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2015 Oct 17
Assistance with understanding how to setup NUT for our small server room
...You can check for a serial number by running "lsusb -vvv" as root, and then verifying that the string next to "iSerial" is unique. Or, you can check for your UPS in our collection of user-submitted data dumps: http://buildbot.networkupstools.org/~buildbot/cayman/docs/latest/ddl/#_supported_devices <http://buildbot.networkupstools.org/~buildbot/cayman/docs/latest/ddl/#_supported_devices>For each Raspberry Pi, is there a webpage I can serve up to view the status of that battery backup?
https://packages.debian.org/jessie/nut-cgi <https://packages.debian.org/jessie/nut-cgi> contains...
2015 Oct 16
Assistance with understanding how to setup NUT for our small server room
We have a small server room for our various Proxmox Host Servers, UTM
system and managed switches. I've recently discovered NUT and would like
to use it to monitor our UPS boxes using Raspberry Pi's. I have a few
questions regarding the setup and I'm hoping this community can point me in
the right direction.
I'll be installing the latest version of NUT on each Raspberry