrays.
* multidimensional margins are now possible: `grand_row` and `grand_col` have
been dropped: now the name of the margin refers to the variable that has
its value set to (all).
* some features have been removed such as the `|` cast operator, and the
ability to...
2010 Oct 10
Help reading table rows into lists
Hi all,
I have a large table mapping thousands of COGs(groups of genes) to
# Ex
COG0001 patha pathb pathc
COG0002 pathd pathe
COG0003 pathe pathf pathg pathh
I would like to combine this information into a big list such as below
2012 Jul 25
reshape -> reshape 2: function cast changed?
I used to use reshape and moved to reshape2 (R 2.15.1). Now I tried some of my older scripts and was surprised that my cast function wasn't working like before.
What I did/want to do:
1) Melt a dataframe based on a vector specifying column names as measure.vars. Thats working so far:
dfm <- melt(df, measure.vars=n, variable_name = "species", na.rm = FALSE)
2) Recast the
2011 Nov 19
reshape data.frame
A late friday afternoon coding question. I'm having a hard time thinking
of the correct search terms for what I want to do.
If I have a df like this:
a <-
name year amount
1 a 1971 1
2 a 1972 2
3 a 1973 3
4 a 1974 4
5 a 1975 5
6 a 1976
2011 Jan 13
Help with Data Transformation - RESOLVED
Executed your toy script (stepwise so as not to include the output as input)
Received the following result at the end:
> cast(df, idnum ~ lab, value = 'y')
Error: could not find function "cast"
The Package 'reshape2' documentation indicates that either acast() or dcast() are used, not giving an example of cast() itself.
I resolved this by trying both acast() and dcast(). Both yielded the same screen results.
Turning to my own data I was able to successfully execute the operation on one of my subsets AFTER, cleaning up some results with duplicates &qu...
2013 Jun 05
reshape2 issue continued
Hi again all,
Several replied ASAP that I also needed reshape loaded and not just
Hmmm tried that and I had some output but not the correct format.
What I need is to run simulations of time overlap between species as per
the simulation program data input constraints:
The basis for the simulations is a species by _time-use matrix in which
species are arranged in rows, and time