search for: __sigset_t

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "__sigset_t".

2016 Apr 14
[PATCH 1/1] x32 support
...ziness: rt_sigsuspend syscall expects sizeof(sigset_t) as the second argument and returns -EINVAL if it is != sizeof(sigset_t). In glibc it's defined like this # define _SIGSET_NWORDS (1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int))) typedef struct { unsigned long int __val[_SIGSET_NWORDS]; } __sigset_t; where long int is 64-bit, i.e. the whole struct if 128 byte long, 1 bit per signal for all 1024 signals. In klibc it's apparently defined as size_t for 64-bit size_t, so it's only 8 byte long. And it works anyway! It did not work for x32 because of size_t difference. And I believe, there...
2010 Jul 12
[LLVMdev] about llvm2.7's inline assembly
...vm-gcc 2.7 (with -emit-llvm option), I got the following inline assembly in my llvm byte code: %asmtmp = call %struct.__mbstate_t asm sideeffect "cld; rep; stosl", "={cx},={di},{ax},0,1,~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags},~{memory}"(i32 0, i32 32, i32* getelementptr inbounds (%struct.__sigset_t* @socks, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0)) nounwind ; <%struct.__mbstat %asmresult = extractvalue %struct.__mbstate_t %asmtmp, 0 ; <i32> [#uses=1] store i32 %asmresult, i32* %__d0 %asmresult1 = extractvalue %struct.__mbstate_t %asmtmp, 1 ; <i32> [#uses=1] store i32 %asmresult1, i32* %__d1...
2004 Aug 22
[LLVMdev] conditionally reduced intrinsics
> Ok, I am developing an intrinsic instruction and I have the codegen > working (and tested). However, some of the more complex cases of the > intrinsic are reducable to LLVM + simpler cases of the intrinsic. How > would I go about conditionally reducing the intrinsic? I could deal > with the issue in the codegen, but that gets ugly quickly. > > Andrew I suppose you could
2004 Aug 22
[LLVMdev] conditionally reduced intrinsics
Ok, I am developing an intrinsic instruction and I have the codegen working (and tested). However, some of the more complex cases of the intrinsic are reducable to LLVM + simpler cases of the intrinsic. How would I go about conditionally reducing the intrinsic? I could deal with the issue in the codegen, but that gets ugly quickly. Andrew -------------- next part -------------- A non-text
2004 Aug 22
[LLVMdev] conditionally reduced intrinsics (llvm.syscall)
...limination passes like LICM to clean up the resulting > code. > > -Brian -------------- next part -------------- target endian = little target pointersize = 32 %struct..TorRec = type { int, void ()* } %struct.TorRec = type { int, void ()* } %struct.timeval = type { int, int } %typedef.__sigset_t = type { [32 x uint] } %typedef.fd_set = type { [32 x int] } %typedef.pthread_mutexattr_t = type { int } %union.nfsctl_res3. = type opaque %.str_1 = internal constant [13 x sbyte] c"Hello World\0A\00" ; <[13 x sbyte]*> [#uses=1] %errno = internal global int 0 ; <int*> [#u...
2014 Nov 03
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] Protection against stack-based memory corruption errors using SafeStack
...p20 = add i64 %tmp8, 1 + br label %bb6 + +bb21: ; preds = %bb6, %bb + %tmp22 = phi i32 [ %tmp1, %bb ], [ %tmp14, %bb6 ] + %tmp23 = call i32 (...)* @dummy(i32 %tmp22) nounwind + ret i32 undef +} + +%struct.__jmp_buf_tag = type { [8 x i64], i32, %struct.__sigset_t } +%struct.__sigset_t = type { [16 x i64] } + at buf = internal global [1 x %struct.__jmp_buf_tag] zeroinitializer, align 16 + +; test28: setjmp/longjmp test. +; Requires protector. +define i32 @test28() nounwind uwtable safestack { +entry: +; LINUX-I386: test28: +; LINUX-I386: movl __llvm__unsafe_...
2012 Nov 29
[LLVMdev] problem trying to write an LLVM register-allocation pass
I have a new problem: Register RBP is used in a function foo. (I am not allocating RBP to any virtual register, the instances of RBP in function foo are in the machine code when my register allocator starts.) Function foo calls function bar. Register RBP is not saved across the call, though it is live after the call. Function bar includes a virtual register. The code that I'm using to
2012 Dec 01
[LLVMdev] problem trying to write an LLVM register-allocation pass
...u_int32_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__SI__))); typedef unsigned int u_int64_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__DI__))); typedef int register_t __attribute__ ((__mode__ (__word__))); typedef int __sig_atomic_t; typedef struct { unsigned long int __val[(1024 / (8 * sizeof (unsigned long int)))]; } __sigset_t; typedef __sigset_t sigset_t; struct timespec { __time_t tv_sec; long int tv_nsec; }; struct timeval { __time_t tv_sec; __suseconds_t tv_usec; }; typedef __suseconds_t suseconds_t; typedef long int __fd_mask; typedef struct { __fd_mask __fds_bits[1024 / (8 * sizeof (__...