search for: _null_

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2009 Nov 12
Question about simulation design...
...using the read.table function within a looping cycle? For example... for (j in 1:N){ data_"j" = read.table("data"j".dat, header=F) executable code . . . } bring in the next data set. SAS uses a ampersand "&" to automatize the process. Example code: data _NULL_; set final; filename out "C:\data&k..dat"; file out; put variables; run; I would welcome any insight into how to address this issue. Thank you. Jeff Harring -- ********************************************************** Jeffrey R. Harring, Assistant Prof...
2010 Dec 23
Reconcile Random Samples software packages, but the following results show different results. Thanks! R === > set.seed(6) > random <- runif(10) > random [1] 0.6062683 0.9376420 0.2643521 0.3800939 0.8074834 0.9780757 0.9579337 [8] 0.7627319 0.5096485 0.0644768 SAS (the log file) ======= 15 data _null_; 16 do i=1 to 10; 17 random = ranuni(6); 18 put i= random=; 19 end; 20 run; i=1 random=0.1097754189 i=2 random=0.8205322939 i=3 random=0.3989458365 i=4 random=0.5563918723 i=5 random=0.5296154672 i=6 random=0.8156640985 i=7 random=0.2578750389 i=8 ran...
2008 Jul 23
Calling LISP programs in R to adjust data types not for piping commands in batch mode. Here is a simple program (example) to generate random normal variables from SAS to LISP; of course it's a toy example because there is no need for a LISP routine in this particular case. I hope R has a similar feature. Thanks DATA _NULL_; FILE 'c:\cl.lisp' LRECL=1024; PUT "(defun run (num Mn SD)"; PUT "(setq mix (list nil))"; PUT "(dotimes (n num)"; PUT "(setq u (- (* 2 (random 1.0)) 1)"; PUT "v (- (* 2 (random 1.0)) 1)"; PUT "w (+ (expt u 2) (expt v 2))...
2000 Jun 21
SAS dataset
Hello, Is there any way we convert SAS dataset into R dataset? Kindest Regards, Peppy Adi-Purnomo ------ Peppy Adi-Purnomo Energy Market Analyst Energy Link Ltd Dunedin - New Zealand Ph.: +64 3 479 2475 Fax: +64 3 477 8424 Email: s.adi.purnomo at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read
2004 Jan 09
Poisson distribution help requested
Could somebody help me to understand the syntax of R's ppois function? I'm looking to calculate the cumulative probability density of an observed value (y) given the expected mean (mu) and the level of significance (alpha). I'm coming from using SAS to do this and don't recognize the descriptions of the arguments for ppois. The definitions of lambda and p as stated in the R manuals
2010 Apr 05
SAS and R on multiple operating systems
Hi, This is not meant to be critical of R, but is intended as a possible source for improvements to R. SAS needs the competition. I am reasonably knowledgeable about R SAS-(all products including IML) SAS and R run on Windows(all flavors) UNIX(all flavors) Apple OSs Does R run on natively (no emulation)? We have quite a few users on these systems VAX-VMS Z-OS (mainframe) MVS VM/CMS(IBM)