search for: 40e8

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2016 Jul 28
QEMU IMG vs Libvirt block commit
...- I create/delete the snapshots, in online mode (it uses libvirt). It goes Ok, as weel. 3 - I create the snapshots in Cinder (offline) and delete then in online mode (using libvirt), then it fails with this message[1]: libvirtError: invalid argument: could not find image 'volume-13cb83a2-880f-40e8-b60e-7e805eed76f9.d024731c-bdc3-4943-91c0-215a93ee2cf4' in chain for '/opt/stack/data/nova/mnt/a3b4c6ddd9bf82edd4f726872be58d05/volume-13cb83a2-880f-40e8-b60e-7e805eed76f9' But, in this folder, there the backing files are there[2] and they are chained as think it suppose to be[3]. The...