search for: _extended

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "_extended".

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2007 Jun 09
Element extending problem
Okay, I posted about this a few days ago but couldn''t replicate it in my test case. I have this page, which everything works fine on... except some of the prototype methods. They do not appear to exist on an extended Element. ie: Element._extended = true Element.up = undefined Element.addClassName = function Element.getElementsBySelector = undefined I''ve been trying to figure this one out... I put an alert at the start of Element.extend and loaded my page... I only get one alert, and if I comment my $(''EditGrid'')...
2006 Nov 13
Problems with Prototype in 1.6.5
Hi, When I''m using the Prototype version attached to 1.6.5 (Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 revision [5462]) I get some "Object doesn''t support this property or method" in the Effect.BlindDown method (when the method tries to get the dimentions). If I''m using the version of prototype that was attached to 1.6.4 I do not get this error. Is this a known
2007 Jan 22
getElementsBySelector broken in IE
Hi all: getElementsBySelector appears to be broken in 1.5 final on IE. getElementsBySelector works as expected in FF 1.5 final and also it works correctly in IE in 1.5 RC2. Here''s my simple code fragment: var els = element.getElementsBySelector(''[recnum]''); The variable els is undefined in 1.5 final on IE. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You
2006 Apr 25
issue with $() and child nodes on ie
...ments by id I''ve found that in ie, after I alter the innerHTML, if I then use my child by id routine to grab an element, and send it through $() to have it "extended" the child element comes out the other end without being extended. It turns out that in some situations the _extended attribute ends up on these children without it ever being placed there. Maybe because after the repeating of the HTML, elements temporarily have the same id. I found that if _extended is a function and not just a ''true'' flag then ie won''t mysteriously place it on u...
2006 Mar 31
Property not supported error with newest prototype.
I''m getting an error from IE on the following line in the newest prototype... element._extended = true; IE is saying that ''Object doesn''t support this property or method''. I''m using IE6. Has anybody else had similiar issues?
2006 May 09
prototype: leak with Element.extend
Had a nasty memory leak that was seriously slowing down the browser and eating up a couple megabytes every reload. I was using: $$(''.dyntable'').each(function(elm) { new DynTable(elm) }); To set up my behavior, but discovered that just running: $$(''.dyntable''); Caused the memory leak all by itself. The fix I found for it was to change Element.extend to a
2006 May 24
enumerables problem?
I was wondering whether anybody could please tell me why this is causing an error in IE (works in Firefox): $A(container.getElementsByTagName(''*'')).each( function(el) { Element.cleanWhitespace(el); }.bind(this)); What would be an alternative of achieving the same? Thank you Marco M. Jaeger | Url: <> | E-mail:
2006 Jun 20
Next release, help needed
Hey there! I''m in the process of looking through the various bug reports and tickets and fixing as I go along. As I want a 1.6.2 bugfix release to happen this week, please help me out with: - Looking throught the open bugs list on the trac, testing stuff and giving helpful comments (like "+1") - Identifiying what bugs/patches should be included (answer to