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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 261 matches for "99.9".

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2011 Jul 13
Extraer datos mensuales de una serie temporal
Hola a todos Estoy intentando extraer un subconjunto de datos de una serie temporal, concretamente quiero extraer los meses de verano de varios aƱos pero no encuentro la manera. Los datos tienen este formato: FECHA;H_SOLAR;DIR_M;DIR_S;VEL_M;VEL_S;VEL_X;U;V;TEMP_M;HR;BAT;PRECIP;RAD;UVA;UVB;FOG;GRID;
2010 Jan 28
using function boot
Dear R Users, I am trying to use the function boot of the boot package to sample from a dataframe of two character variables (N=1127). Each character variable can take five different values. Here is an example of the data: 1 b95-99.9 d25% 2 b95-99.9 a1% 3 b95-99.9 a1% 4 b95-99.9 a1% 5 b95-99.9 a1% 6 a>99.9 a1% 7 b95-99.9
2009 Mar 03
SPSS data import: problems & work arounds for GSS surveys
I'm using R 2.8.1 on Ubuntu 8.10. I'm writing partly to ask what's wrong, partly to tell other users who search that there is a work around. The General Social Survey is a long standing series of surveys provided by NORC (National Opinion Research Center). I have downloaded some years of the survey data in SPSS format (here's the site:
1999 Oct 15
99.9% uptime
Sorry, forgot to change the subject on my first posting. I was reading a comment this morning about something Microsoft had published to the effect that there were vendors guaranteeing 99.9% uptime for NT. The guy who wrote the reply did the math for what that means, and the results are very interesting. Quote below: OK, now what does a 99.9% uptime guarantee mean? Well, it means that at
2005 Mar 22
Asterisk locking up - 99.9% CPU
Hello We are running Asterisk CVS 22/12/04 and pwlib/oh323 pandora version to work with our call agent. Unfortunately **VERY** frequently, asterisk stops responding and goes to 99.9% CPU. There is no debug output or other information that indicates there is a problem... Rather than continually restarting, can anyone make suggestions as to how we can track this down **OR** has anyone got the
2016 Apr 17
Trying to understand cut
I am trying to understand cut so I can divide a list of numbers into 10 group: 0-9.0 10-10.9 20-20.9 30-30.9, 40-40.9, 50-50.9 60-60.9 70-70.9 80-80.9 90-90.9 As I try to do this, I have been playing with the cut function. Surprising the following for applications of cut give me the exact same groups. This surprises me given that I have varied parameters include.lowest and right. Can someone
2007 Aug 23
read big text file into R
Dear Rs: Hi, I am trying to read a big text file (nrows=243440, ncols=144). It seems the computational time of all the read methods (scan,readtable,read.delim) is not linear to the number of rows I want to read in: things became really slow once I tried to read in 100000 lines compare to 10000 lines). If I am reading the profiling result right, I guess scan wouldn't help either. My
2016 Apr 17
Trying to understand cut
Jeff, Perhaps I was sloppy with my notation: I want groups >=0 <10 >=10 <20 >=20<30 ...... >=90 <100 In any event, my question remains, why did the four different versions of cut give me the same results? I hope someone can explain to me the function of include.lowest and right in the call to cut. As demonstrated in my example below, the parameters do not seem to alter
2016 Apr 17
Trying to understand cut
Have you read FAQ 7.31 recently, John? Your whole premise is flawed. You should be thinking of ranges [0,10), [10,20), and so on because numbers ending in 0.9 are never going to be exact. -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On April 16, 2016 7:38:50 PM PDT, John Sorkin <jsorkin at> wrote: >I am trying to understand cut so I can divide a list of numbers
2012 Feb 24
How to troubleshoot SMBD high CPU?
We are seeing the SMBD process sitting at 99.9% Are there any step-by-step troubleshooting guides to track the source of the problem? -Jeremy
2004 Aug 06
99% cpu usage help
Icecast uses 99.9% cpu usage with one listener and thats me locally! Samba,apache,mysql,proftpd,ssh, and every other application i can possibly run and try to cause load on my server , it wont get this high, how do i fix this? <p>I compiled the latest 1.3.12 icecast source. 17769 root 15 0 2256 2192 1084 R 99.9 0.5 2720m icecast <p>--- >8 ---- List archives:
2008 Dec 20
Needs more cpu usage
Hi, I am running * on centos5 using 4core cpu. When it is busy, * uses 99.9% of cpu max. How can I make * to use more cpu power? Thanks.
2007 Aug 22
smbd using 99.9% CPU with MS Office docs
I made a post a few weeks ago regarding this but was unable to find a solution. This is the situation: + I'm attempting to upgrade from samba 3.0.23a (Fedora core package 3.0.23a-1.fc4.1) to the latest version compiled from Samba source. + When using the latest version (or 3.0.25b), Win clients can authenticate & access shares fine, but attempting to open any kind of MS Office doc (not
2007 Oct 29
1.1Beta5 Issue
I installed 1.1Beta 5 this weekend. I had no problems at all yesterday using Thunderbird. I started reading my mail with Squirrelmail this morning and everything was going pretty smooth. I tried to delete a daily e-mail I receive from and the IMAP process shot up to 99.9% and I was not able to do anything in Squirrelmail. I killed that process and tried it again just to be
2009 Jul 24
Conditional sorting
Greetings! I am trying to figure out how to order a data frame by one variable conditioned on another. Here is an example of what I have: d <- data.frame(RUN = rep(1:3, each = 3), ID = 1:9, AUC = runif(9,1,100)) > d RUN ID AUC 1 1 70.2 1 2 86.5 1 3 20.1 2 4 74.3 2 5 53.6 2 6 67.6 3 7 99.9 3 8 47.3 3 9 41.3
2005 Nov 15
gettimeofday and endless looping
Guys, We''re having a similar problem to that documented, but not resolved, here: The python process that runs "/usr/sbin/xend start" has reached 99.9% CPU utilization. PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND 3569 root 25 0 12952 7876 2456 R 99.9 6.2 13444:26 python
2006 Mar 23
Estimation of skewness from quantiles of near-normal distribution
I have summary statistics from many sets (10,000's) of near-normal continuous data. From previously generated QQplots of these data I can visually see that most of them are normal with a few which are not normal. I have the raw data for a few (700) of these sets. I have applied several tests of normality, skew, and kurtosis to these sets to see which test might yield a parameter which
2010 Sep 09
Dovecot 2.0.2 breakes LMTP delivery for me
Hi, I'm onboard Debian Lenny (amd64) and just reverted from 2.0.2-0~auto+4 back to 2.0.1-0~auto+1 because LMTP stopped working completly with the above Package. In my setup delivery is done from exim via LMTP to dovecot (Maildir/ext3). The lmtp dovecot config looks like this: > service lmtp { > user = vmail > inet_listener lmtp { > address = > port = 24
2002 Nov 19
Please no HTML email.
Hi all, FYI, just a warning/note. I read my email on mutt from When I get an html formatted email I just hit 'D' (delete) without looking at the contents. I think many other Samba Team members do the same. If you send an urgent plea for help and it's html formatted then I doubt anyone in the Samba Team will ever see it. html formatted email is 99.9% spam, and gets treated
2013 Jun 19
evaluation of equations from Ryacas
Hello again. Now I have the following: > xx [1] "Solve(1 - R/100==(2*y)/10000,R)" > yacas(xx) expression(list(R == 100 * (1 - 2 * y/10000))) > I would like to put in a value for y and obtain R. I've tried more stuff with eval and Eval, but no luck yet. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer