search for: _comments

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "_comments".

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2006 Apr 01
You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it!
Hi, I am creating a blog to learn ruby on rails. I have 2 different views/models/controllers, 1 called post and 1 called comments. How do i link a post from the views/post directory to the comments that belong to the post in the views/comment directory. This is the code in the post/show.rhtml <%= render :partial => "post", :object => @post %> <%= link_to
2006 Jun 26
How can I dynamiclly generate models?
...table.rb module Commentable def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_commentable(options = {}) class_def = "class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name ''#{}_comments'' belongs_to :user, :class_name=>''::User'' belongs_to :#{}, :class_name=>''::#{self}'' end" self.class_eval class_def has_many :comments, :class_name=>&quo...
2001 Jul 29
Compiling R (1.3.0) on AIX (4.3) fails (PR#1034) contains a line like this: TK_XINCLUDES='# no special path needed' This has nothing to do with R proper but this bug which is either in AIX or the local installation of X shows up during the compilation of R. Anyhow, this line is plain stupid since when passed on to the compiler _comments out_ the rest of the line! (Think about: gcc fine_program.c #no special path needed -lX11 -Xm ) The fix is to use "TK_XINCLUDES=''" in Again, I know this is not a problem with R but I'm adding it here for people to find if they use the mailing list archive. Af...
2006 Dec 07
What does js partial(...) do?
In the example application named "sample_app", comment.jerb contains the following line: $(''comments'').update(<%=js partial(:comments) %>); What does the ''js'' method do to/with, if anything at all, ''partial(:comments)''? Merb is quite fun to use and I''m starting to get a feel for it and ruby. I''m surprised at