search for: 9d208sng4xu

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "9d208sng4xu".

2005 Jul 26
eager associations and limit/offset
Hi, currently the eager association loading via ":include" does not work when a has-many or habtm association is combined with offset/limit (which is required for paginations). This is because in these cases, the result set will contain more than one row per object, but limit/offset works on row numbers. I''ve developed a patch that makes this work by using 2 SQL statements
2007 Sep 22
How to fire an event when the page completes loading?
I''m looking for an event handler in Prototype (or plain old JavaScript) similar to onContentReady() in the YUI library: (see How can I implement this? If I''m not mistaken, my testings showed the document.onLoad() happens too early (as soon as the page loads it fires, even before some dom elements are on the page