search for: _menu

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "_menu".

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2005 Dec 15
Navigation menu is the same for all controllers, but I want this behaviour: <a>Users</a> <span>Statistics</span> and <span>Users</span> <a>Statistics</a> depending on the page you''re currently on. I''ve put a <render :partial => "_menu"> in the layout/application.rhtml file that is used as layout for all views. And in every view map, I then define a _menu.rhtml partial. This is of course not flexible enough, since when I want to change some name, I have to make changes in all these files. What is a better way? -- Pos...
2006 Feb 19
instance variables in components not read by component view?
...list of menus to display within my sidebar component controller code and pass that list to the component display view, like so: # menu_controller.rb class Sidebar::MenuController < ActionController::Base uses_component_template_root @menus = %w{admin user help} def display @display_menu = params[:menu] render(:layout => false) end end # menu/display.rhtml <div class="menu"> <% @menus.each do |menu| %> <%= link_to_remote "#{menu}",:url => { :controller => "sidebar/menu", :action => ''toggle_menu'', :me...
2009 Feb 03
Passing args to generator
I have some default_options in generator and when I wish to change they value with --option_name I get only logical true instead of string ... default_options :option_name => "Some string" ... def add_options!(opt) opt.separator '''' opt.separator ''Options:'' opt.on("--option_name","Some Text") { |v| options[:option_name] = v
2008 Jan 21
undefined method error
Hello everyone, I am following the Practical Rails: Social Networking sites book. In chapter 7 photo gallery I am getting a NoMethodError in Pages#show Showing layouts/_menu.rhtml where line #12 raised: undefined method `new_entry_path'' for #<ActionView::Base:0x52fa56c> Extracted source (around line #12): 9: <% if is_logged_in? %> 10: <li>Logged in as: <i><%= logged_in_user.username %></i></li> 11: <li&...
2010 Jul 06
Simple routing problem
I''ve got the following in config\routes.rb: map.resources :users In app\views\shared\_menu.erb, I''ve got: Please sign in <%= link_to "here", :controller=>"user", :action=>"sign_in" -%> In app\controllers\users_controller.rb def sign_in end When I run the application, I crash with: Routing Error No route matches "/user/sign_i...
2006 Aug 15
Local Variable Troubles
Hi all, I currently have a partial named _menu, where I generate the menu for my site. I pass locals to it with a render :partial. I have the partial check for 2 items, display_title and klass. I only pass these to the partial if I need to use them, otherwise no locals named display_title or klass are present in the partial. I test to see i...
2011 Dec 02
Testing Views with Rails 3 and Rspec2 - Can't stub request.path_params[:controller]"].should eq("admin/stores") render rendered.should =~ /#tab-3/ end end The given error: Failure/Error: render ActionView::Template::Error: can''t convert nil into String # ./app/views/admin/settings/_menu.html.erb:5:in `+'' # ./app/views/admin/settings/_menu.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_admin_settings__menu_html_erb__3443097722112408564_2172534220_4114188497869029268'' # ./app/views/admin/stores/index.html.erb:6:in `block in _app_views_admin_stores_index_html_erb___284...
2011 Oct 07
puppet 2.7.5 and augeas break grub.conf on RHEL5
Hi, I was running puppet (2.7.5) on a host which needed to have some settings changed in it''s /boot/grub/menu.lst file. This file is however a link to /boot/grub/grub.conf When I used augeas in puppet like shown below augeas { "${dom0::params::module_label}_menu.lst_memory": incl => ''/ boot/grub/menu.lst'', lens => ''Grub.lns'', changes => [ ''set title[1]/ kernel/dom0_mem 2G'', ''set title[last()]/kernel/dom0_mem 2G'', ], } it updated the menu.lst, but menu.lst is now a file a...