search for: abillity

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10957 matches for "abillity".

Did you mean: ability
2002 Aug 29
Factor Analysis in MASS4
Hi, I had a look at the MASS4 scripts in the MASS package, in Ch 11.3 Factor Analysis, there is a section of codes like: data(ability.cov) ability.FA <- factanal(covmat = ability.cov, factors = 1) ability.FA (ability.FA <- update(ability.FA, factors = 2)) #summary(ability.FA) round(loadings(ability.FA) %*% t(loadings(ability.FA)) + diag(ability.FA$uniq), 3)
2012 Oct 25
[LLVMdev] Poll: LLVM test-suite project usage
Hi all, I would like to get some feedback on who in the community is using the LLVM test-suite repository, and in what ways. I am talking specifically about the "test-suite" SVN project, e.g.: not about the "test (no-dash) suite" that is part of LLVM. If you are using the LLVM test-suite project directly (as opposed to via
2011 Nov 28
getting a subdomain name in model.
Hi all, I am facing problem in getting subdomain name inside the model. The following is my setup. I am using cancan for authorization.I wanted a specific condition in Ability.rb ( the file which is placed in models if we install cancan gem). Below is the condition I wanted: ========================================================= user ||= # guest user (not logged in) if
2008 Sep 18
Ability estimates for partial credit model
Dear all, I'm working on ability estimates using Rasch model. Using the "ltm" package, the procedure is quite simple: ## Factor Scores for the Rasch model fit <- rasch(LSAT) factor.scores(fit) What about Partial Credit Model (PCM)? For PCM I use PCM function from eRm package. Is there any similar function like factor.scores to estimate ability scores using PCM model? Best,
2009 Sep 02
Ability Estimates for Repeated Measurements in the eRm Package
Dear R Users, I am using the LLTM and the LRSM functions in the eRm package to do repeated measurements where there are 2 measurement points for a list of 10 items. I am trying to get ability estimates but am having trouble. I don't think that it is appropriate to use the pmat function since the person parameters are based on all 20 items. Rather, I think it would be more appropriate to
2008 Jan 20
IP Phone support SIP and IAX
Hi All; Anyone can advise for a good IP Phone that has the ability to support SIP firmware and IAX firmware? Ofcourse, SIP there is a lot, but we need also the ability to use IAX (as it is good for NAT). Any advise. Regards Bilal ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo!
2011 Mar 02
Setting CanCan model
I successfully made login system with Devise and CanCan, and I have 3 types of users. Admin, internal and global users. I created Controllers and index actions: Admin, Cpanel, Report and State, and I want to restrict access to this controllers for some users. Admin user should have privilegies to access: Reports(all), State (read), Admin (all) Global user should have privilegies to access:
2007 Jan 19
ability estimate with GRM of IRT
Hi my friends, I have an issue with ability estimates when running GRM of IRT. I have responses from 242 subjects but got 183 ability estimates. Below is what I did to get the estimates. 1) I have a csv file "P1.csv" and I imported it into R and loaded the "ltm" package by doing: p1<-read.table("P1.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") library(ltm) 2) I
2009 Jul 31
Voicemail feature: enable or disable the ability to leave a message
Hi, I think there is an essential option of the Voicemail application that is missing. I would like to suggest the implementation of a function to give the user the ability to either allow or disallow the recording of messages. If the ability to record a message is disabled, options u, s, and b must not be considered in order to avoid the playback of messages such as "Please leave your
2020 Sep 09
[Bug 3212] New: Ability to add ssh certiicate to ssh agent to existing private key without rereading private key from filesystem Bug ID: 3212 Summary: Ability to add ssh certiicate to ssh agent to existing private key without rereading private key from filesystem Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 8.2p1 Hardware: amd64 OS: Linux Status: NEW
2007 Aug 14
Stubbing all methods
Mocha''s mock/stub framework has the ability to stub all methods on a mock given. Does RSpec''s mocking framework have this ability? And if not, is there some reason it shouldn''t be implemeneted? Regards, Scott
2004 Dec 17
Old posts and the ability to search...
Gents, Just a passing thought... is there any reason why the ability to search the past posts on here isn't switched on? Just wondered, since it makes much more sense to be able to search the old archives if you have a problem, rather than ask the same question again and again... Paul
2012 Aug 19
ANNOUNCE: Oz 0.9.0 Release
All, I'm pleased to announce release 0.9.0 of Oz. Oz is a program for doing automated installation of guest operating systems with limited input from the user. Release 0.9.0 is a (long overdue) bugfix and feature release for Oz. Some of the highlights between Oz 0.8.0 and 0.9.0 are: - Easier to create Debian/Ubuntu packages - Ability to specify the disk size in the TDL -
2008 Oct 29
Current Open Source Billing Package
After spending a couple hours scanning for an open source (non- commercial) billing package yesterday I am underwhelmed. Almost all of the packages listed on the WIKI appear to be defunct, for several years now. I will be happy to get a login and edit them out if that is the proper method to do so. My requirements are very minimal and at this point unless I have missed something will
2013 Jul 29
ANNOUNCE: Oz 0.11.0 release
All, I'm pleased to announce release 0.11.0 of Oz. Oz is a program for doing automated installation of guest operating systems with limited input from the user. Release 0.11.0 is a bugfix and feature release for Oz. Some of the highlights between Oz 0.10.0 and 0.11.0 are: * Add support for installing Ubuntu 13.04 * Add the ability to get user-specific ICICLE information * Add the
2010 Jul 06
OT: Sieve + Forward as Attachment
I know that this is technically not a Dovecot problem; however, I was wondering if anyone knew if 'sieve' had been updated with the ability to 'forward as attachment' a received document. I believe it has the ability to forward a document; however, I need the ability to forward it as an attachment if possible. Also I believe, somewhat due to my asking for them, that sieve exits
2004 Mar 17
FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl question
Hello there. The FreeBSD-SA-04:05.openssl Security Advisory announced a "null-pointer assignment during SSL handshake" DoS vulnerability. However, the OpenSSH Security Advisory of 17 March 2004 announced the same vulnerability with one more vulnerability. Look at Isn't FreeBSD vulnerable to the second "Out-of-bounds read affects
2004 Mar 03
FreeBSD source auto patcher script
Hi all I thought I would let you people know of a script that I coded that facilitates security patch updating on FreeBSD. When I wrote it I decided to called it Quickpatch for some reason even though because its source based its not necessarily the least bit quick at all :) I had kept it for my self for a while but I was recently provoked to release it as it could do greater good being out
2009 Jul 17
[LLVMdev] Stack Management in LLVM
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Joshua Moore-Oliva<llvm-dev at> wrote: > To the list of modifications I need to be able to perform, add > > the ability to specify the ordering of local variables in the stack If you need specific locations for everything you're allocating on the stack, you should probably just use a continuation-passing style like the one mentioned
2008 Jan 25
One application that I would like to see work. The above is the last road block for me, into round filing my Win2k partition. Unfortunately, the way the joystick system works in Linux, I don't think this is even a possibility. I need the above applications ability to map joystick switches to keystrokes and the ability to combine axises with mathematical functions.