Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "_gpg_path".
2010 Dec 09
Howto batch sign RPM packages?
I need to sign a bunch of RPM packages that have interdepencies:
build #1, sign #1, install #1, build #2, sign #2, install #2 etc.
Based on the info in bz436812 [1] I have created the key (RSA sign only,
4096bit, no sub keys) and put this in .rpmmacros:
%_signature gpg
%_gpg_path ~/.gnupg
%_gpg_name <KEY_ID>
%__gpg_sign_cmd %{__gpg} gpg --force-v3-sigs \
--digest-algo=sha1 --batch --no-verbose --no-armor \
--passphrase-fd 3 --no-secmem-warning -u "%{_gpg_name}" \
-sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}
Now I don't want to type in...
2005 Dec 30
RPMS's rebuilt or upstream one's used
RPMS's rebuilt or upstream one's used
I got a cleanly reinstalled 4.2 workstation. However i
still needed to build the following SRPMS from
Mandriva/Fedora :-
- Chkrootkit
- Logcheck
- Tripwire
- Xboard & Gnuchess
- Rkhunter
I needed to use the upstream versions of :-
- OpenOffice.org 2.0.1
- RealPlayer Gold
- Acrobat Reader
I needed to tweak Bind chroot to log queries and
2006 Sep 14
Anyone using fuse and/or sshfs under Centos 4.4?
A search of google failed to show any prebuilt rpms for sshfs and fuse.
I do see that fuse support is in 2.6.14 kernel which isn't a whole lot of
Before I dive headlong into this has anyone successfully built fuse/sshfs
against Centos 4.4.
If so would you share your experience?
2005 Aug 02
rpmbuild question.
I am attempting to build from a src.rpm (knowing very little about
rpm at all) and the spec file notes that the architecture should be
set on the command line:
> # platform defines - set one below or define the build_xxx on the
command line
Now. My question is this, how does one do this using rpmbuild?
The syntax rpmbuild --target centos4 package.src.rpm seemingly has
no effect.