search for: 89f8

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "89f8".

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2018 Aug 20
Windows "0xC00001A5: An invalid exception handler routine has been detected" with LLVM win32 (i386) SEH code
...| 8B7424 1C | mov esi,dword ptr ss:[esp+1C] | 00C21205 | BF 54DCC800 | mov edi,consoleapplication830.C8DC54 | 00C2120A | 894424 0C | mov dword ptr ss:[esp+C],eax | 00C2120E | 89F8 | mov eax,edi | 00C21210 | 897424 08 | mov dword ptr ss:[esp+8],esi | 00C21214 | 894C24 04 | mov dword ptr ss:[esp+4],ecx | 00C21218 | 891424...
2018 Aug 20
Windows "0xC00001A5: An invalid exception handler routine has been detected" with LLVM win32 (i386) SEH code[esp+1C] |>> 00C21205 | BF 54DCC800 | mov >> edi,consoleapplication830.C8DC54 |>> 00C2120A | 894424 0C | mov dword ptr >> ss:[esp+C],eax |>> 00C2120E | 89F8 | mov eax,edi >> |>> 00C21210 | 897424 08 | mov dword ptr >> ss:[esp+8],esi |>> 00C21214 | 894C24 04 | mov dword ptr >> ss:[esp+4],ecx |>> 00C21218...
2018 Apr 03
Sharding problem - multiple shard copies with mismatching gfids
...03 02:07:57.988844] W [MSGID: 109009] [dht-common.c:2831:dht_lookup_linkfile_cbk] 0-ovirt-350-zone1-dht: /.shard/927c6620-848b-4064-8c88-68a332b645c2.7: gfid different on data file on ovirt-350-zone1-replicate-3, gfid local = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, gfid node = 955a5e78-ab4c-499a-89f8-511e041167fb [2018-04-03 02:07:57.989748] W [MSGID: 109009] [dht-common.c:2570:dht_lookup_everywhere_cbk] 0-ovirt-350-zone1-dht: /.shard/927c6620-848b-4064-8c88-68a332b645c2.7: gfid differs on subvolume ovirt-350-zone1-replicate-3, gfid local = efbb9be5-0744-4883-8f3e-e8f7ce8d7741, gfid node =...
2018 Apr 06
Sharding problem - multiple shard copies with mismatching gfids
...844] W [MSGID: 109009] > [dht-common.c:2831:dht_lookup_linkfile_cbk] 0-ovirt-350-zone1-dht: > /.shard/927c6620-848b-4064-8c88-68a332b645c2.7: gfid different on data > file on ovirt-350-zone1-replicate-3, gfid local = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, > gfid node = 955a5e78-ab4c-499a-89f8-511e041167fb > [2018-04-03 02:07:57.989748] W [MSGID: 109009] > [dht-common.c:2570:dht_lookup_everywhere_cbk] 0-ovirt-350-zone1-dht: > /.shard/927c6620-848b-4064-8c88-68a332b645c2.7: gfid differs on subvolume > ovirt-350-zone1-replicate-3, gfid local = efbb9be5-0744-4883-8f3e-e8f7ce8d77...
2008 Dec 04
LDA questions
Hello, I am looking at the docs and I see this: Problems with deliver Namespaces are supported with v1.1 and later. With v1.0 and older versions mails can be delivered only to mailboxes specified by the mail_location setting. But in the dovecot.conf I see: # NOTE: Namespaces currently work ONLY with IMAP! POP3 and LDA currently ignore # namespaces completely, they use only the mail_location
2018 Mar 26
Sharding problem - multiple shard copies with mismatching gfids
Ian, Do you've a reproducer for this bug? If not a specific one, a general outline of what operations where done on the file will help. regards, Raghavendra On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 12:55 PM, Raghavendra Gowdappa <rgowdapp at> wrote: > > > On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj at> > wrote: > >> The gfid mismatch
2009 Jan 12
Can not Create Maildir using userdb sql
Dear all, I've been experiencing this problem and still can't find a solution for this. I want to have a dynamic quota for each virtual user. I've followed instruction from : But still can't give what I want. But if I use userdb static, I works fluently. Below are my Dovecot
2018 Mar 26
Sharding problem - multiple shard copies with mismatching gfids
On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj at> wrote: > The gfid mismatch here is between the shard and its "link-to" file, the > creation of which happens at a layer below that of shard translator on the > stack. > > Adding DHT devs to take a look. > Thanks Krutika. I assume shard doesn't do any dentry operations like rename,