search for: 42s22unknown

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 25 matches for "42s22unknown".

2008 Sep 16
has_one :through eager-loading problem
...would be has_many, is this wrong? has_one :user, :through => :membership has_one :customer, :through => :membership end now if I search for profiles with the :include option: def index @profiles = User.find(:all, :include => [:user, :customer]) end i get an error: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''users.profile_id'' in ''on clause'' obviously, it searches for the profile_id on the wrong place, it should search it in memberships anyone has an idea? Thanks.. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you a...
2006 Jun 08
counter_cache is not looking for children_count with acts_as_tree
...a "pages_count" column instead. Here is the relevant part of page.rb model: class Page < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_tree :order => :position, :counter_cache => true acts_as_list :scope => :parent_id end And here is what happens when I create a new page: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''pages_count'' in ''field list'': UPDATE pages SET pages_count = pages_count + 1 WHERE (id = 2) Any ideas why it''s not asking for "children_count"? Jeff
2006 May 30
Help with Shopping Cart example from Agile Web Development 2nd Edition
Hi I get to about page 103 of the book and get an application error. Further investigation reveals the following error in the dev log: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''id'' in ''where clause'': UPDATE sessions SET `data` = ''BAh7BzoJY2FydG86CUNhcnQGOgtAaXRlbXNbBm86DUNhcnRJdGVtBzoOQHF1\nYW50aXR5aQY6DUBwcm9kdWN0bzoMUHJvZHVjdAY6EEBhdHRyaWJ1dGVzewsi\nDmltYWdlX3VybCIWL2ltYWdlcy9yYWlscy5wbmciCnRpdGxlIgdzZCIKcHJp\nY2UiCjI...
2006 Jun 19
Using set_primary_key breaks acts_as_tree with non-integer column my own unique id for each record. But, this breaks acts_as_tree. Because my new primary key is not an integer, it breaks the SQL query as follows: StatementInvalid in PagesController#create -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''1_3'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM pages WHERE (parent_id = 1_3 AND account_id = 1) ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1 Because parent_id is also now a :string column, the 1_3 should be put into single quotes like so: SELECT * FROM pages WHERE (paren...
2006 May 10
Single Table Inheritance problem
...m Model: class Item < ActiveRecord::Base end class Article < Item belongs_to :page end Page Model: class Page < ActiveRecord::Base end class Issue < Page has_many :articles end In my controller, when I call @page.articles I am getting the following problem: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''items.issue_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM items WHERE (items.issue_id = 4) AND ( (items.`type` = ''Article'' ) ) I see exactly where the snafu is ''items.issue_id'' should be ''items.PAGE_id'' (ca...
2006 Jan 31
has_one without inverse belongs_to
.... The entities table has a column called users_id that contains the user id of the user that created the entity. In entity I have... has_one :user ... as I want to be able to show the user who created the entity from the entity object. But this produces the following error... Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''users.entity_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.entity_id = 1) LIMIT 1 ...Where I want it to select users by What do I do? I bet it is easy. Martin -- Posted via
2006 Jul 13
model navigation problem with foreign key
...nces ac_rooms(id)" end and i added the belongs_to :ac_room in line_msg.rb and has_many: :line_msgs to ac_room.rb in the model, but when i did room = AcRoom.find(...) <%= render(:partial => "line_msg", :collection => room.line_msgs) %> but i get error Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''line_msgs.ac_room_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM line_msgs WHERE (line_msgs.ac_room_id = 6) my question is why rails make it into line_msgs.ac_room_id but not line_msgs.room_id, is there some stupid things i did, thanks. Excuse me for my poor eng...
2005 Dec 23
has_many and belongs_to relationship error
Hi i am getting following error ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Blog#index Showing app/views/blog/index.rhtml where line #10 raised: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''posts.user_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM posts WHERE (posts.user_id = 4) Extracted source (around line #10): 7: <div class="separator">&nbsp;</div> 8: <% end %> 9: 10: <% for post in @posts %> 11: <div cl...
2006 Aug 09
has_many through delete issue
...estroy_price Media.find(params[:id]).prices.find(params[:price_code_id]).destroy redirect_to :action => ''show'', :id => params[:id] end When I call the action the following error is returned: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in MediaController#destroy_price Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column '''' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM prices WHERE ( = ''1'' AND (prices.media_id = 82)) LIMIT 1 For this example I''m trying to delete the prices record with media_id of 82 and price_code_id of 1. For some reas...
2006 Apr 22
nOOb question: How to use find_all with form input data
Hello, I''m having a problem utilizing the find_all method with a value from a form. I keep getting the following error: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''category_id11'' in ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM items WHERE (category_id11) The controller seems to be getting the correct data, but my key and value seem to be mashed together(it''s mashed-hash? ) I''m using a pulldown box that contai...
2006 May 20
In a find, can''t you use both :include and :limit ?
...9;ll require :offset and :limit. Let''s add them in as a test. employees = Employee.find( :all, :limit => 10, :offset => 1 :include => :skills, :conditions => ["skill_id = ?",3] ) WHAMMO! I get hit with this: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''skill_id'' in ''where clause'': SELECT id FROM employees WHERE (skill_id = 3) LIMIT 1, 10 What gives? I''m obviously a newb and may very well have misunderstood the purpose of :include, but the fact that it does exactly what I want it to do (wi...
2008 Jan 04
Confused by the unit test results.
I''m testing the relation between two of my models: MessageThread (parent), which has_many Message (children). When I run the following test, it gives me an error: --------------------------------- # test with a valid message def test_valid_message_new thread = :title => ''awesome thread'' message =
2006 Oct 25
rest nested resources - Help please
I can''t believe I''m back again with another rest question. I did go through the peepcode podcast. I thought though you can have multiple nested resources, is that not true ? I have this set up map.resources :candidates do |candidate| candidate.resources :canbackgrounds candidate.resources :canpositions end I just coded up teh canpositions and now all
2006 Feb 15
MySql adapter error
..., after installing that gem and then trying to run gem install mysql on my windows server, I''ve been getting this weird error on every page I try to hit. If anyone give give me any insight into how I messed this up or how to fix, it would be much appreciated. The error is Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''joinsincludeconditions'' in ''where clause'': SELECT COUNT(*) FROM meal_names WHERE (joinsincludeconditions) If I take the "rails" folder out of my vendor folder, I don''t get the error but just a blank screen. Here''s the rest of...
2006 Feb 21
Rails edge breaks my app
...nd restart the server (webrick), it works fine. I don''t get any errors. But if I re-add the ..\vendor\rails folder I get errors when accessing any views that have pagination. Is this a known issue or problem? This is the error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Books#list Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''joinsincludeconditions'' in ''where clause'': SELECT COUNT(*) FROM books WHERE (joinsincludeconditions) RAILS_ROOT: ./script/../config/.. Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.13.2/lib/active_record/c...
2008 Jan 10
BUG? has_many :through makes funny queries
...t; :owner, :dependent => :destroy has_many :folders, :through => :gallery Seems fine, right? So @user.folders should do join between users, galleries and folders. (1 in the example) == gallery.owner_id and == folders.gallery_id Right? Well it does not. Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''galleries.gallery_id'' in ''on clause'': SELECT folders.* FROM folders INNER JOIN galleries ON = galleries.gallery_id WHERE ((galleries.owner_id = 1) AND (galleries.owner_type = ''User'')) This query doesn''t make a lo...
2006 Feb 15
accepting and passing args to find
...d_allowed(session[:user], :order => "name") # start of the model method: def self.find_allowed(owner, *args) projects = self.find_all(args) ... No matter how I try to pass those args along I get something like the following error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''ordername'' i n ''where clause'': SELECT * FROM projects WHERE (ordername) I''ve tried self.find_all(*args), I''ve tried doing various conversions and nothing seems to work. I''m sure I''m missing something simple, I just...
2006 Aug 02
Ajax_Scaffold display from link table ] } %> </div> documents_controller.rb @paginator, @documents = paginate(:documents, :order => @sort_by, :include => :category, :per_page => default_per_page) I keep getting the following error: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in DocumentsController#component Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''categories.document_id'' in ''on clause'': SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT FROM documents LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON categories.document_id = Can anyone help me and point out where i am going wrong? -- Posted via http://www.ruby-forum...
2007 Nov 14
New Foxy Fixtures (Rails 2) & STI (Single Table Inheritance)
...: hemingway file_download: hemingway_alpha_zip created_at: <%= ( - 5.days).to_formatted_s(:db) %> The problem I''m having is that it''s trying to put file_download into a column in versions when I run rake test:units ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ''file_download'' in ''field list'': INSERT INTO `versions` (`file_download`, `name`, `project_id`, `updated_at`, `id`, `revision`, `description`, `created_at`) VALUES (''hemingway_alpha_zip'', ''Alpha 1'', 2980859, ''20...
2007 Aug 02
ActiveRecord Limitation (Advance)
Or is it ? Need to be able to :- @search = Form.find(:all, :include=>[:form_type, :form_type_items], :conditions=>....) I need in the Form model a :form_type_items, the question is, what is the relationship type? Current Models:- Form belongs_to :form_type FormType has_many :form_types has_many :form_type_items FormTypeItem Belongs_to :form_type Form ---------------- | id |