search for: a457ad8f

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2018 Nov 15
How to concatenate Ogg in the browser JS?
...DE305133015 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 490 bytes Desc: This is a digitally signed message part URL: <>
2018 Nov 15
How to concatenate Ogg in the browser JS?
Thank you, ogginfo returned: ----- Note: Stream 1 has serial number 0, which is legal but may cause problems with some tools. New logical stream (#1, serial: 00000000): type vorbis Vorbis headers parsed for stream 1, information follows... Version: 0 Vendor: ffmpeg Channels: 1 Rate: 22050 Nominal bitrate: 35.333000 kb/s Upper bitrate not set Lower bitrate not set Vorbis stream 1: Total data