search for: 7976

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 24 matches for "7976".

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2003 Jun 20
Asterisk hogging CPU resources
Here's the problem: I start asterisk, and it takes up around 3-4% of my CPU resources. However, this number continues to climb over the hours until it is close to 100%. Usually it takes around a day to climb up to approximately 95 or 96% Has anybody experienced the following problem before?
2005 Jun 28
boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) (PR#7976)
I consider this to be an old bug, which also persists in Splus 7. It is unnecessary, and annoying. ## Section 1: Consider a simple data frame with three possible factors (in levels) d <- data.frame(a=sort(rnorm(10)*10), b=factor(c(rep("A",4), rep("C", 6)), levels=c("A","B","C"))) tapply(d$a, d$b, mean) # returns three results, which I
2002 Jul 02
Samba 2.2.4 and PRINT$
...ppening ? Edmund -- ======================================================================== Edmund J. Sutcliffe Thoughtful Solutions; Creatively <> Implemented and Communicated <> +44 (0) 7976 938841
2005 Jun 28
boxplot by factor (Package base version 2.1.1) ( PR#7976)
The issue is not with boxplot, but with split. boxplot.formula() calls boxplot(split(split(mf[[response]], mf[-response]), ...), but look at what split() returns when there are empty levels in the factor: > f <- factor(gl(3, 6), levels=1:5) > y <- rnorm(f) > split(y, f) $"1" [1] 0.4832124 1.1924811 0.3657797 1.7400198 0.5577356 0.9889520 $"2" [1] -1.1296642
2008 Jan 10
4 - active client evicted
...19:ptlrpc_import_delay_req()) @@@ IMP_INVALID req at ffff81005ee12e00 x649521/t0 o101->hpfs-MDT0000_UUID at lens 512/912 ref 1 fl Rpc:P/0/0 rc 0/0 Jan 10 12:41:40 LustreError: 7979:0:(mdc_locks.c:424:mdc_finish_enqueue()) ldlm_cli_enqueue: -108 Jan 10 12:42:18 LustreError: 7976:0:(client.c:519:ptlrpc_import_delay_req()) @@@ IMP_INVALID req at ffff810043ad4a00 x649532/t0 o35->hpfs-MDT0000_UUID at lens 296/784 ref 1 fl Rpc:/0/0 rc 0/0 Jan 10 12:42:18 LustreError: 7976:0:(client.c:519:ptlrpc_import_delay_req()) Skipped 1 previous similar message Jan...
2012 Sep 25
[Bug 9211] New: Inconsistency between man page and help Summary: Inconsistency between man page and help Product: rsync Version: 3.0.9 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: core AssignedTo: wayned at ReportedBy: mluscon at
2004 Apr 06
Non working 800 numbers
Hey guys, I am having a strange problem with certain 800 numbers not working, specifically American Airlines 800-882-8880 800- 843-3000 800- 237-7976 and UPS 800-742-5877 I can't seem to figure out what is causing them not to pick up. Prior to using asterisk on our outbound PRI lines there was no problem. I tried explicitly setting callerid/ani etc on outbound calls, but so far no dice. Has anyone else had a similiar problem? What was the s...
2011 Jul 22
ANNOUNCE: Puppet Dashboard 1.2rc3 available
...(#7389) Don''t auto-start DelayedJob workers. 933ae04 (#7389) Cheaper unique filenames for spooled reports. b4384eb (#7398) Support externally managed DelayedJob workers. 184e65b (#7689) Rake task to support parallel report POSTing. 2333c08 (#5947) Rename Destroy button to Delete 2fb0ac1 (#7976) Fixed static debug data in view 393970d (#7976) Node filter links in sidebar work in all cases 4ba3d23 (#7398) Configurable DelayedJob worker count. e839884 (#7938) Delayed import from file, not YAML string. d24c323 (#7973) Refactor colors for changed/unchanged 58c2b52 (#7398) Use DelayedJob for b...
2011 Aug 06
Announce: Dashboard 1.2rc6 available
...(#7389) Don''t auto-start DelayedJob workers. 933ae04 (#7389) Cheaper unique filenames for spooled reports. b4384eb (#7398) Support externally managed DelayedJob workers. 184e65b (#7689) Rake task to support parallel report POSTing. 2333c08 (#5947) Rename Destroy button to Delete 2fb0ac1 (#7976) Fixed static debug data in view 393970d (#7976) Node filter links in sidebar work in all cases 4ba3d23 (#7398) Configurable DelayedJob worker count. e839884 (#7938) Delayed import from file, not YAML string. d24c323 (#7973) Refactor colors for changed/unchanged 58c2b52 (#7398) Use DelayedJob for b...
2002 Feb 23
Using LDAP and Samba I'm getting a stange error
Does anyone know what the following error means, and what I can do to fix it?? [root@trouble openldap]# ldapadd -D "cn=root,o=smb,dc=picotech,dc=net" -W Enter LDAP Password: ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute ------------- Jeffrey D. Means CIO for PicoTech Ft. Collins, Colorado -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2003 Feb 22
re: Samba PDC shared applications and a default start menu profile (Kevin S. Brackett)
...this helps Edmund -- ======================================================================== Edmund J. Sutcliffe Thoughtful Solutions; Creatively <> Implemented and Communicated <> +44 (0) 7976 938841
2007 Mar 16
Changing from NTFS to ext3
I want to convert all my NTFS partitions to ext3 since I'm no longer running Windows, at least on my main machine at home. I'm planning to tar the NTFS partitions to an existing ext3, reformat the partition as ext3 and untar it back. What is the best way to accomplish step two of this - reformatting the partition? I've only done this so far during the installation phase, and that
2000 Jun 16
Memory usage in reload_services()
...3152 100 3016 4032 200 3728 4768 300 4576 5640 400 5280 6368 500 6144 7240 600 6792 7976 700 7328 8848 800 7488 9584 900 7920 10456 1000 7824 11192 We examined smbd process with purify tool but found *NO* memory leaks which would explain the memory grow...
2003 Nov 26
Samba Import User Scipt
Hello NG, ich would like to use the Samba-Server as an PDC for a school. Because of the high numbers of students it is not possible for us to add ervery student by hand an think about a pw. Has anyone designed a script which read the users from an ASCII-file and add's them to the samba? Regards, Michael Lechner
2017 Mar 13
Memory leak samba 4.4.5 and authentications errors -D root 3657 0.0 0.2 540524 4904 ? S 2016 0:00 \_ /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba -D root 3661 0.0 0.4 513240 10204 ? Ss 2016 6:50 | \_ /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -D --option=server role check:inhibit=yes --foreground root 3673 0.0 0.3 503500 7976 ? S 2016 74:21 | \_ /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -D --option=server role check:inhibit=yes --foreground root 3674 0.0 0.1 503508 3276 ? S 2016 0:17 | \_ /usr/local/samba/sbin/smbd -D --option=server role check:inhibit=yes --foreground root 3679 0.0 0.1 513240...
2016 Aug 17
KMeans - Evaluation Results
On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 7:23 PM, James Aylett <james-xapian at> wrote: > >> How long does 200?300 documents take to cluster? How does it grow as > more documents are included in the MSet? We'd expect an MSet of 1000 > documents to take longer to cluster than one with 100, but the important > thing is _how_ the time increases as the number of documents
2016 Aug 18
KMeans - Evaluation Results
> > > > Actually, you're doing something slightly unusual there: making the > internal member public. Protected would be better, and private is I think > most usual; library clients aren't going to have access to the Internal > class declaration, so they can't call things on it. This means it's > actually difficult right now to subclass Feature. > > I
2005 Aug 06
printer loss [susepro9.1]-mostly solved-samba the problem?
...6791/kdm /var/run/xdmctl/dmctl-:0/socket unix 19 [ ] DGRAM 6980 4813/syslogd /dev/log unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 16578 9445/kdesud /tmp/ksocket-scn/kdesud_:0 unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 12793 7976/soffice.bin /tmp/OSL_PIPE_1000_SingleOfficeIPC_f8cc1c783b949b281c4b3c4d728c040 unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 6984 4813/syslogd /var/lib/dhcp/dev/log unix 2 [ ] DGRAM 6986 4813/syslogd /var/lib/named/dev/log unix 2 [ ACC...
2016 Aug 17
KMeans - Evaluation Results
> How long does 200?300 documents take to cluster? How does it grow as more > documents are included in the MSet? We'd expect an MSet of 1000 documents > to take longer to cluster than one with 100, but the important thing is > _how_ the time increases as the number of documents grows. > > Currently, the number of seconds taken for clustering a set of documents for varying
2007 Oct 18
Performance Issues: I/O Wait
Hey, everyone, I''m having some issues with a Xen DomU right related to performance. We have an application that cross-compiles a Linux distribution from scratch for embedded systems. We''re attempting to run this application inside a Xen DomU (paravirtualized, modified guest kernel), and the performance is really bad. The culprit seems to be high I/O wait times related to the