search for: 4072

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 217 matches for "4072".

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2016 Feb 14
Streaming MOVE commands
...Dovecot devs, is streaming multiple MOVE commands by clients allowed? I am getting duplicated messages with the GNUS mail client, the interchange looks like this: *stream two moves to different folders* > 9019 UID MOVE 4062,4066,4068 "folder0" > 9020 UID MOVE 4063:4064,4067,4069:4072 "folder1" *the messages are copied* > * OK [COPYUID 1424475218 4062,4066,4068 376:378] Moved UIDs. > * OK [COPYUID 1424475231 4063:4064,4067,4069:4072 26:32] Moved UIDs. *however expunge fails to clean 4063, 4064, and 4067* > * VANISHED 4062,4066,4068:4072 thus 4063, 4064, and 4...
2007 Mar 12
How to modify a column of a matrix
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile Url:
2006 May 10
pop3 problem with small messages with no Subject: and no To: headers
...a1 006e eb15 d845 fe0c 7ee7 2a9b F$...n...E..~.*. 0x0020: 5018 16d0 3fde 0000 2b4f 4b20 3133 3237 P...?...+OK.1327 0x0030: 206f 6374 6574 730d 0a52 6574 7572 6e2d .octets..Return- 0x0040: 5061 7468 3a20 3c68 7469 3935 6b67 6576 Path:.<hti95kgev 0x0050: 4072 @r 10:51:35.416549 IP mailserver.pop3 > customer.60181: P 1633:2980(1347) ack 48 win 5840 0x0000: 4500 056b ca0d 4000 4006 30ff ceaa 0f11 E..k.. at .@.0..... 0x0010: 4624 16a1 006e eb15 d845 fe0c 7ee7 2a9b F$...n...E..~.*. 0x002...
2005 Aug 15
recompile sshd with OPIE?
...ed within the regular system build process, or must I roll my own? thanks, joel -- Joel Hatton -- Security Analyst | Hotline: +61 7 3365 4417 AusCERT - Australia's national CERT | Fax: +61 7 3365 7031 The University of Queensland | WWW: Qld 4072 Australia | Email:
2003 Jan 22
Read.table for macs
...I being really silly, and if so, how do you do it? Or is there an easier way to get data into the mac port? Or is the mac port entirely useless? Can anyone out there help? Thanks Hamish McCallum -- Dr Hamish McCallum Department of Zoology and Entomology The University of Queensland Brisbane 4072 Australia Phone (+617) 3365 2450 Fax (+617) 3365 1655
2013 Nov 28
how to recover a accidentally delete brick directory?
...49161 Y 2542 Brick 49164 Y 2537 Brick 49154 Y 4978 Brick N/A N N/A Brick 49154 Y 4072 Brick 49155 Y 11975 Brick 49155 Y 17947 Brick 49154 Y 26045 Brick 49154 Y 22143 so ar...
2002 Jul 23
Aggregate: assembling the "by" part on the fly
...#39;m wondering how to assemble the "by" argument inside when I wish aggregate() to use all the columns in my data frame. Thank you very much for your help. Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia andreww at -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not...
2010 Nov 26
get list index
...whole vector). Thanks for your help Lorenzo Lorenzo Cattarino PhD Candidate (Confirmed) Landscape Ecology and Conservation Group Centre for Spatial Environmental Research School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia Telephone 61-7-3365 4370, Mobile 0410884610 Email Internet <> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2015 Apr 20
Issues with call dropping UDP: ---> INFO sip:c2e74184-4d23-43a3-8fd9-26ba2c5ef6c9 at SIP/2.0 Max-Forwards: 69 To: <sip:4959810128 at>;tag=b3769af4-118b-4467-8c95-042247ff1776 From: <sip:84957774888 at>;tag=3638518512-132845 Call-ID: cfe34652-14c2-4072-9dea-f0b0c30cb15e CSeq: 2 INFO Allow: CANCEL, ACK, INVITE, BYE, OPTIONS, REGISTER, NOTIFY, INFO, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, UPDATE, MESSAGE, PUBLISH Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK8da58cede20b91eb54dec15ad27f866c Contact: <sip:84957774888 at> Content-Length:...
2008 Dec 15
Duplicates among columns of a data frame
...he same address. It's easy to find duplicates within individual columns, but I'm not sure how to do so across columns. Any advice you had would be more than welcome. Thanks! Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
2013 Jul 17
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Add warning capabilities in LLVM.
...rt the errors in clang. The basic idea would be to be able to do that for warnings too (and for other kind of errors?). A motivating example can be found with the following link where we want LLVM to be able to warn on the stack size to help developing kernels: By adding this capability, we would be able to have access to all the nice features clang provides with warnings: - Promote it to an error. - Ignore it. ** Challenge ** To be able to take advantage of clang framework for warning/error reporting, warnings have to be associated with warning group...
2002 Sep 28
Getting .Python to Work Under Windows
...Python call I'm making, and I can't even get it to work on simple functions. If any could please help, that would be terrific! Cheers, Jess. ______________________________________________________________ Jess Mar Department of Mathematics Phone: +617 3365 3964 University of Queensland Q 4072 Email: jcm at Brisbane, AUSTRALIA ______________________________________________________________ -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", &qu...
2003 Oct 30
Trouble reshaping some data
...tried t2 <- reshape(t1, direction="wide", timevar=t1[,3], idvar=t1[,2]) which is obviously ignorant and wrong. Thank you in advance for any comments. Regards, Andrew C. Ward CAPE Centre Department of Chemical Engineering The University of Queensland Brisbane Qld 4072 Australia
2006 Mar 23
NLME Covariates would be the the moment I have a sample of about 240 in about 100 teams with teamsizes form 2 to 5. Any advice? Thanks Robin _____________________________________________________________ Dr Robin Martin School of Psychology University of Queensland Brisbane, QLD 4072 Australia Level 1, Room 132, McElwain Bldg tel. +61 7 3365 6392 fax. +61 7 3365 4466 email r.martin at web-page
2009 Jan 22
melt stumbles over deleted columns
...ding on which method I use to delete the column I get different error messages when melting: > head(tinfos) vpn group trial_no item relation trial_type rt variable # 1 102 2 1 4351 diag1 distractor 8471 fix_d 27 2 102 2 2 1214 id target 4072 fix_d 17 3 102 2 3 4213 diag1 distractor 7040 fix_d 27 4 102 2 4 1314 id target 4370 fix_d 15 5 102 2 5 2655 vert distractor 4397 fix_d 17 6 102 2 6 3322 horiz distractor 6132 fix_d 26 > tinfos$var...
2007 Aug 28
Interpreting the eigen value of a population matrix (2nd try)
Thanks for telling me that you could not get my message, I hope this work better... so my question was: I built a population matrix to which I applied the fonction eigen in order to find the main parameters about my population. I know that the first eigen value correspond to lambda or exponential growth rate of my population. My problem is that I want to have the 95% confidence interval of the
2019 Apr 15
No CRLF in Pigeonhole's header?
...1e 0749 0000 0101 080a c345 2b51? .....I.......E+Q ? 0x0030:? b382 853c 4d41 494c 2046 524f 4d3a 3c72 ...<MAIL.FROM:<r ? 0x0040:? 4073 3066 2e6d 642e 6465 7664 6576 6465? ? 0x0050:? 762e 6e65 743e 0d0a 5243 5054 2054 4f3a>..RCPT.TO: ? 0x0060:? 3c63 6f6e 7461 6374 4072 6567 6973 2e74 <contact at regis.t ? 0x0070:? 6563 683e 0d0a 4244 4154 2032 3235 3420 ech>..BDAT.2254. ? 0x0080:? 4c41 5354 0d0a 582d 5369 6576 653a 2050? LAST..X-Sieve:.P ? 0x0090:? 6967 656f 6e68 6f6c 6520 5369 6576 6520? igeonhole.Sieve. ? 0x00a0:? 302e 352e 3520 2832 3438 3362 3038 35...
2002 Jun 09
GUI Command Equivalent for setwd()
...up the GUI dialog box that performs the same function as setwd() only interactively? I've hunted around, but can't seem to find anything. Something like file.choose(). Best wishes, Jess _____________________________________ Jess Mar Department of Mathematics University of Queensland QLD 4072, Australia -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-req...
2010 Jul 13
modifying vector elements
...mes 1.9.1...and so forth. Thanks Lorenzo Lorenzo Cattarino PhD Candidate (Confirmed) Landscape Ecology and Conservation Group Centre for Spatial Environmental Research School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management The University of Queensland Brisbane, Queensland, 4072, Australia Telephone 61-7-3365 4370, Mobile 0410884610 Email Internet <> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Sep 04
laplace transform
Dear users, is anybody of you aware of a R command to perform laplace transform or even its inversion? Thank you very much. Luca